Old Friends

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Addie/Mack- What?
Cash, Carter, and Maverick looked at the girls confused.
Mav- Is there a problem with my girlfriend coming to visit?
Mack- What? No! Not at all.
Mav- Then why did y'all sound so surprised that she was coming?
Mack- It's just...we knew Cailee a long time ago.
Carter- You did?
Mack- Yeah and umm things didn't end the way we hoped they would.
Mav- What do you mean?
Maverick sat down next to Carter on the floor and motioned for the girls to sit on the couch. The girls sat down and decided to tell the guys what happened a few years ago.
Mack- Do you wanna tell them?
Addie- I guess.
Mav- Is it bad?
Mack- No it's not bad. It was just upsetting a bit.
Cash put his arm around Addison's shoulders.
Cash- Tell us what happened.
Addison let out a deep sigh before telling her story.
Addie- Okay well a few years ago, Cailee and I used to be best friends. Mack and I were best friends too obviously, but Cailee and I were close too.
Carter- Were you not friends with Cailee, Mack?
Mack- No I was. I just wasn't as close to her as Addie was.
Carter- Oh okay.
Addie- Anyway, we did a ton of things together and we told each other everything. It's hard to remember a time when we weren't there for each other. One day, she went to this convention thing and met a lot of famous people and became friends with them. She started to become famous herself. After she came home, she started to slowly distance away from me, well us, and we barely saw her anymore since she was becoming famous. We lost contact and I was upset because I felt like she forgot me and only cared about her famous friends and not us. Then we moved and she moved, but I kept up with her as she became famous on tik tok and started to hang out with you guys. It's just sad because we were so close and I thought that once you had a best friend like that, you would never forget about each other.
Addison had tears in her eyes from telling the story. Cash pulled her into a hug.
Cash- Aww Addie I'm so sorry. I don't think she meant to do that to you though.
Mav- Yeah Cailee is super sweet and one of the coolest girls I know. She cares a lot about her friends. I'm sure she didn't mean to do that to you on purpose.
Mack- I'm sure the move for both of us had something to do with it too because we didn't see each other, but to be fair, we didn't contact her either so I guess it's partly our fault too.
Addie- Yeah you're right. I feel bad for talking bad about her and acting like I was the only victim when she was one just as much.
Mav- Don't think that way. It sounds like it was all just a misunderstandings. I'm sure she still remembers you guys and all the fun you girls had together. I know for a fact that Cailee is excited to meet our new neighbors and best friends and that before I knew you guys knew each other a while ago I knew you three would get along great when she gets here.
Addie- Really?
Mav- Really.
Addie- Well I'm sorry I made your girlfriend seem like a bad person. I didn't mean to it's just I hate losing friends because I care about mine so much.
Mav- No it's fine. I understand. I care about my friends too and hate to lose them. But ya know, sometimes losing friends is part of life and it leads to something or someone better.
Carter- Also if Mav is right about Cailee being excited to meet y'all and y'all getting along well, then maybe you haven't lost this friend at all and it was just a break.
Mack- Carter's right. Maybe we can clear this all up and fix things between the three of us.
Mav- Yeah I think y'all should talk with Cailee when she gets here and clear everything up.
Cash- Yeah I have no doubt that everything will be okay.
Addie- I agree. Thanks guys. Again.
Everyone laughed and decided to ply a game of basketball outside while waiting for Cailee to arrive.
The game was Mackenzie and Carter verses Cash and Addison. Maverick was the score keeper and ref. Both teams were really good and were great with working together.  In the end, Cash and Addison won the game. Cash picked Addison up and spun her around while hugging her. Carter and Mackenzie high fived each other for how great they played. Cash finally put Addison down and they shook hands with Mackenzie and Carter to say "good game."
Cash- We make such a great team Addie.
Addie- Yeah we do.
Mackenzie leaned close to Maverick.
Mack- They'd make a great couple too.
Mav- Definitely.
Carter joined the whispering.
Carter- What are y'all whispering about?
Mack- Addie and Cash.
Carter- Oh. They would be so cute together.
Mack- I know right! Mav and I want to set them up, but we don't know how quite yet.
