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I completely forgot to tell Aiden about the deal between Mia and I. 

"And here comes my headache." Tori muttered.

Aiden ran up the hill, his eyes not straying away from Tori who looked like she was planning on sending him flying the moment he reached us. 

"What the hell is going on?" 

I'm sure he was directing that question to me, but he was still looking Tori down as if she's some type of illusion. 

I grabbed his arm and dragged him away so I can explain everything to him privately. 

"Why are they free? Did they run aw-"

"No. I let them out." 

His brows farrowed confusingly, taken aback by what I said. 

"Why the hell would you do that? Did you forgot the fact that they're spies who could run off any second to report back whatever Information they have on us?" 

"I know that, but I also know that Mia needs me so she wouldn't do that." 

Aiden scoffed. "Oh come on Ace, don't tell me she fucked with your head and convinced you that she loves you or some shit like that. You know damn well its complete bullshit and she doesn't need your ass." 

I glared at him, not liking how he was right about how she was fucking with my head, but not in the same way he just implied. 

"It's not that dumbass. She's after someone, but she needs me to find him so we made a deal that she stays loyal to me and I'll help her." 

I knew how stupid that sounded, but I saw the way she practically collapsed at the sight of that scumbag in that picture. 

I saw the hurt and anger in her eyes when she was telling me about her past and how she wanted revenge on those who took her loved ones away from her.

The rage in her soul mirrored my own, so I knew deep down that she would keep her promise and not betray me. 

Aiden stared at me for a long moment, contemplating what I just said. 

"If you genuinely believe her then I'll follow you with this, but what about Tori? Why the hell would she stay?" 

He turned to look at his obsession standing beside my obsession. 

"Mia spoke to her and she promised that she would stay by her side. If she leaves and gives out all that Information then she would be dooming her own best friend because she would be siding with me." 

Again, Aiden stayed quiet. Taking everything in. 

"Fine. I'll trust your choices, but just so you know, I'll be going after her like a bee hungry for nectar." 

I chuckled and playfully punched his shoulder. "I wouldn't say that shit in front of her, unless you want to lose a testicle." 

"I wouldn't mind, as long as she helps me grow a new one." 

I shook my head at him and walked back to my girl. 

"Okay, now that Aiden knows what's up, let's go introduce you to everyone else." 

I'v already came up with a story regarding both Tori and Mia. Obviously I wasn't about to expose their true identities. My friends may be loyal to me, but one command from my father and they'd spill everything. 

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