Last Day

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Cash- Will you please be my girlfriend?
Addison was speechless. She couldn't believe this was actually happening.
Addie- Yes Cash. I will be your girlfriend.
Cash smiled and picked Addison up in a hug, spinning her around. Addison laughed as Cash set her down and kissed her cheek. He led her to the blanket and they sat down.
Cash- I have something for you.
Addie- What is it?
Cash pulled out the box and handed it to Addison. She opened it to find the charm bracelet.
Addie- Oh my gosh Cash.
Cash- What? You don't like it? I can take it back and you can pick out something else or-.
Addie- No!
Addison put her hand over Cash's mouth to make him stop talking.
Addie- It's beautiful. I love it. I really do.
Cash relaxed and smiled.
Cash- I'm glad. Now can you move your hand from my mouth?
Addie- Oh sorry.
Addison moved her hand and they both began to laugh. Cash took the bracelet out of the box.
Cash- Give me your wrist.
Addison handed him her wrist and he fastened the bracelet around her arm. Addison smiled down at it as Cash held her hand. She began to laugh a bit.
Cash- What's so funny?
Addie- The way you put the bracelet on my wrist. It was like you were putting a ring on my finger.
Cash- Yeah that'll be next.
Addison looked at him shocked and Cash just smiled.
Addie- What?
Cash- The next thing I'll do is put a ring on it.
Addie- How do you know it'll be my finger?
Cash- I don't know a lot about the future babe, but I do know that you will be a part of it and if everything works out as planned, you will have my last name and a ring on your finger from me years from now.
Addison blushed and smiled as she put her head on Cash's shoulder.
Addie- To think we just got together and you are already talking about our future.
Cash- I was thinking about that the first night I met you.
Addie- You were?
Cash- Course I was.
Addie- I thought about us too.
Cash- That's nice to hear.
Cash leaned his head against Addison's and they watched the sun set.
Addie- It's so beautiful.
Cash- Yes you are.
Addie- Cash I was talking about the sun.
Cash- Me too. You're the sun shining bright in my life. And it's incredibly beautiful.
Addison blushed and Cash kissed her. They pulled apart and sat on the beach for a bit longer before cleaning up and walking hand in hand back to the house. When they got back, the others were sitting in the living room. Mackenzie was asleep on the couch with her head on Carter's lap.
Mav- How was your date?
Cash- Awesome.
Addie- Unforgettable.
Carter- And judging by your hands I'm guessing y'all are together?
Addie- Yeah.
Mav- Yes!
Carter- Finally!
Carter jumped up and Mackenzie rolled off the couch causing her to wake up when she hit the floor.
Mack- Ow!
Carter- Oops. Sorry Mack.
Carter helped her up and back on the couch.
Cash- It never fails for you to knock her down somehow huh?
Carter- Shut up Cash.
Everyone laughed.
Mav- It might be because she's literally falling for him.
Mack- Ha ha ha. I'm tired.
Addie- Me too. I'm going to bed. Goodnight everyone.
Mack- Same Goodnight.
Mav- Night.
Carter- Night.
Mackenzie went upstairs and Addison started to follow her before she heard Cash clear his throat behind her.
Addie- Yes?
Cash- Aren't you forgetting something?
Addison smiled and went over to hug Cash and kiss him goodnight. They separated and Addison went up to bed. Both her and Cash fell asleep with smiles on their faces because they were finally together after having feelings since day one.

