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"Ugh, it itches!" I whined for the fifth time.

Both Tori and I are getting our undercover makeovers. Regina and Jacky, our makeup and clothing professionals, have worked on our looks for a few hours. Currently, they are placing very uncomfortable wigs on our heads.

"Girl, I've had enough of your whining. One more word out of you, and I'll hot glue this shit to your head." Jacky lightly hit me on the back of my head.

I crossed my arms and slumped back into the high chair I was sitting on while Regina and Tori laughed.

Jacky was a sassy, impatient, and very dramatic drama queen. I've known her since I first came here, and I love her to death, but sometimes she can get on my nerves.

One of my favorite things about her was her revenge tactics. A few months ago, her boyfriend broke up with her and confessed to having a secret relationship with one of his female friends.

So Jacky, being the bad bitch she is, decided to print thousands of pictures of her holding up both her middle fingers and taping them on every inch of his bedroom and bathroom, including the freaking toilet.

After ensuring everything was covered, she drove her ex-boyfriend's costly car that she bought him into the lake and made sure to take a picture of it and send it to him. Worst of all, she left pieces of raw meat in his vents.

Regina, on the other hand, was a very nice and confident type of person. She was transferred here a couple of years ago, but I was just as close to her as I was to Jacky. We had over thirty makeup professionals, but these two were my favorites.

After they were done with my so-called makeover, I looked in the huge mirror hung on the wall and cringed at the sight. My light brown hair was put into a bun under the short black wig. My green eyes were now covered with brown colored lenses, and I had a little fake acne on my face. They even put a fake nose with a slight bump over my real one.

They made my olive skin tone seem paler and my eyebrows bushy. My lips were also shaded in a more faded color. And if that wasn't bad enough, I was wearing oversized jeans and not the cute type, but the ones a twelve-year-old middle school boy would wear with an oversized hoodie.

I was informed that we would wear this streetwear if we had to go undercover with these identities outside of school. The school uniforms assigned to us were a long black skirt just below the knee, a white button shirt two sizes too big, and a red tie.

They ordered our uniforms a few sizes too back so our body figures wouldn't be so prominent or noticeable. Apparently, my character is supposed to be the nerdy type who only wears oversized clothing and has the personality of a potato.

I turned to look at Tori, only to burst out laughing. She also had a black wig on, except hers was just a bit longer, and she wore brown colored lenses as well. They made her as pale as they made me and put fake acne on her face, too. They made her eyebrows a bit Bushier than mine. They even gave her a fake nose and put her in oversized clothes like me.

I looked down at the dirty sneakers she and I were forced to wear. Mine was white with dark discoloration, while Tori's was Navy blue with a few darker spots.

We had to wear these sneakers to school because no specific shoes were assigned to the uniforms.

Tori laughed once she looked at me, but she looked horrified when she turned around to look in the mirror.

"Ew! Nerds don't look like this!" She turned to glare at Jacky and Regina. They both shrugged, stifling a laugh.

"They don't, but we were told to make you look like this. If anyone from that Mafia had suspicions of spies attending their school, they would never suspect you two." Regina stated as she finished cleaning up her station.

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