Girl Talk

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The power had come back on during the night while everyone was asleep. Tara got up and checked on the kids to see them still sleeping in the living room. She smiled at the group of friends taking a picture of them with her phone before walking into the kitchen to make them breakfast.
While Tara was in the kitchen, the kids slowly started to wake up. Mackenzie slowly opened her eyes and stretched her arms out in front of her. She looked around to see that she was the only one awake. Or so she thought. Her eyes landed on Cash who was waving at her. She smiled and waved back. She looked to see Addison wrapped in Cash's arms and she smiled at them. Cash looked down at the girl in his arms and couldn't help but smile at her. He began to play with her hair, accidentally waking her up. Addison stirred and looked up at Cash.
Cash- Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up.
Addie- It's okay. I probably need to get up anyways. I've had enough beauty rest for one night.
Cash- Beauty rest? You don't need beauty rest. You're gorgeous.
Cash said this quietly hoping no one heard him, but the girls did in fact hear him.
Addie- Really? You think so?
Cash- No I don't think so.
Addison's face fell a bit. She moved her gaze from Cash's eyes to her arm that was wrapped around his waist. Cash took one of his hands and gently lifted her chin to meet her gaze.
Cash- I know so.
Addison smiled and couldn't help the blush that crept onto her cheeks. She leaned up and kissed Cash on the cheek taking them both by surprise. Cash smiled and gave her a hug.
Mack- Aww.
Cash and Addison looked at her with playful glares. Mackenzie raised her hands in defense. Next to Mackenzie, Carter began to stir and slowly woke up. He rubbed his eyes and greeted his friends that were awake.
Carter- Good morning.
Cash/Addie/Mack- Morning.
Before long, Maverick and Cailee woke up and were taking with the others. Suddenly, the smell of bacon filled their noses. Tara called them from the kitchen.
Tara- Breakfast is ready!
Cash jumped up and accidentally threw Addison to the floor in the action. He had his hands in the air as he cheered.
Addie- Ow.
Cash's smile disappeared as he looked down at Addison on the floor. He knelt down next to her.
Cash- Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to throw you down.
Addie- It's okay. I'm fine. No injuries.
Cash- Okay good.
Cash wrapped one arm under her legs and the other around her back, picking her up in his arms. He began to walk to the kitchen while carrying Addison. He turned to look at the others who had amused looks on their faces.
Cash- Are you guys coming or do I have to eat all of the food myself?
Addie- What about me?
Cash- You know what I meant.
Cash walked to the kitchen as the others stood up to follow him while shaking their heads and laughing.
Mack- Bless his heart.
Carter- You can say that again.
Mack- Bless his heart.
Carter gave her a glare and Mackenzie stuck her tongue out at him. Carter pushed her lightly and Mackenzie got a shocked look on her face. Carter laughed and Mackenzie pushed him back.
Carter- So that's how it's gonna be?
Mack- Guess so.
Carter lunged towards Mackenzie and started to chase her to the kitchen. Mackenzie ran behind Maverick and hid with her hands on his shoulders.
Mav- Alright alright. Leave the poor girl alone.
Carter- Yes dad.
Maverick looked at him with a "really" look and everyone began to laugh while sitting down at the table.
Cash- Hey! He's my dad!
Carter- No he's my dad!
Cash- My dad!
Carter- Mine!
Mack- Oh my.
Addison took a piece of bacon from Cash's plate and began to eat it. Cash noticed and turned his attention to her.
Cash- Hey!
Addie- What?
Cash- That was my bacon.
Tara- Oh Cash there's plenty to go around.
Addie- Had to get you to stop arguing somehow.
Cash took a piece of bacon from Addison's plate and ate it.
Cash- There. Even.
Addie- Okay.
Everyone laughed at their silliness as they finished eating. The girls helped Tara clean the table and dishes since the guys weren't much help. They couldn't stop chasing each other around the room long enough to accomplish anything. After cleaning up, the kids went into the living room to talk and hang out before Cailee had to go home. She wasn't able to stay but one night before heading back to CA with her parents.
Before long, it was time for her to leave.
Cash- Bye Cailee! See you soon!
Cailee- Bye Cash! Behave.
Cash- Always!
Cailee- Okay.
They hugged and then Cailee said goodbye to Carter and hugged him before moving on to the girls.
Cailee- I'm so glad we got to see each other again.
Mack- Me too.
Addie- Yeah. It was so much fun. I hate it was so short.
Cailee- Me too. Hey let's stay in touch this time.
The girls laughed and made sure they had each others' numbers. Cailee hugged each of them before moving on to her boyfriend.
Mav- I'm going to miss you.
Cailee- I'm going to miss you too. But we will see each other soon.
