Pool Party!

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The guys had been living in between the girls for a couple of weeks now. The families have gotten close and the kids closer. They hang out almost everyday when the guys aren't working on their music. School was almost out for the girls, so the amount of work they had to do was winding down. They would be out of school in three weeks. The group has gotten so close and their friendships are stronger than ever. James is still convinced that Cash and Addison are more than friends along with Mackenzie and Carter, but every time he teases them, they assure him they are just best friends.
Today, the guys decided to go swimming in their pool. They wanted to have a mini pool party, so they invited the girls to join them. Addison and Mackenzie got their stuff together and met each other on the guys' porch. They knocked on the door, but received no answer.
Addie- Hmm that's weird. I know they're home.
Mack- Yeah. They must be out back or something.
Just then, Addison got a text from Cash.
Cash- When you get here, come around back through the side gate. Can't wait to see you ;)
Addison was smiling while replying.
Addie- Okay be there in a minute! Looking forward to seeing you too :)
Mack- Why are you smiling?
Addie- No reason. Cash said to go through the side gate and meet them around back.
Mack- Oh so that's why you were smiling.
Addie- No!
Mackenzie gave her the "I know it was, don't deny it look."
Addie- Okay fine it was, but it's nothing.
Mack- Okay...
Addie- I'm serious!
Mack- Alright alright!
Mackenzie shook her head as her and Addison walked through the side gate and into the boys' backyard. They went up the steps to the pool deck and put their stuff down on the chairs under the shelter. They took their shorts and shirts off and got ready to swim. The guys hadn't come out yet.
Mack- Where are the guys?
Addie- I have no clue.
Just then, Cash came running out from behind a bush and tackled Addison into the pool. When they resurfaced, Addison saw Cash, Maverick, Carter, and Mackenzie laughing. She splashed Cash.
Addie- Not funny.
Cash- You're right it wasn't funny. It was hilarious.
Cash laughed even harder as Addison splashed him. She couldn't help but laugh with him. His laugh was contagious.
Cash- Are the rest of you getting in? The water feels great!
Carter- Yeah I'm coming!
Carter backed up a few steps before running and jumping into the pool. Maverick jumped in behind him.
Addie- Come on Mack. It's not cold.
Mackenzie sat on the edge of the pool and put her feet in.
Cash- You've got to be kidding me Mack. That's not swimming. That's lazy.
Mack- I have to get used to it.
Cash- Honey, you get used to it by, oh I don't know, jumping in!
Addie- Yeah you get it over with in one jump.
Mack- But-.
Just then, Mackenzie felt someone lift her up from the side of the pool. It was Carter and Maverick. No one noticed that they had gotten out of the pool.
Carter- Since you're not going to jump in, we will help you.
Mack- Guys no. Don't jump in with me like this.
Mav- Oh we won't. That's dangerous.
Maverick and Carter had evil looks in their eyes. Cash and Addison were smirking and swam back a bit.
Mack- Well if you aren't going to jump, then put me down.
Carter- Okay.
Mav- One.
Carter- Two.
Mav/Carter- Three!
Carter and Maverick threw Mackenzie into the pool and jumped in behind her. Mackenzie resurfaced and splashed the guys. She couldn't help but laugh with the rest of them. They swam around for a bit before Cash and Carter wanted to play chicken fight.
Cash- Lets play chicken fight!
Carter- Yes!
Mack- That game is so fun.
Addie- Yeah it is.
Mack- Especially when you win, like I do most of the time.
Addie- Oh is that so?
Mack- Yep.
Addie- Well we will see about that girly.
Mack- Bring it on darlin'.
Cash- Oh snap! Girl fight!
Carter- Let's do this.
Mav- I'll be the ref. Who is on what team?
Addie- Cash let's go.
Cash- Yeah let's show them who's boss.
Mack- Alright Carter, you're with me.
Carter- Let's go.
Cash and Carter helped the girls get on their shoulders. Addison and Mackenzie were facing each other up top.
Mack- Ready?
Addie- Born ready!
Cash- Heat that? My girl was born ready!
