Chapter 158

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Trigger warning. Bringing back an unwanted face into this shortly. Please don't kill me (at least not until I get to the good bit) Enjoy this :)

The police station makes Remington feel uneasy. He sits in the chair as the officer asks him questions that he doesn't want to answer. It's all too familair.

"Where were you?" The officer asks. All he's been told is that Remington was attacked.

The boy just shrugs.

"You need to tell us so we can work out who it was."

Remington looks down. "We were camping," he says.


"Me and my husband. We were camping."

The officer writes this down. "Okay. Do you know where you were?"

Remington tells him the name of the hill there were camping on.

"Were you alone when you were attacked?"


"Where was your husband at the time?"

Sighing, Remington looks up for a moment. "He was in the tent getting dressed."

"Were you far from the tent?"

Remington runs his hand over his face. "Far enough that he couldn't hear what was happening."

The officer nods. "Okay, you're doing well. Was it a man or a woman who attacked you, and what did they do?"

He shifts uncomfotably. "Man," he answers, "the same guy who attacked my husband and punched me in the street. He took our car when he attacked Andy and turned up at one of my shows while I was touring with my band. He tried to rape me outside a venue."

The man sits up straighter. "I assume you've already informed the police about all of this?"

"Yes, and they said they're trying to find out who he is."

"Okay. What did he do to you this morning?"

Remington shudders. "He grabbed me and stopped me from screaming, and-"

"How did he do that?"

"Put his hand over my mouth. I bit him but he didn't move."

"Then what?" The officer questions, noting all this down as Remington talks.

The boy thinks back to the situation. "He held me against the ground and kneed me in the stomach. And then Andy saw and he punched the guy. Then he ran off."

"What was he wearing?"

"All black I think. I closed my eyes for most of it."

"Okay. You said you bit his hand? How hard did you bite?"

Remington shrugs. "I tasted blood," he mumbles, "so pretty hard."

"How hard did he knee your stomach?"

"It's bruised," Remington says, "my ribs really hurt." He can feel the dull pain everytime he breathes in, and if he wasn't in here, he'd probably be crying.

"Do you think you can show us the bruise for evidence?"

The question makes Remington uncomfortable. "Okay," he whispers.

"I'm gonna ask you a few more questions and then we'll take some photos of your bruise, okay?"

Remington nods.

"Was there any way he could have tracked you down?"

"I don't know. We had our phones, so maybe?"

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