Chapter 167

211 20 34

TRIGGER WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remington Leith shared
Palaye Royale: New song in three days! Featuring someone very special. Can you work out who?

Royalcounciltruths: No offense to Palaye but I feel like they're only releasing a new song to distract us from the fact that they're paying no attention to any of their fans. It's so fucking selfish. Like I get that they have their own lives but come on! It's not that hard.

Royalcounciltruths: To everyone saying to cut the boys some slack because of what they've been through, please shut the fuck up. They're not acknowledging us like they used to and they should be called out on that.

Royalcounciltruths: It's not right to act like Remington is perfect just because of what he said about being abused and having anorexia. He still has duties as the front man and he isn't fulfilling them and that's so disappointing. He didn't even hug most fans on the last tour, even though his brothers were, and I heard he ran off in VIP one time when he saw a photo of him and Holly. It just all seems a bit over dramatic.

Royalcounciltruths: Remington can't keep using the past as an excuse for his actions. He won't hug his fans and that's just disrespectful. Why can't he just push personal matters to the side for once?

Royalcounciltruths: I know people are gonna call me hateful for this but someone needs to say it. I've lost all the respect I had for Remington. He is constantly using his persoanl issues as a way to get out of things to do with his job. Whether he has anorexia or not, and whether he was abused or not, his job is to meet fans and hug them and not chicken away like he's uncapable of being a fucking grown ass man.

Royalcounciltruths: They're only releasing a new song because they know we're all losing hope in them. They've proved time and time again that they aren't capable of putting personal issues aside for the band. It's ridiculous.

Remington Leith: I'm sorry I'm not enough for you. I really do try to give you everything you want but some things are not realistic. I can't hug people I don't know, and I'm sorry if that offends you, but it's heartbreaking for me to know I'm letting so many of you down. I don't need reminding of it every day.

Andy Black: It's not often that I adress personal issues publicly like this, but I feel the need to say this. My husband has been through the fucking worst years you can imagine and I can't sit back and watch people accuse him of things he can't control when you all know what he's experienced. Please keep your opinions to yourself if they're gonna hurt someone. Remington has been through enough. He doesn't need you tearing him down constantly. Support him and his band and please learn that posting anonymous confessions about things you don't like about him is not helping anyone. He's just one person and he needs support and love and if you aren't willing to give him that, then kindly go away. I love him too much to let this continue. Thank you.

Emerson Barrett: Stop hurting my best friend. It's hurting me too.

Remington scoffs at Emerson's tweet. He finds it rude how the drummer can post that like he didn't just tell Remington to kill himself yesterday. Talk about hyocritical. "Your tweet's very sweet," he says to Andy, "but you could've just said 'leave him alone you fucking bullies.'" He falls into Andy's lap with a hmph.

"Mm, I could have. Have you thought about telling your brothers about visiting the jail?"

"Yes, and I'm not telling them. There's no point. They'll get angry at me and I don't need that."

Andy sighs. "But they're your brothers, sweetie."

"Yes, and yesterday one of them told me to kill myself, so no thanks."

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