Chapter 70

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Trigger warning.

The door is opened and Remington steps into his brother's house. He's told Emerson and Sebastian that he has something to tell them, and they're all meeting at Sebastian's place. It's midday, and Remington sits beside Emerson on the couch. "So what did you want to tell us?" The guitarist asks. He can't help but to notice how skinny his little brother has gotten again. He seems to be drowning in his clothes.

Remington sighs. "I've been diagnosed," he mumbles, "with-um-with anorexia." It's so difficult to say the word, to admit that there is a problem.

"Fuck, when?" Sebastian asks, not really sure how to handle the news. In a way it's a relief that there's a reason for Remington being so underweight. Surely him being diagnosed is better than him never knowing why he has issues with eating.

The boy can hear the worry in his brother's voice and it makes him feel bad. "Yesterday."

"And you've told Andy, too, yeah?" It's important to Sebastian that he is sure that Remington is living with someone who is able to help and keep him safe, and while he doesn't doubt Andy, he needs to ask anyway. Sebastian is so impressed with how well Andy handles Remington, how he doesn't snap and shout at him when he lies about something serious, or refuses to eat or go outside. He knows that if Andy were to ever shout at Remington or make him feel bad for his disorders then Remington would never trust him again. It's beautiful how much the two love each other, and how Andy can make him feel better just by being there.

Remington nods. "Told him last night," he says, "he said he'll help me."

"We're all going to help you," Emerson jumps in, "I know you don't want to hear this but I need to ask. Have you eaten today?" He's right, Remington doesn't want to hear it, but it is nice that people care enough to ask.

A new habit of Remington seems to be that of twisting his wedding ring round on his finger. It reminds him of Andy. "Yes. It made me feel sick but I ate anyway." Emerson and Sebastian know he isn't lying. Sometimes it's obvious when he's not telling the truth, but they know that this is the truth, and they're proud of him. "I don't want to talk about it, I just needed to tell you, in case it gets really bad." His phone buzzes in his pocket.

Coming home early today. Wanna go shopping?

Yes! I'll meet you at home soon. With brothers atm.

No need to come home first. I'll come get you in 20, k?

Okay. I'm at Sebastian's place. See you then :)

Remington looks up from his phone when he's tapped on the shoulder, and smiles at Sebastian. "Give me a hug," the older says, and Remington does.

He stands up and wraps his arms around his brother. "I promise I'll be okay," he whispers, "I've got you and Em and Andy and Abi, and it's going to be okay." It's odd for Remington to be saying this. Normally it's everyone else telling him it'll be okay.

"I know you will. I just miss you sometimes, pumpkin, I loved having you around all the time."

"I miss you, too, Sebby. When Andy goes on tour will you stay with me so I'm not on my own?" He's been wanting to ask for a while now. He knows that being on his own will not be good and Sebastian always does such a good job of looking after him.

Sebastian hums. "You don't even have to ask. Of course I will. When's he leaving?"

Remington sighs. It makes him sad to think about. "Next week."

When Andy arrives, Remington hugs his brothers goodbye, and the lovers spend the afternoon in town, happy. Neither of them mention anything about Remington's eating disorder because there's no need to. Talking about it makes Remington uncomfortable and all that matters is that Andy knows and that he'd never let his husband destroy himself. "You'd suit this," he remarks, holding up a shirt.

Help Me (sequel to Save Me)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя