Chapter 92

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Trigger warning but not really it's not bad at all :)

Only Remington is visiting Sebastian today. Emerson wanted to, but Remington begged him not to because he wasn't in the mood for another argument, so he drove himself with music blasting in the car.

"I feel like we're falling apart without you," he says to Sebastian, "we keep fighting about the same things."

Sebastian wishes he was allowed to hug his brother. "Have you tried talking about it in a civil way?"

"Yes, I've tried, Sebby, but Emerson keeps getting mad at me for using Holly and my eating disorder as a excuse for being a fuck up so there's no point even trying anymore." He sighs and averts his gaze to the white clock on the wall.

The older of the two feels for Remington. He knows how Emerson can be sometimes. "You're not a fuck up, bub, you know that, don't you?"

Remington looks at his hands. "Yeah-" he says, sounding uncertain, "kind of."

"Yes. The answer is yes."


"Alright. Let's try this. Why are you a fuck up? List the reasons."

Remington twists his wedding ring on his thin finger. "I'm anorexic," he begins.

"Not your fault."

"I was abused."

"Not your fault."

"I ruin everything."

"Not even true."

The boy looks up at his brother. "I was raped."

Sebastian shakes his head. "I asked you to list reasons you're a fuck up, bub, but you didn't. You just listed everything that makes you strong. You're anorexic yet you still manage to eat, you were abused but you didn't let that ruin your love for Andy, you don't ruin everything, and you were raped, but you didn't let that ruin your love for Andy, either. Do you see what I'm trying to say?"

Nodding, Remington lets himself smile. "Yes," he pouts, "why're you so nice to me?"

"What sort of question is that?"

"Just answer it. Please?"

"Because you're my brother and I love you, and because you've been through hell and you need people to be nice to you, and because, bub, you're my brother and I love you." He observes the young man opposite him, the way his hair is black again. He must've dyed it since the last time he visited.

Remington blushes. "You said the last one twice."

"I know."

When Remington leaves the prison, he finds Andy leaning against his car, and smiles. "How'd you get here?" He asks, and kisses the man.

Andy rubs his arms. "Got the bus. I have a question that might make you cringe but I'm gonna ask anyway."

"Okay? That's not a weird sentence."

The man chuckles. "You can say no, but I thought I'd ask anyway, in case there might be a tiny chance of you not saying no."

Remington raises an eyebrow. "Are you gonna ask or are you just gonna keep talking about the question with actually asking it?" He teases, prodding Andy's chest.

"Can I take you for lunch?" He's surprised when Remington doesn't scrunch his face up and make a noise of dissatisfaction.

Instead of shaking his head, Remington just smiles and nods. "If you drive," he says, and kisses Andy again before opening the passenger door.

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