Carter- Hope your balance isn't as weak as your smack talk.
Cash- Oh that's how it's gonna be?
Carter- Guess so.
Mav- Are both sides ready?
Carter- Yep.
Cash- Always.
Addie- Let's go.
Mack- Call it!
Mav- And go!
Addison and Mackenzie began to push each other trying to make the other fall off. Carter and Cash held on tight to the girls so they wouldn't fall. After a few minutes, Addison pushed Mackenzie and she lost her balance. Carter couldn't hold her up and they both fell in the water.
Mav- We have a winner!
Addison raised her hands in the air and Cash took a lap around the pool with Addison on his shoulders. Mackenzie and Carter resurfaced and watched the victory parade.
Carter- Sorry bout that.
Mack- No worries. It was my fault too.
Cash and Addison came back and Cash ducked under water so Addison could get down with Maverick's help.
Addie- That was fun.
Mack- Yeah it was.
Carter- Good game guys.
Cash- Yeah good game.
They all shook hands while laughing. They hung around in the pool for another hour before deciding to get out. Everyone got out and started to dry off. After sitting in the sun for a few minutes, the girls put their clothes back on and grabbed their stuff. The guys invited them to come inside for a bit and allowed them to change. The girls gathered their things and followed the guys inside. On the way in, Addison slipped on a puddle of water on the deck and fell, twisting her ankle.
Addie- Ow!
Mack- Addie!
The guys turned around to see Addison on the ground. Cash immediately ran to her side.
Cash- Are you okay?
Addie- I don't know. I slipped and hurt my ankle.
Cash- Can you walk?
Addie- I don't know.
Cash- Let's try.
Cash helped Addison stand up. She tried to put weight on her foot, but immediately fell back into Cash's arms.
Cash- I'll take that as a no.
Mav- Bring her in here to the couch.
Cash picked Addison up and carried her into the living room. He sat her down on the couch and Maverick got a pillow to prop her foot up on the coffee table. Cash sat next to her.
Mav- Does it hurt?
Cash- Mav, yes it hurts! I ask some stupid questions sometimes, but that was more stupid than something I would ask.
Carter- He has a point there.
Mav- Sorry! I meant how bad. I know it hurts because she can't walk.
Cash- Yes thank you Captain Obvious.
Mack- Cash.
Cash- Sorry.
Mack- What are we gonna do?
Mav- Mom should be home in a few minutes. She can look at it and figure out what to do. It doesn't look broken, but she will be able to tell.
Mack- Okay, I'm going to go change while we wait.
Mackenzie went to the bathroom and changed out of her bathing suit. She came back and joined the others in the living room. Maverick had gotten an ice pack and put it next to Addison's ankle. Addison sniffled and let some tears roll down her face. Cash wiped them away with his thumbs and put his arm around her, pulling her into a hug. Addison began to cry a bit.
Cash- It's okay baby. No need to cry.
Addie- I know. It just hurts.
Cash- I know. We're gonna fix it. Everything will be alright. Why don't you take a nap to get your mind off the pain?
Addie- Okay. Don't leave.
Cash- I won't.
Addison closed her eyes and fell asleep on Cash's chest. Cash played with her hair while she slept. About fifteen minutes later, Tara walked through the door and found the kids in the living room.
Tara- Hey guys! What happened?
Mav- Addie hurt her ankle.
Tara- How?
Mack- She was walking in and slipped on some water on the deck.
Tara- Oh my! Is she okay?
Mack- She said it hurts, but it looks better than it did. She couldn't walk on it earlier.
Tara began to examine Addison's ankle. Addison stirred and woke up. She looked at Cash with worry in her eyes.
Cash- Don't worry. You're fine.
Tara- Hey honey. How's your ankle?
Addie- It doesn't hurt as bad as it did.
Tara- Well that's good. It's still a bit swollen, but the ice is helping it go down. It's not broken, just twisted I think. No need to go to the hospital or anything.
Addie- Oh good.
Tara- If you keep ice on it, it should be good as new in a couple of days.