The Next Day

Addison woke up because she felt like someone was watching her. She opened her eyes and almost jumped out of bed when she saw Cash staring at her.
Cash- Good morning beautiful.
Addie- Cash what are you doing here?
Cash- Uh I'm on this trip and I don't even get a good morning? Rude.
Cash folded his arms.
Addie- Fine. Let me try again.
Addison closed her eyes and reopened them to look at Cash.
Addie- Good morning Cash.
Cash- That's better.
Addie- Now why are you in here staring at me while I'm sleeping?
Cash- I wanted to be the first thing you saw when you woke up.
Addie- You're something else.
Cash- But I'm your something else.
Addie- Yes. Yes you are.
Cash leaned down to kiss Addison, but she pushed him away.
Addie- Don't kiss me yet. I have morning breath.
Cash- I don't care.
Addie- You will if you smell or taste it. Go downstairs and I'll give you a kiss when I brush my teeth.
Cash- Why can't I stay in here?
Addie- Because I have to get dressed too. Now out.
Cash- Man my girlfriend's bossy.
Mackenzie walked by as Cash said that.
Mack- It's part of the package.
Cash- Oh is it? Interesting.
Cash followed Mackenzie downstairs where Carter and Maverick were making breakfast. Mackenzie went over and hugged Carter and he kissed her head.
Carter- Morning babe.
Mack- Morning.
After Addison finished brushing her teeth and getting ready, she went downstairs to meet the others.
Cash- There you are! Can I have my kiss now?
Addie- Yes Mr. Impatient.
Addison gave Cash a good morning kiss and hugged him.
Mack- You look cute Addie.
Addie- Thanks Mack you too.
Cash- My baby always looks cute.
Cash put his arm around Addison's shoulders and kissed her cheek.
Addie- And you're just plain cute.
Cash- Plain?
Addie- You know what I meant.
Cash- I know.
Maverick and Carter began to make gagging noises.
Mack- Leave then alone. It's cute.
The food was ready so everyone sat down at the table to eat. They made small talk about what they wanted to do for their last day. They decided to go to a nearby water park, have a barbecue for dinner, and have a bonfire on the beach to end the day. After eating, everyone cleaned up and went to get ready for the water park. They met downstairs and got into the jeep with Carter driving. He drove them to the water park and everyone got out when he parked the car. They put their stuff on a table and began to walk around to the different slides. They rode some really fun slides before the boys wanted to ride a really tall water slide. The girls weren't too fond of the idea.
Addie- I don't know Cash.
Mack- That's high.
Cash- Come on it'll be fun. We can ride together.
Carter- Yeah you can ride with me Mack.
Mav- And I'll go first to show you it isn't bad.
Cash- What do ya say?
Addie- Fine.
Mack- Okay.
Everyone went to get in line. Maverick went first and seemed to have a blast. Then it was Mackenzie and Carter's turn. They got ready before the lifeguard told them they could go.
Carter- You ready?
Mack- I guess.
Carter- You'll be fine.
Carter grabbed her hand and squeezed it. The lifeguard told them they could go and they went down the slide. Mackenzie screamed, but it was mostly from excitement. They got to the bottom and Carter helped Mackenzie out.
Mav- How was it?
Mack- It was really fun.
Carter- And fast.
Cash and Addison were ready to go and Cash reached for Addison's hand.
Cash- You're going to be fine Addie. I won't let anything happen to you.
Addie- Okay.
The lifeguard told them they could go and they began to ride down. Addison screamed just like Mackenzie did, but had a great time. When they got to the bottom, Cash helped her out and they met up with the others.
Mav- So?
Carter- Did you like it?
Cash- It was awesome.
Addie- Yeah it was.
Mack- I know right?
Mav- I can tell by the way you were screaming.
Addie- That was Cash.
Cash- Oh don't go blaming your screaming on me young lady.
Everyone laughed and rode some more slides before deciding to go. They grabbed their stuff and Carter drove them back to the beach house. They put their stuff away and went outside for the barbecue.
Mav- We can finally have the burgers now that Mack is back.
Cash- Hey that rhymed.
Addie- Yes it did baby. Good job.
Addison patted his shoulder.
Carter- Yeah we didn't want to have them without you since you like them so much.
Mack- That's sweet. Thank you.
Mav- Of course.
They grilled up the burgers and fixed them how they liked them. They sat down to eat and made small talk while eating. After they all finished, they cleaned up and walked down to the beach. The boys set up some firewood for the bonfire. The girls got the stuff ready to make s'mores. Maverick lit the fire and got it going.
Mack- Okay who wants a marshmallow?
Cash- ME!
Carter- Me!
Mav- Me!
Addie- And me!
Mack- Okay then.
Mackenzie passed out the sticks and the marshmallows to everyone and they began roasting them. They made s'mores and had a great time around the fire. Cash and Maverick even sang a few songs occasionally having the others join them. The sun began to set and Cash grabbed Addison's hand. He led her to the water's edge.
Cash- I had an amazing time with you this week.
Addie- Me too. It has been one of the best beach trips I've ever been on. Mostly because of you.
Cash- I agree to that. I'm so happy we are together.
Addie- Me too. I feel happier somehow if that's even possible.
Cash- It is. I feel the same way.
Addie- I can't believe we are going home tomorrow.
Cash- Me neither, but it's not like we are saying goodbye and it's definitely not going to be our last trip.
Addie- I hope not.
Cash- It won't. I promise.
They stopped walking and Cash wrapped his arms around Addison from behind as she leaned against him. They looked out over the water and just enjoyed each other's company.
Mav- Hey lovebirds! We're leaving!
Cash- I guess that's our cue to leave.
Addie- Guess so. It's late anyway and I'm tired.
Cash- Okay then.
Cash picked Addison up bridal style and began to walk back to the house.
Addie- You don't have to carry me.
Cash- I know, but I want to.
Addie- You're so sweet.
Addison kissed his cheek and laid her head on his shoulder. They made it back to the house and Addison went up to her room to shower and change. After everyone showered, they met in the living room to watch a little TV before everyone went to their own rooms to crash. They wanted to be well rested for the trip home tomorrow.

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