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My eyes fluttered open. The soft breeze blowing in through the open window grazed my flesh. 

The room was dark considering it was still dark out, only slightly lit by the golden hue from the small night lamp beside the bed. 

I looked over to the right side of the bed, not surprised to not find Tori laying beside me. Ace argued with us when we got back that he wanted us to sleep in separate bedrooms. 

Obviously we didn't except that and argued back, but he said that she could either listen to him and sleep in the nice and comfy room next door, or she could go back to sleeping in the dark and cold room downstairs. 

Knowing Tori, she'd probably choose the cell room just to cross him, but I convinced her to just listen to him for now. 

She did keep me compony for a couple hours before bed though. Ace had left after the argument to do who knows what, but it gave us some room to talk freely. 

Afterwards, when we both got tired, we called it a night and she left to her room. 

I stirred in bed then slowly sat up to stretch. 

After rubbing my eyes and looking around, my heart nearly lurched out of my chest when I noticed the sinfully beautiful man sitting in the corner of the room. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled as I pulled up the blanked to cover myself. I was wearing a white tank top but it was practically see through.

Ace smirked, not bothered by my reaction. "Many things are wrong with me." 

"Seriously Ace, you have to stop watching me sleep like a creep. It's not cute." 

He chuckled and stood up. "Sweetheart, nothing about me is cute. You should've  known that by now." 

He slowly approached me. His intoxicating gaze not straying away from me for a second. Holding eye contact with him was like staring into an abyss. 

I completely forgot what I wanted to say as he bent down and pulled the blanket away from me, exposing me to him.

"Hey!" I yelled as I tried to snatch the blanket back, but he threw it on the floor and climbed on top of me. Straddling me in place.

"Don't ever shy away from my eyes." He leaned down and placed a soft kiss onto my neck. Surprisingly, I was no longer feeling the urge to punch him for touching me, but it still annoyed me. 

"You smell delicious." He whispered as his lips slid lower to my collarbone. My whole body fluttered with the chill of anticipation but I wasn't ready for anything like this, especially not with him. 

I placed my hands onto his chest and tried to push him away. "Get off me." 

He lifted his head to look at me. A soft glint in his eyes. 

To my surprise, he rolled off me, grabbed the blanket off the floor and settled beside me onto the bed without a word of complaint. 

"Well that was easier than I thought." I whispered to myself, but he heard me.

"What did you expect? That I'd force myself on you?" 

"No, but you never really listened to me when I said no before."  I glared as I laid back down. 

He pulled the cover up to my stomach and brushed away a strand of hair that landed onto my face. 

"That may be true, but I would have never actually went as far as to do something you wouldn't have wanted me to do."

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