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After a few seconds, they pulled apart and looked at each other in silence. They both looked down and away from each other before clearing their throats and laughing.
Cash- Well that was...
Addie- Yeah.
Cash- Yeah.
Addison looked back at Cash and he smiled at her making her smile back. They were still holding hands. Just then, they both saw a flash of bright light.
Addie- Was that lightning?
Addison and Cash looked into the sky, but didn't see anything resembling a storm.
Cash- I don't know. Might've been. Maybe we should head back just in case.
Addie- Yeah it's getting late anyway.
Cash stood up and reached his hands out to help Addison up. After helping her up they stood there in front of each other for a second before awkwardly letting go of the other's hands.
Cash- Let's head back then.
Addie- Yeah.
Cash and Addison began to walk back to the playground where Maverick and Mackenzie were there waiting for them.
Mack- There you guys are!
Mav- How was your walk?
Addie- Good.
Cash- Yeah good.
Maverick and Mackenzie noticed the awkwardness between the two. Something was up.
Mack- Okay well let's head home.
Mav- Yeah it's getting late.
Cash and Addison began to walk to the car. Maverick grabbed Mackenzie's arm holding her back.
Mav- Did you notice how awkward they were being?
Mack- Yeah I did. Something is up with them.
Mav- Do you think it's bad?
Mack- I don't know. We will have to talk to them and see.
Mav- Okay. Let's not keep them waiting alone any longer.
They laughed and reached the car. Cash got in the passenger seat next to Maverick who was driving and Mackenzie sat in the back next to Addison. The drive home was kind of quiet except for the music playing on the radio. Mackenzie looked at Addison and noticed she was looking out the window. She tapped Addison's shoulder. Addison turned and Mackenzie whispered to her.
Mack- Everything okay?
Addie- Yeah.
Mack- What's up with you then?
Addie- I'll tell you when we get hone. Spend the night at my house.
Mack- Okay.
Maverick reached their house and parked the car. Cash and Maverick said goodnight to the girls and gave them hugs before going into their house. Cash and Addison felt awkward while hugging each other. Mackenzie packed her stuff and told her mom she was staying at Addison's.
Mack- Mom! I'm spending the night at Addison's!
Kim- Okay honey be careful! Love you!
Mack- Love you too!
Dylan- You're leaving Mack?
Mack- Yeah I am. I'll see you tomorrow though okay?
Dylan- Okay bye Mack. I love you.
Mack- I love you too D.
Mackenzie gave her little brother a hug before walking out the door and going over to Addison's house. She got there and as soon as she knocked on the door, Addison answered and pulled Mackenzie up to her room. Addison shut the door behind them and looked at her best friend.
Addie- Cash and I kissed.
Mackenzie dropped her bag on the floor and her mouth was wide open.
Addie- Mack close your mouth or you'll get flies in there and that's gross.
Mackenzie closed her mouth and smiled.
Mack- So that's why you and Cash were acting all awkward when you came back from your walk. It's because you two kissed!
Addie- Shh! I don't want my mom to hear. She thinks Cash and I should date and I don't want her having another reason to lecture me with.
Mack- Well I agree with her on that. Y'all are perfect for each other.
Mackenzie sat on Addison's bed and Addison sat next to her. They sat with their legs crossed facing each other.
Addie- You think so?
Mack- Yeah I do for sure. Mav does too.
Addie- Really? How do you know?
Mack- I had to talk to someone while you and Cash went off kissing.
Addie- That was not planned and I didn't mean to leave you. Cash wanted to go on a walk and told me to come with him so I did.
Mack- I know I'm just kidding. I don't mind. It's not the first time this conversation has come up between us anyway.
Addie- Man is it that noticeable?
Mack- Kinda yeah.
Addison smiled a bit and looked down.
Addie- So what now?
Mack- Do you like him?
Addie- Well yeah I do.
Mackenzie jumped up on the bed and threw her hands in the air.
Mack- I knew it!!
Addison pulled her down and covered her mouth.
Addie- Shh! My mom can't know. I'll never hear the end of it.
Mack- Sorry. I'm just so happy.
Addie- It doesn't matter anyway.
Mack- Why not?
Addie- Because just because I like him doesn't mean he likes me back. He probably doesn't and there's no point in liking someone who doesn't like you back.
Mack- Addison Rose Stewart, I know you are not giving up on him.
Addie- What?
Mack- Addie, you've liked Cash for so long and now you've become so close to him. Best friends even and you've gotten real feelings for him. You kissed for crying out loud! How can you give up on that?
