A Talk Never Hurts

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Mav- What is it?
Carter- I found this note on Mackenzie's bed.

Carter, Mav, Cash, and Addie,

If you're reading this, then you've probably figured out that I'm not there. Well you're right, and you're probably wondering where I went. Well I went home. I packed my stuff and took a cab back home. I don't see the point in being somewhere that I'm not wanted. I don't like when people are mad at me, especially my best friends, so I decided to take my self out of the picture for a bit to see if things will change. I hope they do. Please don't worry about me. I'm fine and you have my number if you need me. I hope you guys have a great time on the rest of your vacation. I wish I could be there with you, but it seems like I'm not wanted there so I'll stay out of the way for now. Have a blast and I love you guys.


Cash- So she went home?
Carter- I guess so.
Mav- I can't believe she feels that way. She is wanted here. She's our best friend.
Cash- I know. Something big must've happened between her and Addie when they talked. We need to talk to them and figure this out.
Carter- I'm going to take the Jeep and go back home to talk to her. I'll see if I can get her to come back by tomorrow. Don't worry about dinner for us.
Cash- Okay. Be careful man.
Mav- Yeah good luck.
Carter- Thanks.
Cash- So what's for dinner now?
Mav- We will save burgees for another night. Mack likes burgers and I'd hate to eat them without her.
Cash- Sounds good to me. What are we gonna do about Addie?
Mav- I think I have an idea of why she might be mad. I'm going to go talk to her and see if I can get any information about what happened with her and Mack.
Cash- Okay. I'll go order a pizza.
Mav- Sounds good.
Cash went downstairs to order the pizza while Maverick went to Addison's room to talk to her. He knocked on the door and Addison opened it.
Addie- Oh hey Mav.
Mav- Hey Addie. Can I talk to you for a minute?
Addie- Sure.
Addison let Maverick in and they sat across from each other on her bed.
Addie- So what's up?
Mav- I wanted to know what happened with you and Mack.
Addie- Oh.
Addison looked down.
Mav- Was it bad?
Addie- Yeah it was. We fought and we aren't on good terms I don't think.
Mav- What happened?
Addie- I was mad at her and she came to talk to me. When I told her why I was mad we started to yell and argue. She then walked out and we haven't spoken since.
Mav- I see. What were y'all fighting about?
Addie- What do you mean?
Mav- Why were you mad?
Addison didn't say anything.
Mav- You can tell me.
Addie- Well-.
Addison hesitated.
Mav- Is it about how Mack was comforting Cash after we found out our great grandma passed away and it wasn't you?
Addison looked back up.
Addie- How did you know?
Mav- So I was right.
Maverick smiled.
Addie- Mav.
Mav- Sorry, but seriously. Is that why you're mad?
Addie- Yeah it is.
Mav- Why did that make you mad?
Addie- I thought Mack was stealing Cash away from me. I mean I know we aren't dating or anything, but she knows I like him and I thought she was trying to get in the way.
Mav- Because they were talking and hugging.
Addie- Yeah. I wanted to be there for him, but she beat me to it.
Mav- She was just trying to be a friend. She did the same to me. She just wanted to be there for him because they're friends. Didn't she tell you that?
Addie- Yeah, but I didn't listen. I kinda got carried away and accused her for stealing him from me.
Mav- So that's when the fight started.
Addie- Yeah. She kept trying to tell me that she was just being a friend and I wouldn't listen. I kept saying that she knew I liked him and she had no right to get in the way when she in fact did because that's what friends do for each other.
Mav- That's right. So then Mack left your room after that?
Addie- Not exactly. She said she didn't come here to be accused for something she didn't do and then I said I didn't come here to hang out with someone who would do that to their best friend and then she asked why she was here and I said it's not to hang out with me then she left.
Mav- Oh I see.
Addie- Mav I feel so bad. Thinking about it now I probably hurt her feelings big time. I didn't listen to her and knowing she wouldn't do something like that I accused her of doing it anyway. I really messed up.
Mav- We all mess up sometimes. But you know, Mack still loves you and will forgive you if you come clean. It's just a big misunderstanding.
Addie- You're right. I'm gonna go talk to her now.
Mav- You can't.
Addie- Why?
Mav- She-She went home.
Addie- She did?
Mav- Yeah. She left a note saying she went home. It's in her room if you want to read it.
Addie- Dang. I really messed up.
Mav- Carter went home to talk to her. I have a feeling that she might come back by tomorrow.
Addie- Really?
Mav- Maybe. But whenever you see her, y'all need to talk this out.
Addie- Do you think she'll forgive me?
Mav- If I know Mack, she will because she cares too much about you and your friendship to throw it away over something like this. I know you're the same way and care just as much.
Addie- Yeah I do.
Mav- Then I don't see why she won't forgive you. She wouldn't have went home if she didn't want to hurt you or get in the way of you and Cash.
Addie- Yeah I know. I'm sorry for all the drama.
Mav- It's okay Addie, but I don't think I'm the one you need to be apologizing to.
Addie- I know, but I feel like I need to apologize to everyone for the way I acted.
Mav- Well we appreciate it. Now when Mack comes back or when we get home, talk to her and sort things out. It'll be okay.
Addie- I will. Thank you Mav.
Mav- Of course.
Maverick got up to leave, but turned around before walking out the door.
Mav- But for the time being, you need to talk to Cash. He deserves to know and he is curious as to what caused all of this.
Addie- I know. I will tonight.
Mav- Good.
Maverick left Addison's room and she began to think.
Addie- I really messed up. I know Mack would never do that to me, but I hurt her anyway by saying she stole Cash from me. I definitely have to fix this when I see her again.
Addison got up and left her room. She made her way to Mackenzie's room and went inside. She found the note laying on Mackenzie's bed that Maverick was talking about and read it.

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