Chapter 64

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"So how's married life?" Emerson asks cheerfully, giving his brother a glass of fruit juice.

Remington smiles. "Very pleasant," he says, "it feels weirdly normal considering we've only been married for a month."

"Well, you look very radiant," the younger observes, "and no makeup. You must be feeling confident."

"You know, I really am!" His remark makes his best friend happy. Emerson heard about what happened the other night when Remington told him. How he was going to jump but the stranger talked him out of it and got him home safely. How he doesn't want to die anymore. And while the drummer doesn't yet believe that, he's more than happy to let the news ease his mind, and he's so glad that Remington has Andy to protect him. The man hasn't let any of them down once. "So what're we doing? An interview?"

Nodding and checking his phone, Emerson replies to a text from Sebastian. "Yep. Seb is meeting us there."

Remington hums. "How's it been on social media recently?"

"Not too bad, actually. Your tweet from Andy's account got lots of love. I think people are realising how much they were hurting you."

The boy hums. That's nice to hear. "Do you think they still hate me?" He has to ask.

Emerson shakes his head. "They never hated you, Rem, they just wanted to know what was going on. You know how they are sometimes." It's true. Remington does know how they are sometimes. Well, most of the time, actually. Their fans can be very intense.

"You're right," he says, "I'm just being paranoid. Sorry." He finishes off the juice. "How're you? How's Shy?" Remington misses Emerson. As much as he loves living with Andy, he misses living with Emerson, and with Sebastian, even though the circumstances were awful at the time.

"I'm gonna propose to her soon," the younger informs his brother, and Remington squeals. "Jesus, I'm deaf now."

The singer is grinning like an idiot. "I'm so happy for you!" He remarks, encasing Emerson in an excited hug.

The younger laughs. He is so happy to see Remington like this. "Will you be my best man?" He asks.

"You bet I will! Holy fuck, I'm so excited!" He sounds genuinely happy and it makes Emerson grin, too.

They drive to the interview in Emerson's car and both of them are in good moods as they meet Sebastian and greet the interviewer. Remington texts Andy before they start, telling him he'll buy something for dinner on the way home, and Andy reminds him to pick up milk, wishing him a good day.

The interview is fun, light, and Remington decides he's going to address the issue of mean comments. They are asked questions from fans. "The worst thing about being famous?" She asks them, and Remington takes the microphone from Sebastian to answer.

"The constant pressure to be perfect," he says, "the expectation from fans that we will tell them everything about our lives when that's just not realistic. We really try to be as open with them as we can, but it's really difficult to see so many people spreading rumours about me and my relationships and my past because I haven't told them exactly what happened. I just wish they'd give me space when I ask for it." He wonders if he's said too much. "And it's so hard to go on social media when there are so many people expecting things from me. It's like-however much I give to them, it's never enough. They want to know shit that I've only told my brothers and Andy and my therapist and it sucks." He doesn't really mean to mention Abigail, but figures that if they know he's seeing a therapist, they might see how hard this all is for him.

"The pressure is really difficult," Emerson says, leaning into the microphone. "I think that sometimes people forget that we're humans to, and that we deserve privacy and quiet just as much as the next person. It's hard, you know, because I adore every single person who's in the council, but there are times when I want to go somewhere without having to explain where I'm going."

The singer talks again. "Yeah, I can agree with that. Me and Andy went to Greece a while ago and it was like we were on trial or something with how many questions we were getting." He chuckles at the thought. It was funny, how many questions they were asked. "But I love our fans and they're all wonderful."

The interviewer talks again. "So you're releasing your new album soon, right?"

Sebastian nods. "Yep. The Bastards, on May 29th. Pre-order it now!" He winks stupidly.

After the interview, Remington and Emerson go back to the younger's house, and Remington walks to the shops from there, buying stuff to eat, milk, and a bouquet of flowers for Andy just because he can, and because he wants Andy to know how appreciated and loved he is.

On the way out of the shop, he recognises someone across the street, and realises it's the girl who saved him the other night. He crosses the street. "Excuse me?" He says when he's near enough for him to be heard. The woman stops walking and turns around. "Hi, I'm Remington, you-"

"I stopped you jumping," she recalls, offering her hand for him to shake. Remington puts down the shopping and steps to the side so he isn't blocking the way. "Faye," she introduces herself, "wow, it's great to see you looking well."

Remington leans against the wall. "I didn't get the chance to thank you the other night, but really, thankyou so much. I owe you my life." He's able to see her better now. If he was straight he'd totally be attracted to her. She's got one of those faces that makes it hard to look away, and gently curled blonde hair, stopping just above her shoulders.

"is it weird to ask how you are?"

The boy shakes his head. "No, not at all. Thank you for caring. I'm doing so much better. You made me realise that people do care."

Faye smiles. "That's good to hear. You look better. I've got to be somewhere but we should totally be friends, Remington."

"Sure! You can have my number if you want." The two new friends exchange mobile numbers and part ways.

When Remington gets home, he dumps the bags of shopping in the kitchen and puts the flowers in a pretty glass vase with water, turning around and bumping into Andy. "Oh hey," he says, happy, "I didn't hear you come in."

Andy smiles. "I'm a ghost," he jokes, ruffling Remington's hair and looking past him at the flowers on the table. "Pretty," he remarks.

"I got them for you," the boy says, "because I love you." He kisses Andy briefly and brings his hands to the bottom of his shirt, pulling it over his head and stretching.

"How was the interview?"

Remington turns back around and goes into the kitchen, folding the shirt over the back of a chair. "Really good. How was the studio?"

The man empties the bags onto the table. "Fantastic. You sound fucking awesome doing the backing vocals, baby, I think Lonny wants you to join the band."

"No one sounds better than you, though," Remington protests, "my voice is just okay."

Andy laughs out loud, opening the fridge. "Your voice is the most gorgeous voice I've ever heard. I fucking love your voice." He puts the milk away and looks at what Remington got to eat. "How many people are you planning on feeding?"

"Shut up, I didn't know what to get so I got everything." Remington switches on the kettle and opens a box of grapes.

"The whole shop, by the look of it," the older teases, and Remington giggles. "Are you making tea?"

Humming and spinning around to get the teabags, Remington nods. "Do you want some?"

"Yes please. Here." He hands Remington a bunch of grapes.

"Oh, I saw the girl who helped me the other night. We swapped numbers."

Andy is happy to hear this. Making friends is a good thing for Remington to do. "That's great. I'm so glad she found you in time."

"Me too."

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