How About A Trip?

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Cash and Maverick were sitting in the living room watching tv when Carter entered the room to join them.
Carter- Hey guys.
Mav- Hey.
Cash- What's up?
Carter- Nothing really. What are y'all up to?
Mav- Watching tv.
Cash turned off the tv then faced his brother and cousin.
Cash- We should go on a trip!
Carter- What kind of trip?
Cash- I don't know. To the beach or something.
Mav- Yeah we haven't been to the beach in a while.
Carter- For how long?
Cash- A week maybe?
Mav- Yeah we could rent a house for a week or something.
Cash- Yes!
Carter- Not a bad idea.
Cash- What if we invite the girls to come with us?
Carter- Cool with me.
Mav- Same but let's ask mom before we start making plans to make sure it's okay.
Cash- Okay.
The three of them went to find Tara who was in the kitchen.
Tara- Hey boys.
Mav- Hey mom.
Tara- What can I do for you three?
Cash- Well mom, the three of us were thinking about going to the beach for a week for a mini vacation.
Carter- Because we haven't been in a while.
Tara- Are y'all going to rent a house or something?
Mav- We were thinking about it yes.
Tara- Okay that's completely fine with me. Just talk with your dad when he comes home, but I'm sure he will be fine with it.
Cash- YAY!
Mav- Thanks mom.
Carter- Thanks Aunt Tara.
Tara- You're welcome.
The boys were about to walk out of the kitchen when Tara caught their attention.
Tara- Hey you guys should invite Mack and Addie to go with you. I'm sure they'll enjoy going.
Cash- That's what I said!
Mav- We will once we get dad's approval.
The guys went to Maverick's room to look for a house to rent for the week. They found one that they really liked and it had five bedrooms and four bathrooms which would be enough room for everyone to have their own room. They would have to share the three bathrooms upstairs, but that wouldn't be a problem. By the time they finished looking at the house, James had gotten home from work and it was time for dinner.
Tara- Boys! Dinner!
Cash- Coming!
The boys went downstairs with Maverick's laptop prepared to show the house they found. Maverick set his laptop on the counter and joined the others at the table to eat. They blessed the food and made some small conversation while they ate before Tara mentioned the trip.
Tara- Oh James, the boys have something they want to ask you.
James- Okay.
Cash- So dad, have you ever wanted to just get away from all the commotion of daily life for a week?
Mav- Oh brother.
Carter- I didn't know we were doing a sale's pitch!
Mav- We're not.
Carter- Okay good because I am totally not prepared for that.
Cash- Anyway. My lovely brother Maverick and I along with our favorite cousin Carter would like to go to the beach for a week.
Mav- As a mini vacation.
Carter- To get away from the commotion of daily life that Cash was talking about.
James- Are you going to rent a house?
Mav- We were planning on it and we have already found one.
Maverick got up and grabbed his laptop, setting it in front of Tara and James. They both looked through the pictures and read about the house.
Tara- That's a very nice house.
James- It sure is and I see no problem in this vacation idea of yours as long as you three promise to be safe.
Cash- YES!
Carter- We will Uncle James.
Mav- Yes we promise to behave and be careful.
James- Good.
Maverick put his laptop back on the counter and took his seat at the table again to finish eating.
James- So are you bringing your girlfriends with you?
Mav- No Cailee just visited and is busy in California so she wouldn't be able to come.
James- Makes sense. What about you two?
James pointed his fork at Carter and Cash.
Cash- What do you mean? We don't have girlfriends.
James- What about the girls that live next door? Carter don't you like that Addie girl?
Mav- No Cash is the one in love with Addie.
Cash's face began to turn red.
Cash- I'm not in love with her Maverick.
Carter- Are you sure? Because every time she's around you are always by her side.
Tara- It's true honey.
Cash- That doesn't mean I'm in love with her.
Mav- Mmm it kinda does.
Cash sighed.
James- Son it's okay if you're in love with her.
Cash- I'm not in love with her though I don't think.
James- But you like her?
Cash hesitated for a moment, but then answered knowing he couldn't get out of this one.
Cash- Yes I do like Addie.
Carter- Well we all knew that.
Cash gave Carter a look.
James- Not so fast bud, you're next. What's up with you and Mack?
Carter's face turned red.
Carter- N-nothing.
Cash- Oh come on now Carter.
Carter- Fine I guess I do like Mack.
Mav- We knew that one too.
James- We sure did. It's okay to have a crush boys. It's a part of life and there's nothing to be ashamed of. Those girls are very nice, pretty, and well-mannered. I wouldn't mind if they joined the family someday.
Cash- Dad!
Carter- Uncle James!
Maverick and Tara were laughing at the show in front of them.
James- I'm just saying! Anyway I think you boys should go for it if you really like them.
Mav- Yeah I'm pretty sure the girls like you two back.
Tara- I agree with Maverick.
Cash/Carter- Really?
Mav- Yeah. Addie and Cash are obvious. As for Mack, she hides it better and so does Carter, but it's still easy to tell they like each other.
Tara- Yes I see it too.
Cash- Wow.
Carter- I know.
Cash- Do you think they know we like them?
Mav- Not sure. Probably though.
James- Well I think that y'all should hang out with them and get to know them really well like you are now since y'all are best friends. Then when the time feels right, shoot your shot. Maybe you'll find the time while you're on the trip with them if they go with you.
Carter- True.
Cash- Maybe.
James- So you're going to invite them?
Cash- Yep.
James- Nice. Plus your trip will be more fun with more people.
Carter- Yeah especially them.
James- Well Mav, that leaves you as the third wheel.
Mav- Well someone's gotta keep the others in line dad.
James- Very true son. Keep them straight.
Mav- I'll do my best.
The family finished eating and cleaned up the kitchen. The boys went back to Maverick's room to book the house for the week and play some video games. By the time they finished, it was midnight so they decided to go to bed. They would talk to the girls about the trip tomorrow.