Addie - Okay good.
Mack- I'm gonna head home. Addie do you need some help?
Addie- Umm.
Tara- How about I give your mom a call and we will take you home.
Addie- Are you sure?
Tara- Sure. I wouldn't want you to come in and her be all confused.
Addie- Okay thank you. I think I'll be okay Mack.
Tara went to call Addison's mom.
Mack- Okay I'm gonna head home.
Carter- I'll walk you out.
Mack- Thanks for the pool day you guys!
Cash- You're welcome bye!
Mav- See ya!
They reached the door.
Carter- Bye Mack.
Mack- Bye Carter. I'll see you later.
Carter- Okay.
Carter gave her a hug and Mackenzie left. Carter went with Maverick to play some video games. Tara came back to Cash and Addison.
Tara- I talked to your mom and explained what happened. I told her Cash would bring you home.
Addie- Okay thank you so much Mrs. Tara.
Tara- Of course. I hope your ankle gets better quickly. Cash, be careful with her.
Cash- I know mom.
Tara left the room.
Cash- Addie you ready to go home?
Addie- Yeah my mom is probably worried about me now haha.
Cash- Haha yeah probably. Let's get you home then.
Cash stood up and picked Addison up. Addison wrapped her arms around his neck after grabbing her stuff. Cash walked out the door and down the steps. He began to walk towards Addison's house.
Addie- Are you seriously going to carry me home?
Cash- Yeah, something wrong with that?
Addie- No it's just I know I'm not that light and I don't want you to hurt yourself.
Cash- Nah you're as light as a feather. I could throw you around if I wanted to.
Addie- Please don't.
Cash laughed which made Addison laugh too.
Cash- I won't. And anyway even though you're light, I'm strong too.
Addie- Oh really? Where's your muscle then?
Addison felt Cash's arm and laughed at his face.
Cash- Excuse me? I have muscle.
Addie- Whatever helps you sleep at night Cash.
Cash stopped in the middle of Addison's yard.
Cash- Well then, I will let you go the rest of the way by yourself.
Addie- No please don't. Cash I'm sorry. You have muscle I was just kidding!
Cash laughed.
Cash- I know you were. I just wanted to hear you say I had muscles. I was joking too. I wouldn't dream of leaving you like that.
Addison noticed Cash blush a bit. "Why was he blushing? There's no reason for him to. Maybe it's just sunburn that I have failed to notice until now," she thought. Cash reached the front steps and knocked on the door. Addison's mom answered the door and let them in. Cash took Addison to the couch and sat her down.
Samantha- Thank you for bringing her home Cash.
Cash- No problem Mrs. Samantha. I will see you guys later.
Sam- Have a good evening Cash.
Cash- You too. Bye Addie.
Addie- Bye Cash. Thank you for everything.
Cash- You're welcome.
Cash gave Addison a hug and kissed her cheek before leaving her house and walking home.
Sam- He's such a nice boy.
Addie- Yeah he is.
Sam- I think he likes you.
Addie- Yeah I doubt that.
Sam- And you like him.
Addie- No. We are just good friends.
Sam- Really good friends.
Addie- Can I have some ice?
Sam- Sure sweetheart.
Samantha went into the kitchen and got Addison an ice pack. She came back and put it next to Addison's ankle.
Addie- Thank you mom.
Sam- You're welcome sweetie. I'm going to start dinner. Holler if you need anything.
Addie- Okay I will.
Sam- And I know what you did there.
Addie- What do you mean?
Sam- Asking me to get you ice to change the subject. I'm not dumb.
Addie- I didn't say you were and I didn't change the subject. There was nothing to say.
Sam- All I said was that he was a nice boy and that you two seemed really close.
Addie- Yeah close friends.
Sam- I think y'all would be a cute couple.
Addie- Mom!
Sam- What?
Addie- Dinner!
Sam- Okay okay.
Samantha went into the kitchen to cook. Addison got up and hopped to the bathroom to change out of her bathing suit.
Addie- Couple? Yeah right, cause that'll ever happen. Only in my dreams.

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