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I slowly approached my room and softly opened the door. I used my foot to shut the door behind me and trailed my eyes around the room. 

Even though I couldn't see her, I knew she was still in here somewhere. The camera only showed her coming in. If she left then it would have sent me another notification. 

I started to unbutton my shirt with one hand as I flipped on the light switch to the bathroom with the other. 

The bathroom was clear so I moved on to the walk in closet. Not finding her there either, I discarded my shirt and shoes then went back out to my bedroom. 

I acted as casual as possible, knowing she was watching me from somewhere in the room. 

My room had many open spaces so there wasn't many places she could hide without being seen. That only left one place for her to hide. 

I laid down onto the bed and loudly sighed. I closed my eyes and tried to slow my breathing, like I was slowing falling asleep. 

I wanted to see how long she was willing to wait until she decided to crawl from under the bed. 

Not going to lie, I was enjoy this. It felt like a little game. Ever since she made an appearance in my life, everyday has been more entertaining than the other. 

Surprisingly, she waited around ten minutes before she decided to make a run for it. 

She slowly stood up and started to tip toe away from my bed and towards the door. My eyes snapped open and I quietly got up and crept behind her. 

I reached out to grab her, but her little spy senses seemed to kick in because she immediately jumped back and slashed my arm with a blade she was hiding. 

A blade I knew too well because it was mine. 

I ignored the slight stinging pain from the fresh cut on my forearm and grinned at her. My little Siren has been snooping through my belongings. 

"You know, usually when the captive escapes, they don't usually hide in their captors bedroom. It's almost like you wanted to be caught." 

She glared up at me and held the blade out like she was ready to strike again. "I didn't know this was your room. If I did, then I would have waited so I could kill you in your sleep." 

My grin turned mocking. "Yeah? Well I was asleep a few seconds ago, So why didn't you end me right then and there?" 

She didn't respond to that. Instead, she backed away and tried to reach for the door handle behind her.

I followed her steps, ready to pounce on her if she tried to run, but she swung the blade at me again. Only missing me by an inch.  

She pointed the knife at me. "You take another step, and I'll rip your head off." She said with so much malice. 

Even her eyes were filled with hatred, it enraged something in me. Something that didn't ever want her to look at me like that again. 

Acting out with anger, I grabbed the knife from the blade and caught her by surprise when I pulled it out of her grasp and tossed it behind me.

"Don't kid yourself love. We both know the only thing you'll be ripping off is my clothes." 

Her eyes widened as she looked at my bare chest then down to my pants. 

I heard her trying to open the door so I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her away. She screamed and tried to punch me, but I blocked it with the bloody hand that grabbed the blade. 

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