Hospital Meetings

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Tara pulled into the hospital parking lot and turned off the car. Her and Cash got out along with Maverick and Carter. Carter turned back to see Mackenzie leaning against the seat. He helped her out of the car along with Maverick. She could hardly stand up because of the dizziness.
Mav- This isn't going to work. She can barely hold her head up.
Carter- I know.
Carter then picked Mackenzie up bridal style and began following Cash and Tara to the enterance with Maverick following. Mackenzie had her head on Carter's shoulder and her eyes were half closed.
Carter- Don't go to sleep Mack. We are almost in there.
They walked into the hospital and up to the front desk.
Tara- We need to see a doctor. She fell and hit her head and now she is experiencing dizziness.
Receptionist- Okay put her on that stretcher and we will take her into a room. You can sit here in the waiting room while the doctor checks her head.
Tara- Okay thank you.
Carter walked over to the stretcher. He laid Mackenzie down gently and a nurse began to roll her down the hall. Mackenzie grabbed Carter's hand.
Mack- Dont leave.
Carter- I cant go with you, but I will be right here in the waiting room for you. I'll see you in a few minutes okay?
Mackenzie nodded. Carter kissed her hand and the nurse rolled Mackenzie down the hallway and into a room. Carter joined the others in the waiting room.
Carter- I feel so bad for Mackenzie. She just met us and we have already caused her trouble. Well I've caused her trouble, but you get the point.
Cash- Carter dude don't be so hard on yourself. You didn't mean to hit her, it was an accident. Accidents happen.
Mav- Yeah plus you have done a lot for her since you've met her and I can tell she really appreciates it. Most people probably wouldn't take people they hit with a bike into their homes, give them ice, and carry them into a hospital along with waiting in the waiting room.
Carter- Yeah I guess you're right. I just hope she will be okay.
Tara- She will sweetie. She's a strong girl. Everything will be fine.
Tara rubbed Carter's back. About two minutes later, a doctor came into the waiting room.
Doc- Are you four here for Mackenzie Cooper?
Tara- Yes ma'am.
Carter- How is she?
Doc- She is fine. Due to the fall she had she hit her head pretty hard. The pain is what caused her dizziness. We gave her some medications to help with that and the pain. Her head will be sore for a couple of days and she may feel a bit dizzy from time to time, but all of that should go away in the next few days. We want to keep her here overnight to keep an eye on her.
Tara- Okay. Thank you.
Mav- Can we see her?
Doc- Sure. Follow me.
Cash, Maverick, Carter, and Tara followed the doctor to Mackenzie's room. The doctor knocked on the door and peaked in.
Doc- Mackenzie? Are you up for some company?
Mack- Sure.
The doctor opened the door and let the boys and Tara in.
Cash- Hey Mack.
Mack- Hey guys.
Doc- I will leave y'all and be back to check on you later. Call if you need anything.
Mack- Thank you.
Doc- Of course.
The doctor left the room and closed the door behind her. Carter took a seat next to Mackenzie's bed.
Carter- How are you feeling?
Mack- Better. They gave me medicine to help with the dizziness and pain. My head is still a bit sore, but nothing like it was.
Carter- That's good. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I feel terrible.
Mack- Carter there's nothing to worry about. I'm fine, no huge injuries, and I will be out of here tomorrow. In only a couple of days I will be normal, crazy Mack.
Carter- Yeah but if I was paying attention, this wouldn't have happened.
Mack- I wasn't paying attention either. So stop blaming yourself because it's all okay. Nothing to worry about. Plus you've done a lot for me since I've met you. You took me into your home, carried me into the hospital, and stayed here in the waiting room for me. Not everyone would do that for me and I really appreciate it.
Carter- You're welcome and that's the same thing Mav said.
Mack- Well Mav's a smart guy.
Mav- Thank you Mack. Finally someone acknowledges my smartness.
Cash- She hasn't been around you long enough yet.
Cash, Carter, and Mackenzie started to laugh.
Tara- Cash be nice to your brother.
Cash- I was just trying to make Mack laugh.
Mav- Sure you were.
Mack- There's another chair next to my bed someone can sit in.
Mav- You can sit down mom.
Tara- One of your boys can have it.
Cash- No we are men, you are the lady and the mom. Now please have a seat.
Tara- Yes sir Cash.
Tara sat down next to Mackenzie's bed.
Mack- Aww such gentlemen. You don't find those everyday.
Cash- You also don't find Cash and Mav everyday neither.
Mack- No you don't, nor a sweet guy like Carter.
