Will You Go Out With Me?

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The guys smiled at the girls as they pulled away from their hug.
Cash- I think you guys should talk.
Mack- Yeah.
Addie- Me too.
Mav- We will be down here if you need anything.
Mack- Thanks.
Addie- My room?
Mack- Yeah.
The girls went upstairs. They put Mackenzie's stuff in her room before walking to Addison's room and sitting on the bed.
Mack- Listen Addie, I'm-.
Addie- No Mack. I'm the one who needs to apologize. Can you please listen?
Mackenzie nodded.
Addie- Mack, I am so sorry. I was awful to you. I accused you of doing something that you would never intend on doing to me and I didn't listen when you tried to tell me otherwise. I know now that you were just being a friend to Cash. I knew the whole time, I guess I just let my jealousy take over because I like him a lot. I feel terrible for the way I treated you and for everything I said to you. I just hope you can eventually forgive me.
Mack- Addie of course I forgive you. After thinking when I left, I realized, with some help from Carter, that it was just your jealousy talking and you really didn't mean it. I know you like Cash a lot and I would never dream of getting in the way of you two. Plus he's not my type.
They laughed.
Addie- Yeah I guess I just wanted to be the first to be with Cash when he got the news.
Mack- And I get that. I would be the same way if it was Carter. I probably could've let you go after him, but my caring nature got in the way I guess.
Addie- And you had every right to. He's your friend and that's what friends do for each other. I'm sorry I got so jealous.
Mack- I'm sorry I got in the way.
Addie- Friends?
Mack- Best friends.
They hugged.
Addie- Now, what happened with you and Carter?
Mack- Well he came to get me last night and we took a walk so he could talk to me. After talking about the situation he convinced me to come back. He said everyone missed me and wanted me there and he umm.
Addie- He ummm what?
Mack- He kissed me.
Addie- No way! Yes!
Mack- Calm down Addie.
Addie- Then what?
Mack- Then we talked a bit more and I asked what we were and he said he knew what he wanted but it was up to me and so I kissed him.
Addie- AHH Mack!
Mack- Addie chill.
Addie- I can't this is huge! So are you two together now?
Mack- Yes we are.
Addie- Yay finally!
Mack- You sound like my mom and Dylan.
Addie- Hey the truth is the truth. I just knew it wouldn't be much longer before y'all got together.
Mack- Yeah well we are and I'm thrilled. He's so sweet and cute and makes me really happy.
Addie- I can tell. I'm glad you're happy.
Mack- Thanks. Now you.
Addie- Me?
Mack- Yes you and Cash. Spill.
Addie- It's complicated.
Mack- What did I miss?
Addie- Well after our fight, Maverick came to talk to me and that's when I calmed down enough to realize what happened with us and that I needed to talk to you. Then Cash came in later on after dinner to bring me pizza and talk to me. I told him what happened and he asked why I was mad at you and why that made me mad. I didn't know what to say so he asked me if I liked him. I told him I did and rambled a bit then he kissed me.
Mack- AHH!
Addie- Mack!
Mack- Sorry continue.
Addie- Then we talked a bit and he kissed my cheek too and I asked why he kissed me and he asked which time and I said both so he said the first was because I was rambling and the second was because he always did that, which is true. Then he kissed me again and told me he liked me too. Then I was like so that's why you kissed me and he said it was both reasons but mostly because he liked me.
Mack- Awww!
Addie- Then we talked some more and he told me goodnight and kissed me goodnight. But we never talked about what we were. Then this morning when he came down to eat he put his arms round my neck and kissed my cheek. Maverick asked him if we were together and Cash said no we weren't dating. So I don't know what to think.
Mack- I think he likes you and is just waiting for the right time to ask you out. I'm sure he wants to make it special. There's no way he would kiss your cheek like that if he lost feelings overnight.
Addie- Yeah that's what Mav told me. It just kinda hurt ya know?
Mack- Yeah but I'm sure he is just waiting. He probably wanted to wait until you fixed things with me before bringing that on you.
Addie- True I didn't think about that.
Mack- He'll come around. I can feel it.
Addie- Thanks Mack. You always know what to say.
Mack- That's what I'm here for.
They laughed.
Mack- And one more thing. If I seem to get close to Cash or I make you jealous by being near him or something, just tell me. I don't want us to get into another fight.
Addie- I will for sure.
Mack- Good now let's go with the guys. I wanna go shopping.
Addie- Same. Hey wanna prank them?
Mack- Yes!
Addie- Let's go down there yelling at each other and act like we are only fighting worse.
Mack- That's good! You're so evil.
Addie- I have been hanging around with Cash.
Mack- He is such a bad influence on you.
Addie- I know.
They laughed and made their way to the stairs before starting their "fight."

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