Addie- Because he might not feel the same.
Mack- He kissed you.
Addie- That could've been a heat of the moment thing.
Mack- I doubt it. You may not see it, but he is so sweet towards you. He is always happy to see you and his face lights up when someone mentions you or you walk in the room. He always likes to be around you. He protects you and is always there for you. He dedicated a song to you, your favorite song even, and sang to you while holding your hand during the concert. Yes a best friend may do that, but from what I see and everyone else who is paying attention, he likes you.
Addie- You think so?
Mack- Yes I do think so. And I know for sure that I am not going to let my best friend give up her crush on a guy that most likely likes her back and has been amazing towards her.
Addison smiled.
Addie- Really?
Mack- Really.
Addie- Thanks Mack. You always know what to do.
Addison hugged Mackenzie.
Mack- Of course. That's what I'm here for. Now.
They separated.
Mack- Spill it. I want to know the full story. All details included.
Addison laughed along with Mackenzie as she proceeded to tell her best friend about the magical event that took place between her and Cash.
Meanwhile, Maverick went to Cash's room and knocked.
Cash- Come in.
Maverick entered and sat in the chair next to Cash's bed where Cash was laying down and playing on his phone.
Mav- Care to explain why you and Addie were acting so weird tonight?
Cash- What do you mean?
Mav- After you two came back from your walk, y'all were acting weird and looked awkward around each other. It's like you didn't know what to say or do.
Cash- I don't know.
Mav- Cash yes you do. Something happened between you two. Just tell me.
Cash- Fine.
Cash put his phone down and sat up while turning to face Maverick.
Cash- Addie and I kissed by the lake.
Maverick smiled at his younger brother.
Mav- Really?
Cash- Yeah. We did.
Cash couldn't help but smile at the thought.
Mav- That's good then right?
Cash- Yeah I guess.
Mav- So then why the awkwardness? That's not like you.
Cash- I don't know. I guess after that we just didn't know what to do or say really.
Maverick raised his eyebrow at Cash and smirked.
Cash- What?
Mav- You like her don't you?
Cash was silent for a moment then answered his brother.
Cash- Yeah. Yeah I do.
Mav- Aww.
Cash- Shut up. There's no point.
Cash laid back on his bed.
Mav- What do you mean there's no point?
Cash- There's no way Addie likes me back.
Mav- Are you crazy? Have you seen the way she looks at you? You two kissed for crying out loud!
Cash- I know, but that could've been just a heat of the moment thing. Just because you kiss someone doesn't mean you like them.
Maverick looked at his brother confused.
Mav- What Cash? Normally people kiss someone when they like them. How does what you said make sense?
Cash- I don't know.
Mav- Man you've got it so bad you aren't even making sense when you talk.
Cash sat up and faced his brother.
Cash- I do not have it bad.
Cash laughed and tried to brush it off. Maverick looked at his brother giving him the "Are you serious" look.
Cash- Okay I've got it bad.
Mav- I know you do buddy.
Cash- What do I do Mav? I like her a lot, but she probably doesn't feel the same way.
Mav- Cash I think Addie likes you too. Her face lights up when you are mentioned or walk in the room. You protect her and y'all both like to hang out with each other. The way she looks at you gives it away. She blushes and is always so happy around you. If that's not liking you then I don't know what it is.
Cash- Maybe she thinks of me as just her best friend because I'm always around her and protect her.
Mav- Well that may be, but she's a best friend that likes you. Mack sees it too.
Cash- Really?
Mav- Yeah. She sees the same thing I do.
Cash- Wow.
Cash began to smile.
Cash- So now what?
Mav- I think that y'all should stop being awkward around each other, be friends, and get to know each other better. Take things slow. Then when the time feels right, go for it.
Cash- You know what? You're right. I'm not giving up on her. She's amazing and she makes me so happy.
Mav- Plus she was your first kiss.
Cash- Did you really have to bring that up?
Mav- Yes I did.
Cash rolled his eyes.
Mav- But that also means that it was with your best friend. Someone that's special to you and someone you will always have in your life whether things work out or not.
Cash- True. Thanks Mav.
Mav- Anytime. You know you can always talk to me about these things. Now get some sleep.
Cash- Okay. Night bro.
Mav- Night.
Maverick left Cash's room and went to his own room. Cash got ready for bed and climbed under the covers. He began to think about what Maverick said and how much he liked Addison. He knew he wanted to be with her, but he was going to take it slow. He couldn't wait to see her the next day.

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