Carter smiled and blushed a bit. He tried to hide it, but Cash and Maverick noticed it. They were planning to tease him about it later. While everyone was talking, there was a knock on the door. Maverick opened the door and Addison stormed in right over to Mackenzie.
Addie- Mackenzie Lynn Cooper. How dare you scare me like that.
Mack- Nice to see you too Addie.
Addie- I'm sorry you just had me worried.
Mack- I know I'm sorry, but everything is fine now. I will be out of here tomorrow.
Addie- Good.
Addison turned around and noticed Cash and Maverick behind her.
Addie- Oh my gosh. You're Cash and Maverick!
Cash- Yeah nice to meet you. I'm guessing you're Addison?
Addie- Yeah it's so nice to meet you. Were you the one I talked to on the phone?
Cash- Yeah that was me.
Mav- I'm guessing you're a fan?
Addie- Yeah we both are. Mack I can't believe you met them.
Mack- Yeah I guess I was so worried about my head I really didn't notice that I was meeting them. Sorry guys.
Mav- It's okay we understand.
Cash- Plus it was great to get to know someone that wasn't screaming our names. Not that we don't love our fans, it's just nice to meet people that don't ask for pictures or autographs.
Mack- Well I'm really glad to meet you guys, famous or not.
Addie- Yeah and I'm sorry I went all fan girl on you when I walked in.
Cash- No it's okay. I thought it was cute.
Addie- Really?
Cash- Yeah.
Addison blushed a bit and so did Cash. They were looking into each other's eyes for a few seconds before Maverick cleared his throat.
Cash- What Mav?
Mav- Mack asked a question.
Cash- Oh sorry. Yes Mack?
Mack- I was asking Addie where my mom was.
Addie- Shes out front signing papers. The doctor saw us at the desk and heard us ask about you so she explained everything for us. Your mom is signing everything for you to leave tomorrow.
Mack- Oh okay.
About that time, Kimberly and Dylan entered the room.
Kim- Hey honey how are you?
Mack- I'm better.
Kim- That's good. Glad to see you're okay.
Mack- Me too. Hey Dylan.
Dylan- Hey Mack. Who are these people?
Mack- Well, Mom, Dylan, this is Cash and Maverick Baker, their mom, Tara, and their cousin Carter. Guys, this is my mom, Kimberly Cooper, and my younger brother, Dylan.
Carter- Hi.
Tara- Hello.
Cash- Hey.
Mav- Hi.
Kim- Hello everyone.
Dylan- Hi.
Kim- So are you two the famous tik tok stars Mackenzie and Addison are always talking about?
Mack- Mom!
The boys laughed.
Cash- Yes we are.
Kim- Oh that's so nice that they got to meet y'all. They are such huge fans. They're always talking about you boys and singing your songs.
Mack- Mom!
Kim- What?
Mack- You're embarrassing us.
The boys were laughing as Mackenzie's and Addison's faces turned red.
Kim- Oh I'm sorry honey. I just thought that you would want them to know how much you love them.
Mack- Here we go.
Kim- Okay I'll stop. I'm sure they'll enjoy hanging out with you girls if y'all become friends.
Mav- We've already become friends with them.
Cash- Yeah they are really nice and cool. Definitely great friends.
Addie- Are you talking about me too?
Cash- Yes you too.
Addie- Oh okay I didn't know because I knew y'all had already met Mack, but since I just met y'all I didn't know if you meant me too and if you didn't that's okay I completely understand I just didn't-.
Mack- Addison!
Addison stopped rambling.
Mack- They get it.
Addie- Sorry.
Addison turned red again.
Cash- It's okay don't worry about it. You are our friend too.
Addison smiled and so did Cash.
Mack- I'm thirsty.
Kim- Do you want some water honey?
Mack- Yes please.
Addie- Do you want me to go down and get you something?
Mack- Sure if you don't mind.
Addie- Not at all. Just some water?
Mack- Yeah.
Addie- Okay. I will be right back.
Cash- I'll walk with you.
Cash opened the door and let Addison walk out first. They walked down to the cafeteria to get Mackenzie a water bottle.
Cash- So you live close to Mack?
Addie- Yeah I live two houses down from her. There is a house between us where people just moved into today.
Cash- Oh yeah? That was us I'm pretty sure. Mack said she lived really close because she was walking to your house when she ran into Carter.
Addie- Oh okay. I was wondering what happened and how she met y'all.
Cash- Yeah Carter was riding his bike and turns out neither one of them were paying attention so he hit her. She fell and he brought her into the house. Now we are all friends and have met you and Mack's family.
Addie- Wow. Well I'm glad to have you guys as neighbors. Y'all are super nice and I can tell we are going to be good friends.