Mav- I know. I just hate saying goodbye.
Cailee- Don't we all?
They laughed before sharing a long, tight hug.
Cash- I want a relationship like that.
Addie- Me too.
Cash and Addison looked at each other and quickly looked away when locking eyes with the other. Both of their faces turned red.
Mav- Be safe. Call me when you get there.
Cailee- I will. Bye babe.
Mav- Bye Cailee.
Maverick kissed Cailee before she walked out the door waving goodbye to her friends. Mackenzie and Addison decided to go home so they could change and leave the guys to have some guy time.
Cash- See you later.
Addie- Bye!
Mack- See ya! Thanks for everything!
Addie- Tell your mom we said thank you!
Mav- Of course. Bye!
Carter- Bye!
The girls left and went to their separate houses to change and freshen up a bit. Mackenzie then texted Addison to come over so they could hang out and have some girl time. Addison came over 10 minutes later and the girls went to Mackenzie's room. They listened to some music and had a mini dance party before settling down on Mackenzie's bed to talk.
Mack- So tell me.
Addie- Tell you what?
Mack- Cash.
Addison's face began to turn pink and she couldn't help but smile.
Addie- What about him?
Mack- You know what! I can't even say his name without you blushing and smiling.
Addie- So?
Mack- So come on. We're girls and best friends. Tell me about you guys!
Addie- You know everything because you see it. There's nothing new.
Mack- True, but I don't know your feelings necessarily when all of this happens. How does he make you feel?
Addie- How do you think he makes me feel?
Mack- Like you're on cloud nine and like you're the most special girl in the world.
Addie- Wow that was extremely accurate.
The girls laughed.
Addie- It's true though. He makes me feel so special and never fails to tell me I'm beautiful. I love hanging out with him because he is so fun and brings out the best in me. It's unbelievable.
Mack- I know how you feel. I don't think it'll be too much longer before we hear wedding bells and I'm standing next to you at your wedding.
Addie- Wedding bells? Mack we aren't even dating!
Mack- Yet!
Addison blushed and smiled as Mackenzie wiggled her eyebrows at her.
Addie- I can't say I wouldn't mind dating him.
Mack- See?
Addie- Yes Mack I know I have it bad. But he's just so cute!
Mack- I have a feeling you two will end up together.
Addie- I honestly hope so. He makes me feel so amazing and butterflies just erupt in my stomach whenever he's around.
Mack- I know the feeling.
Addison raised her eyebrows at her best friend.
Addie- You do? Who makes you feel like that?
Mack- No one. I just know how it feels.
Addie- You can't know how it feels unless someone makes you feel like that Mack.
Mack- Dang it.
Addie- It's Carter isn't it?
Mackenzie didn't say anything. She just looked at Addison smiling.
Addie- It is! Aww I knew it! Y'all would be so cute together.
Mack- Thanks Addie but let's not get crazy. He probably doesn't even like me back.
Addie- Oh now I know how you feel when having these conversations with me. Honey, he hides his feelings more than Cash and Maverick do because he is more quiet. I do catch him looking at you from time to time though and he held you during the movie. I think y'all should spend more time together and see how it goes. What do you have to lose? Y'all will be friends no matter what.
Mack- True.
Addie- And if it's meant to be then it'll work itself out.
Mack- You're right. Thanks Addie. You've picked up on some great advice.
Addie- Well I have learned from the best.
Mackenzie smiled before it quickly disappeared after Addison's next sentence.
Addie- Cash. He's so good at advice.
Addison turned to see Mackenzie with a shocked look on her face. She laughed at her best friend before clearing things up.
Addie- I'm kidding Mack. It's you. Do you really think Cash can be serious enough to think deeply about something?
Mackenzie joined in on the laughter.
Mack- I don't know. He's got too much kid in his heart to tell.
Addie- I agree, but I bet he can be serious when he needs to.
Mack- I hope so. He will get himself in a ton of trouble one day if he can't be serious.
Addie- I know right?
The girls continued to laugh before talking about Cash and Carter some more. After a few hours of hanging out, Addison left Mackenzie's house to go home. She had dinner with her parents and took a shower before getting ready for bed. Before she dozed off, she got a text from Cash and Cailee.
The text from Cailee was a group text with her and Mackenzie.
Cailee- Hey girls! Just wanted to let you both know I got home safely a little while ago! Hope to see you soon! Love you! 💗
Mack- Yay! Hope to see you too! Love you! 💙
Addie- Awesome! Love you too! 💜
Addison then opened the text from Cash.
Cash- Goodnight Addie. Sweet dreams! ;)
Addie- Goodnight Cash!
Addison put her phone down and drifted off to sleep. She couldn't help but dream of Cash.

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