On Tour?

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Addie/Mack- Tell us what?
The boys turned around to see the girls standing in the doorway.
Cash- Uh.
Mav- Well.
Carter- Umm.
Mackenzie and Addison folded their arms waiting for an answer.
Mav- Girls, come sit with us.
Mackenzie and Addison went into the room and sat on the couch with the guys.
Mav- We have something we need to tell you.
Addie- We're listening.
Cash- We should've told you this a while ago already.
Carter- And we know we shouldn't have kept this from you.
Mack- Guys just tell us. You can tell us anything.
Cash- Okay well...
Mav/Cash- We are going on tour.
Carter- And I'm going with them.
Mack- What's so bad about that?
Mav- We leaves next week.
The girls were speechless.
Addie- How long have you known about this?
Cash- A-About a month.
Mack- And you didn't tell us this whole time?
Mackenzie looked at Carter.
Carter- The guys said they were going to tell you both because it was their tour. That's why I didn't say anything.
Mack- I still can't believe you didn't tell me.
Mav- We were going to, but we got caught up in preparations and then the beach trip and it slipped our minds until Carter mentioned it just now.
Cash- We are really sorry. We were going to tell you, but we were waiting for the right time I guess and we kept putting it off.
Carter- And we shouldn't have.
Addison finally decided to speak after staying quiet while still in shock.
Addie- So first you break my heart by wanting to keep our relationship a secret, then you break it even more saying you are leaving next week for a tour that you have known about for a month and you didn't tell us, your best friends and girlfriends?
Cash- Addie listen. I promise we wanted to tell you and I promise that I was going to.
Addie- Don't make promises you can't keep.
Addison turned to leave the room.
Addie- Just like the one you made where you promised to care for me.
She then left and went out the front door. Cash ran his hand through his hair and then got up to go to his room.
Mack- I'm going to find Addie.
Mackenzie got up to leave. Carter followed her.
Carter- Mack wait.
Mack- Don't Carter. You kept something this important from me and I know you said they were going to tell us, but you could've made sure we knew somehow. I just need some time.
Mackenzie went out the door leaving Carter standing there speechless. He walked back into the room and sat next to Maverick.
Carter- We should've told them.
Mav- I know. I don't know what to do now. The girls are crushed, we are crushed, Cash is crushed. It's like everything is falling apart.
Carter- I agree.

Meanwhile, Cash was in his room sitting on his bed. He had his head in his hands and tears were streaming down his cheeks.
Cash- I really messed up. I kept a huge secret from my girlfriend, the girl I love and have been in love with since I met her, and then broke her heart by keeping our relationship a secret and this tour secret.
He sat there and thought about what he could do to make things right. Just then, Cash lifted his head and had an idea. He left his room and ran downstairs to find Maverick and Carter.

Mackenzie went over to Addison's house and knocked on the door. Samantha answered.
Sam- Oh hey Mack. How can I help you?
Mack- Is Addie here? She left the guys' house and I was wondering if she came here.
Sam- Yeah she's up in her room. She came in upset and looked like something was wrong. Is everything okay?
Mack- Not really, but I'm sure everything will be fixed soon.
Sam- Okay. You can go on up. Let me know if there's anything I can do.
Mack- I will. Thank you Mrs. Stewart.
Mackenzie went upstairs to Addison's room and knocked on her door.
Addie- Go away mom!
Mack- Addie, it's me.
Addie- Mack?
Mack- Yeah.
Addie- Don't come in.
Mack- Why not?
Addie- Because I'm a hot mess and I don't want you to see me like this.
Mackenzie could tell Addison was crying.
Mack- Well come to the door and sit down so I can talk to you through the door.
Addison got up and went to her bedroom door sliding down the wall. Mackenzie did the same on the other side.
Addie- Okay. I'm here.
Mack- Are you okay?
Addie- Do I sound okay?
Mack- I'm not Cash don't get sarcastic with me.
Addie- I don't want to hear his name right now and no I'm not okay.
Mack- Me neither.
Addie- I can't believe they would keep something like that from us.
Mack- I mean I get it, but I don't. I get that they wanted to tell us at the right time, but I don't get how they put it off this long knowing they had to tell us and we had to find out by overhearing it.
Addie- Exactly. And not to mention Cash and I are in another situation.
Mack- Yeah that makes it worse.
Addie- It's just, it feels like he has broken my heart and I don't know how he is going to put it back together.
Addison then started to cry again.
Mack- Aww Addie. Please don't cry. You're going to make me cry.
Addie- Too late.
Mackenzie then started to cry too. They both pulled their knees up to their chests and cried into their arms. Samantha could hear the girls crying, but she decided to let them cry it out for a bit.

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