Cash- Me too. We had to move because our old address got leaked.
Addie- I heard about that.
Cash- Yeah so we moved in between you and Mack now. We were hoping to get some neighbors who were around our age that would keep our address a secret from the fans. Looks to me like we found some.
Addie- Of course. We won't leak your location. We wouldn't want someone to do that to us and y'all deserve your private time at home. Concerts are for the fans.
Cash- Exactly. I'm not trying to sound selfish or anything. I love my fans, I really do because without them I wouldn't be where I am now, it's just I like my privacy too.
Addie- I understand. That's with anyone, not just stars. It's sweet how y'all care so much about your fans.
Cash- Well it's because of them that we got to where we are. We couldn't be more grateful.
Addie- The fans are pretty grateful too.
Cash smiled. They got Mackenzie a water bottle and headed back to her room still getting to know each other.
While Addison and Cash were gone, Mackenzie was talking with everyone else in the room. She and Carter explained how they had run into each other and how Mackenzie had ended up in the hospital.
Kim- I'm just glad you're okay sweetie.
Mack- Me too.
Dylan- Me too. You two need to start paying more attention.
Mack- Yes Dylan.
Carter- Yeah I'm sorry man. I'll pay more attention too.
Dylan- Good because if my sister is going to hang out with you, I need to know she will be okay.
Carter- I can promise you that.
Dylan- Okay you have my permission Mack to hang out with these boys.
Mack- I didn't know I needed it, but thank you.
Mav- I love this kid.
Mack- Yeah he's something.
Kim- Well I am going to talk to the nurse and see if there is anything else I need to sign. I need to figure out how Mackenzie is getting home tomorrow because I will be working.
Tara- Would you like me to come pick her up?
Kim- I couldn't ask you to do that.
Tara- Dont be silly I don't mind at all. Y'all are our friends now and friends help each other out. I will take her home to my house from the hospital until you come home from work.
Kim- Are you sure you don't mind?
Tara- Not at all. It would be my pleasure to help.
Kim- Well thank you so much Tara. I really appreciate it.
Tara- Of course dear. Let's go get this paperwork straightened out for tomorrow so we can get Mackenzie out of here as soon as possible.
Tara and Kimberly left the room. A couple of minutes later, Addison and Cash returned with the water.
Mack- Thank you guys.
Addie- You're welcome.
Cash- Of course.
The kids were chilling in Mackenzie's hospital room when Tara and Kimberly returned.
Everything was settled for Tara to take Mackenzie home tomorrow. Everyone talked for a few more hours before it was time for everyone to start heading home. The doctor came in to check on Mackenzie before everyone left.
Doc- Everything seems to be looking good. You should be out of here by lunch time tomorrow.
Mack- Yay! Thank you.
Doc- Of course. You are welcome to have someone stay with you tonight if you want.
Mack- Yes please. I would like that.
Kim- I am going to have to take Dylan home and I have to work in the morning. If it weren't for that I would stay.
Mack- I know mom. It's okay.
Addie- I would too, but my mom wants me home soon.
Mack- No worries.
Carter- I'll stay with you if you want and if Aunt Tata or your mom doesn't mind.
Tara- That's fine with me.
Kim- I don't have a problem with it. I would feel comfortable with you having someone with you here anyway for the night.
Mack- Okay. Thanks Carter.
Carter- Of course.
Kim- Well I am going to head home. I will see you tomorrow evening honey.
Mack- Okay bye mom. Bye Dylan.
Dylan- Bye.
Kimberly gave her daughter a hug and kissed her head. Dylan gave his big sister a hug before leaving with his mom.
Tara- Okay honey. We will be back to pick you up and take you home tomorrow. You two sleep well. Carter call if you need anything.
Carter- I will. Thanks Aunt Tara.
Mack- Thank you Mrs. Tara. Bye Cash and Mav.
Mav- Bye.
Cash- See ya.
Tara- You're welcome. Bye guys.
Tara left with Cash and Maverick. Mackenzie and Carter talked for about an hour getting to know each other before Mackenzie could barely keep her eyes open.
Carter- You sleepy?
Mack- A little bit.
Carter- Go to sleep Mack. You need your rest. I'm right here if you need anything.
Mack- Okay. Goodnight Carter. Thank you for staying with me.
Carter- Of course. Goodnight.
Mackenzie closed her eyes and was out in no time. The events from today had really exhausted her. Carter stood up and kissed her forehead before laying back in the reclining chair and resting his head on the side of Mackenzie's bed. Mackenzie had given him a pillow earlier to use so he would be more comfortable due to having to sleep in a chair. Carter fell asleep after a few minutes.

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