Carter- Do they have feelings for each other?
Mav- Cash told me he does.
Mack- And Addie told me she does.
Carter- So then it's settled. Operation get Cash and Addie together is a go.
Mav- So what's the plan?
Carter- I'm not sure yet, but we will figure something out.
Mack- Sounds good to me.
Cash and Addison hugged again while laughing and smiling at each other. Mackenzie took out her phone and took a picture of them.
Mack- Wanna ruin the moment?
Mav- Why?
Mack- Because it'll be funny.
Carter- You're so evil!
Mack- I know.
They laughed and looked at the happy couple.
Carter/Mav/Mack- Awww!
Cash and Addison separated and looked at their friends with an "are you serious" look.
Addie- Really?
Mack- Yep.
Addie- You just wait until you get a boyfriend Mack. I'm gonna ruin one of your moments.
Mack- Just one? I can deal with that.
Addie- You know what I meant. I'm getting you back.
Mack- I'll be waiting.
Carter- I didn't know Cash was your boyfriend?
Addison froze and tried to figure out what to say.
Addie- Huh? He's not.
Carter- You told Mack to wait until she had a boyfriend then you would ruin a moment for her. It's like you implied Cash was your boyfriend.
Addie- Oh well we aren't dating.
Cash- Yeah we're just friends.
Mackenzie and Maverick noticed Cash and Addison said those sentences with less enthusiasm. If only they knew how the other felt.
Carter- Oh okay. Just making sure.
Cash- Yeah believe me you would know if I had a girlfriend.
Mav- Yes it will be a very happy day for al of us because Cash will not be single like he has been his entire life.
Carter- Then we won't have to listen to him complain about not having a girlfriend and yelling that he needs one on the streets.
Everyone laughed except Cash even though he knew they were only joking with him.
Cash- I do not do that!
Mav- Shall we pull up the tik tok?
Cash- There's no need for that.
Everyone laughed as Cash's face turned red.
Mack- It's okay Cash. You'll find your girl one day.
Carter- Yeah! Maybe your first girlfriend will be your last and you won't have to go through heartbreak. See there's positives to being single for a long time.
Mack- Yeah and you never know. The perfect girl for you may be closer than you think.
Mackenzie winked at Addison and Addison couldn't help but smile a little.
Cash- Thanks guys.
Just then, they all heard a car pull up out front.
Mav- That must be Cailee!
They all ran inside just in time to hear the doorbell ring. Maverick went to the door and opened it up to reveal his girlfriend.
Mav- Hey babe!
Cailee- Hey baby!
They hugged and Maverick gave her a welcome kiss. They pulled apart after a few seconds.
Cailee- I missed you.
Mav- I missed you too! So glad you could come and visit.
Cailee- Me too! It's been a while.
Mav- Yeah it has, but that doesn't matter because now you're here.
Maverick leaned in and gave Cailee another kiss. Cash and Carter began to make puking noises causing Addison and Mackenzie to elbow them in the side. Maverick and Cailee separates after they heard the boys.
Cailee- And nice to see you too Cash and Carter.
Carter- Hey Cailee.
Cash- Hi Cailee!
Maverick shut the door as Cailee was hugging Carter and Cash. She hasn't seen them in a few months so they were all happy to see each other.
Cailee- Are these your best friends and new neighbors that you were telling me about?
Mav- Yes they are! Cailee, meet Mackenzie Cooper and Addison Stewart.
Cailee reached her hand out and shook both girls' hands.
Cailee- Hey guys! I'm Cailee! It's so nice to meet you both! Mav has told me so much about you two and I couldn't wait to meet you.
Mack- We've heard a lot about you too!
Addie- Yeah it's so great to see you again.
Cailee- Again?
Cailee looked at the girls confused before realization hit her. Her eyes widened and she couldn't believe it.
Cailee- Mack! Addie! Oh my gosh how have y'all been? It's been so long!
Cailee brought the girls into a group hug. Mackenzie smiled at Addison knowing Addison was happy that Cailee remembered them. Addison was so happy that Cailee recognized them  and that she indeed didn't forget her friends. She couldn't wait to fix things now that she knew Cailee remembered them.

In Between حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن