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After agreeing to join HEX, Mr. Black visited me every few weeks to ensure I was improving.

He turned out to be a very nice man, and I've grown fond of him. After five months of being stuck in one plain room, I finally get discharged today. I was excited but nervous at the same time.

I didn't know how to act or how hard the training would be, but I knew I would train as hard as possible to take revenge.

Two of Mr Black's bodyguards were leading me outside of the hospital. After saying goodbye to the doctors and nurses, I finally left.

The first thing I saw was a black limousine parked outside. The bodyguard on my right opened the door for me, and I quickly got in. I was surprised to find Mr Black in the limousine. He smiled at me. "You ready to see your new home?"

I nodded. "I am."

His smile widened. "I'm glad to hear it."

The rest of the car ride was silent, mostly because I didn't feel like talking. I was looking out the window, and we passed a building that was very familiar to me.

We used to pass this building when my mom used to drive me and my sister to school or when we were going to the grocery store. I remember when my sister and I used to argue over random things in the backseat, and my mom would turn around and force us to hug it out while my dad laughed when we were forced to hug each other.

One time, we were having a picnic under a large, beautiful cherry blossom tree, and it was three days before my mom and sister had to go on this four-week-long trip. Mina and I were sad because we had never split apart. Mina started crying, and because of her crying, I started crying, too. My mom kept trying to get us to stop, but it wasn't working.

My dad then looked up at the tree, and I still remember the small smile that appeared on his face, and I will never forget his words. He told us not to cry because "families are like branches on a tree. We grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one."

My heart warmed at the memory, and a tear slid down my face.

I missed my family. I missed my mom's warm embraces and her kind words. Whenever I fell, she would pick me up, kiss me on the nose, and tell me not to cry because she liked me better when I smiled. Or she would stay up all night to care for me when I was sick.

I missed my dad's goofy jokes and his contagious smile. When my mom did not let Mina and me eat dessert because we didn't eat our vegetables, my dad used to sneak us some when my mom was busy cleaning.

When I would be sad about something, he would do anything to make me laugh, and when I did laugh, he started to dance his silly victory dance.

I missed Mina's bratty attitude. I missed how she and I used to fight over meaningless things. Even though she and I used to fight most of the time, we still always had each other's backs.

There was this one kid at our school who used to always make fun of me, and one day during recess, when Mina's class was out with mine, he stood on top of the slide and said that I was a loser and no one liked me. He also said other hurtful things, and it caused me to cry. Then suddenly, Mina pushed him down the slide and yelled, "No one makes my sister cry!"

She may be a year and four months younger than me, but she was tougher.

More tears slid down my face, and I quickly wiped them away. I promised myself not to cry because crying means you're weak, and being weak won't help me get revenge. I had to be strong no matter what.

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