Hurt Feelings?

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The next morning, Mackenzie woke up and looked around the room. She looked in the chair next to her expecting to see Carter, but instead she found Addison sleeping.
"Wait, Carter left? He really did call someone else to come stay. Why did he do that? I didn't mean to make him leave. I can't believe he left," Mackenzie thought.
A minute or so later, Addison woke up and stretched. She looked over and saw Mackenzie already awake.
Addie- Good morning Mack.
Mack- Mornin'.
Addie- How are you?
Mack- Fine.
Addie- Good. You ready to go home?
Mack- Yes.
Addison knew something was wrong with Mackenzie because she never answered her questions with one word unless something was bothering her. She decided to ask her about it on the way home.
Addie- Mrs. Tara should be here soon to get us
Mack- Okay.
Just then, the doctor came in to check on Mackenzie.
Doc- How does your head feel?
Mack- Better.
Doc- That's good. It's only a bruise so that should heal in a couple of days. You may feel dizzy at times for the next couple of days so just take it easy.
Mack- I will.
Doc- And as soon as Tara gets here you are free to check out.
Mack- Thank you!
Doc- Of course.
The doctor left and Addison helped Mackenzie pack up her medications the doctor gave her to take home for pain and dizziness. A few minutes later, Tara walked in.
Tara- Good morning girls.
Addie- Hey Mrs. Tara.
Mack- Hey.
Tara- Are you girls ready?
Addie- Yep!
Mack- Yes!
Tara- Okay let's head out!
Tara took the girls out of the room and checked Mackenzie out of the hospital. They went to Tara's car and the girls got in the back. Tara began to drive to her house.
Tara- How did y'all sleep?
Addie- Okay.
Mack- Alright.
Tara- Those hospital rooms aren't very comfortable are they?
Addie- No they're not.
Tara- Mack honey how's your head?
Mack- Better.
Tara- Good. Any dizziness or pain?
Mack- No.
Tara- Great! The doctor told me you had medicine for both if you need it and to take it easy over the next couple of days. We will all get you back to normal.
Mack- Okay.
Tara continued to drive and let the girls talk. Addison looked  at Mackenzie and asked her what was upsetting her.
Addie- Mack what's wrong?
Mack- What do you mean?
Addie- You're not talking much and when you don't, something is always wrong. What's up?
Mack- Carter.
Addie- What about him?
Mack- He left and called you to come.
Addie- Oh yeah.
Mack- Why did he leave?
Addie- He thought you were uncomfortable and wanted someone else to stay with you throughout the night, so he called and Cash brought me up there to switch.
Mack- Why did he think that? I never said that.
Addie- He said you were mumbling about your mom, Dylan, and I while sleeping and then said that you said you were uncomfortable.
Mack- I was mumbling because I was dreaming about y'all. And yeah I was a bit uncomfortable, but I would've been okay. I just didn't know him that well. I didn't want him to leave. I probably hurt his feelings.
Addie- Maybe not. I'm sure he understands. He seemed fine last night.
Mack- Yeah but that was last night.
Addie- Just talk to him when we get home. I'm sure everything will be fine.
Mack- Okay.
The girls were quiet for the rest of the ride. Mackenzie kept thinking about Carter and how she didn't want him to leave last night. She couldn't figure out why it upset her so much that he left. "Why didn't I want him to leave? I don't like him, do I? No," she thought.
Tara pulled into the driveway and they all got out. They went inside to see Cash on the couch in the living room.
Cash- Hey guys!
Addie- Hey Cash!
Mack- Hey.
Cash- Glad to be out of the hospital Mack?
Mack- Yeah.
Cash- I bet.
Tara went to her room to clean up a bit.
Mack- Cash, have you seen Carter?
Cash- I think he's in his room. First door on your left after you walk up the stairs.
Mack- Okay. Thank you.
Cash- Yep.
Mackenzie climbed the stairs in search of Carter. Addison turned to Cash and he patted the seat next to him on the couch.
Cash- Come sit.
Addison went over and sat on the couch.
Cash- You can sit closer. I don't bite.
Addison laughed and Cash smiled. She slid over next to him. Cash put his arm around her and hugged her shoulder. Addison blushed a bit.
Cash- See you just have to trust me.
Addie- Okay.
Cash moved his arm from around Addison's shoulders and Addison got kind of sad inside.
Cash- So wanna watch a movie with me?
Addie- Sure.
Cash- Which one?
Addie- You pick.
Cash- No you pick.
Addie- No you.
Cash- You're the guest.
Addie- It doesn't matter to me.
Cash- Just pick.
Addie- Fine Disney.
Cash- Wow that really narrows it down there Addie.
Addison and Cash both laughed.
Addie- Look Cash it's not that hard. Take the remote and pick a Disney movie.
Cash- Well if it's not that hard then why don't you do it?
Cash stared into her eyes.
Addie- Because I want you to do it.
Cash turned to face Addison.
Cash- You do?
Addie- Yep.
Cash stared into her eyes and Addison stared into his. They started to lean in before they heard someone running down the stairs. They both blushed and moved back turning to the movie Cash finally picked. Just then, they turned and saw Mackenzie storming to the front door and walking outside.
Addie- What was that about?
Cash- I have no idea.
Addie- Should we go talk to her?
Cash- Nah I have a better idea. Mav!
Maverick came running into the living room.
Mav- Yes Cash?
Cash- Mack ran outside and she looked upset.
Mav- She did? I'll go talk to her. Where is she?
Cash- She went out the front door.
Mav- Okay.
Maverick walked out the front door leaving Cash and Addison in the living room.
Addie- Why did you send him?
Cash- Darlin'.
Cash put his arm around Addison again.
Cash- Sometimes a friend has to talk with someone they just became friends with or someone they don't normally get advice from for it to really stick. I know you're her best friend, but sometimes you have to hear things from someone else for them to really click. You could tell her the same thing Mav is going to tell her a million times, but when she hears it from him, it'll make sense to her. Not that there's something wrong with you, it's just hearing things from a different perspective makes things stick.
Addie- That makes sense. So why didn't you go talk to her?
Cash- Because I had to keep you company duh!
Addie- I would've been okay. You could've went.
Cash- Mav is better at those types of things.
Addie- You have an excuse for everything don't you?
Cash- Just about.
Addison laughed and Cash smiled at her.
Maverick walked out onto the front porch to see Mackenzie sitting on the front steps.
Mav- Mack?
Mackenzie looked up from her hands. Maverick sat down next to her.
Mav- What's wrong?
Mack- Carter hates me.

To be continued...

Oooooh cliffhanger!! Stay tuned to see what happens next!!

Also, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who is reading this story. I hope you guys are enjoying reading it as much as I am enjoying writing it! Love y'all! ❤️

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