Chapter 29

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The first VIP session of tour is exciting, fun, cheerful. The three brothers sit and answer questions and laugh and their fans are so happy to finally be seeing them. "Yeah, you" Remington says, pointing to someone at the back with their hand up.

The girl grins. "What was the hardest part of being abused?" They all knew questions like this would be asked. What did they expect? Remington put out very personal information; of course fans are curious. They can never get enough details.

Remington shakes his head. "I'm not going to answer that," he says calmly, glancing at Emerson for reassurance. "Next question," he urges, pointing at someone else with their hand up.

"What's it like living with your brothers all the time?" Ah, right, they haven't updated them on that, either. Fantastic.

The singer chooses to answer this one. "We don't actually live together. Em lives with Shy, Seb has his own place, and I live with-um-my fiancé." Everyone gasps. No one is aware he's even dating Andy Biersack, no matter being engaged to him. "I guess this is me coming out," he goes on. "Most of you have already made theories about me being gay, and I am."

Hands go up. "Who's your fiancé?"

Remington can't help but to smile. "Oh fuck, I knew this would happen," he jokes, "Y'all are going to go crazy when I tell you." Everyone is quiet, waiting intently for him to tell them. "Andy Biersack. I'm engaged to Andy Biersack."

Shock is the initial reaction from fans, and then excitement. Emerson talks. "I guess you lot will have to stop shipping Andley now." Everyone laughs.

After the VIP, the boys sit in the greenroom getting ready for the show, and Remington phones Andy. "Hiya," the man greets, "how's it going?"

Remington puts his phone on speaker and opens an eyeshadow pallet. "I thought I'd tell you now, before you find out through social media, I kinda told everyone in VIP we're engaged." He searches for a brush, giving up and using his finger.

"Okay. I'm proud of you. Everything going okay so far?" Andy only asks in case Remington needs to talk before he goes on stage.

The boy hums. "Someone asked what the worst part of being absused was. I didn't answer." He covers his eyes with red.

Andy is surprised that he'd be asked that. Some people need to realise there are bounderies between fans and bands. "Really? That's so rude. It didn't freak you out, though? You're okay?"

Remington is just glad to be talking to Andy. That always makes him feel better. "No, I'm okay. Hopefully we won't get too many questions about it, though. I'd rather not think about it." He wonders if it's weak of him to not be so open about it. Should he be answering questions about it?

"I've got to go, sweetheart, call me after the show, yeah?"

The boy leans closer to the mirror to draw in his eyeliner. "Okay. I love you." He picks up the phone and takes it off speaker. "Wait, Andy, can I ask you something?" He's much quieter now, not wanting to be overheard. This is something between just the two of them.

Andy leans against the wall. "Yeah, sure, what is it?"

"Are you going to leave me, or-or hurt me?" He knows it's such a stupid fucking question, but suddenly he needs an answer.

Andy glances at CC, who's waiting for him in the doorway. "Never," he answers, "I can assure you that I am never going leave you, and my God, just the thought of hurting you makes me sick."

That's all Remington needed to hear. Just some assurance. "Okay. I love you."

"I love you too, angel, have a fantastic show."

After the call, Remington changes his trousers and photo bombs Emerson's Instagram story, and soon they're on stage.

They play two songs and then Remington shouts into the microphone. "It's so good to see you all! This one's called How Do You Do!"

Everyone screams, and the song begins. And then four more pass, too. Remington decides he wants to address the question he was asked in VIP. He whispers into Sebastian's ear about what he's going to do, and then sits on the front of the stage with his microphone and makes everyone be quiet.

"I understand that you're all very excited and all you want to do is make noise with me, but there's something I need to say. I opened up about a very troubling part of my life to you all in an interview and what I said in that is all you need to know. I don't want to be asked about it. It makes me incredibly anxious and sad and I just want to move past it.

I get  that it's confusing to you and that you want to know more, but I don't feel comfortable with that. Being trapped in that relationship for so long still affects me now and I need you all to understand that asking me questions or leaving comments about it makes it so much harder for me. I promise that I will tell you when I'm comfortable with that, but at the moment I'm not.

I'm engaged to Andy Biersack and we're happy and that's that. Thankyou. This is You'll Be Fine."

They meet everyone outside after and Remington is pleased that he's able to hug fans without it causing him too much distress. In the bus after, he calls Andy again while in his bunk. "It was a really good show," he says, "so much better than last tour."

Andy is so glad to hear this. "You sound cheerful," he observes.

"How was your day?"

"Great, actually. The album is coming on really well. I can't wait for you to hear it."

Hearing about Andy's day makes Remington smile. "I can't wait to hear it, either." He pulls his curtain closed.

Andy can hear how tired his lover is. "Go to sleep, princess," he suggests, "I'll still be here tomorrow."

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