Chapter 156

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Hey, it's Remington.

He looks at the message and then up at Andy, who's making tea. "I can't do it," he whines.

"All you gotta do is type 'hey, it's Remington, that guy who was really awkward the other night,' and send it."

"Not helping," Remington pouts.

Andy chuckles, pouring milk into the two mugs. "Sorry. Well what have you put?"

"'Hey, It's Remington.'"

"Perfect. Now send it."

The singer huffs. "Well that's the bit I can't do."

"Ah, I see."

"Don't laugh at me!"

Andy puts his arms in the air. "I'm not, silly. Send it!"

"Can you do it?"

"I'm making tea," Andy says as he's putting the milk away. He looks back at his husband sitting on the dining table and is so glad they're back home. He can see how much better the boy feels here. "Press send on three, two, one. Send!"

"Yeah, I didn't do it."

"It's just Gerard, hon."

"I'll hon you if you don't send it for me."

Andy laughs. "No offense, but that doesn't sound very scary, hon." He strokes Remington's jaw. "Number?"

The boy playfully swats his hand away. "Oh-um-fourteen."

"Thats great!"

Remington hums. "You know what else is great?"

Andy hands him a mug of tea. "What's that?"

"You sending this for me." He shoves the phone into Andy's chest and gets off the table. "Thanks!"

Shaking his head in amusement, Andy presses send and picks up his tea. "How'd you sleep last night?" He goes into the living room where Remington is stretched across the sofa.

"I had a weird dream."


"Yeah, so I was at the prison, I don't know why, and then I realise that I'm-like-an inmate. And then they tell me I've got a visitor and Holly is there and it was weird because she was...different. She was nice. And she told me she was gonna get me out. I don't know why I was even there. But she was nice, Andy. It was kinda freaky. She wasn't insulting me or shit. She was actually nice."

"That does sound weird. I wonder why you were in jail."

Remington shrugs. "Probably because of one of those husbands I killed. What was his name?"

Lifting Remington's legs up, Andy sits down. "Bartholemnew, sweetie."

"Thats a stupid name."

"It is. Know what else is stupid?"

"If you say me then I'm gonna cry."

Andy smiles. "I was gonna say Trump, but that works too."

Remington glares up at him. "Now that's mean. You're mean. I'm going to sulk in my room now."

"Are you looking forward to seeing Abigail?"

"You have no idea. I wanna hug her so bad." He sits up to drink the tea. "Sometimes I wanna go visit Holly again just to tell her to burn in hell in person."

"I could make her actually burn in hell," Andy jokes, "there's a saw somewhere."

"Oh, yes please!"

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