The Next Day

The next day, the boys got up one by one and had breakfast with their parents before they both went to work. The boys decided to invite the girls over and talk to them about the trip in person.
Cash was in his room and looked out his window. He saw a figure in the window directly across from his and realized it was Addie. Their rooms were directly across from each other. Addison turned and caught a glimpse of Cash and he waved at her. Addison waved back and Cash grabbed a notepad to write on.
Cash- Hey! Can you come over? We have something to ask you!
Addison wrote back on a notepad.
Addie- Sure! I'll be over in a few!
Cash- Okay! Bring Mack with you!
Addie- Okay!
Cash put his notepad down and joined the others downstairs.
Mav- Did you get in touch with Addie?
Cash- Yeah I wrote a note to her through the window telling her and Mack to come over.
Carter- You wrote notes through the window? That's so romantic.
Mav/Carter- Aww!
Cash- Shut up.
Cash's face began to turn red and the guys watched some tv while waiting for the girls to arrive. About five minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Cash got up to answer it and opened the door to reveal the girls. He greeted them and invited them to the living room where Carter and Maverick greeted them. They all sat on the couch together.
Addie- So what did you want to talk to us about?
Cash- Well ladies, the boys and I have decided to go on a beach trip for a week.
Mav- We are going to rent a beach house.
Carter- And we were wondering if you girls wanted to come with us?
Addison and Mackenzie looked at each other before both replying.
Addie/Mack- Yes!
Cash- YAY!
Mack- But I have to ask my mom first.
Addie- Me too.
Cash- Go call them!
Mav- Cash!
Cash- Sorry I'm just anxious to know if they can go.
Addie- It's fine. I'll call my mom now.
Mack- Me too.
The girls got up and went to separate rooms to talk to their moms.
Carter- You're anxious to see if Addie can go.
Cash- And Mack.
Carter- Yeah but mostly Addie.
Cash- Yeah but mostly Addie.
Cash was mocking Carter when the girls came back in and they stopped.
Mack- My mom said yes!
Addie- So did mine! She just needs to know the details.
Mack- Same.
Cash- YAY!
Cash hugged both of the girls individually causing everyone to laugh. He hugged Addie a bit longer than Mack before letting her go.
Mav- So we are staying in this house which has five bedrooms.
Addie- Wow enough for each of us to have our own.
Cash- Yep and four bathrooms meaning we will have to share the three upstairs because there is a guest one downstairs leaving three for the bedrooms.
Mav- Two of the bathrooms are connected between two sets of rooms and then the last one is with the other bedroom.
Mack- Addie and I can share a bathroom.
Addie- Yeah that's no problem.
Mav- Okay. Then Cash and I can share the other leaving Carter with his own.
Cash- Okay.
Carter- Sure.
Mav- Okay then it's settled. We will figure out the rooms exactly when we get there.
Mack- Okay.
They looked at more pictures of the house while figuring out the details.
Addie- So when do we leave?
Cash- Well today is Thursday so we were thinking of leaving on Monday and coming home on Saturday?
Mack- That works for me.
Addie- Same. That'll give me plenty of time to pack.
Everyone laughed and agreed on the plan. Maverick finished booking the house for the days they would be there and everything was settled. The girls hung out with the guys for a few hours before heading home to start packing a bit. They couldn't wait to go to the beach and spend the week there with their best friends!

Sooooo....what do you think is going to happen on the beach trip? Will they have fun? Will there be drama? Keep reading to find out!

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