Sad News

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The next day was Wednesday. Everyone woke up between 7:30 and 9. Cash sent Maverick to get McDonald's for breakfast because he was too lazy to go himself. Mackenzie decided to go with him so he wouldn't have to go alone. Maverick and Mackenzie returned with the food and everyone ate breakfast. After cleaning up, the group decided on who was going to go to the store to buy groceries.
Cash- Let me go! I know what to get.
Mav- Cash are you sure we can trust you to buy the food?
Cash- Yes Maverick. I'm not that irresponsible.
Carter- You left the sink running after washing your hands this morning before eating.
Mav- And when I went to get a shower last night, you had closed the drain after your bath and I almost flooded the bathroom.
Cash- Okay tiny mistakes. I've learned my lesson. Those were accidents and I'm better now.
Mack- Yeah come on Mav. If you send Cash, you don't have to worry about going.
Mav- Thats true. Okay Cash you can go, but someone has to go with him to help.
Carter- I'll go.
Addie- Or I can. I don't mind getting out of the house.
Cash got on his knees and held both of Addison's hands.
Cash- Yes please come with me Addie. Please?
Addie- Cash I already said I would go so yes.
Cash- Yes!
Cash jumped up and gave her a hug. Addison couldn't help but laugh.
Carter- Man I feel loved.
Mack- It's okay Carter. Mav and I still love you.
Carter- Thanks Mack. I didn't want to go to the store anyway.
Carter walked into the kitchen.
Cash- He is a strange boy.
Mav- Thats ironic coming from you.
The girls laughed.
Mav- Anyway here's a list of things you need to buy. I'm giving it to Addie because I know she will keep up with it. Now don't buy anything crazy or something we don't need. Got it?
Cash- Yes dad. Come on Addie.
Cash ran out the door with Addison not far behind him.
Mav- You think Addie can keep him from buying extra stuff?
Mack- Nah she gives in too easily to him.
Mav- Well good thing it's Cash's money.
They laughed and joined Carter in the kitchen.
At the store, Cash got a cart and gave it to Addison to push.
Cash- Here you push and I'll grab the stuff.
Addie- Are you sure that you shouldn't push and let me grab the stuff? I have a list of everything we need and you like to buy extra.
Cash- Addie please. I've got this. Just mark off the stuff from the list when I get it.
Addie- Okay.
Addison began pushing the cart behind Cash as he grabbed the stuff that was on Maverick's list. They were doing great until Cash got to the chip and cookie isle.
Cash- Oh my gosh we have to get these and these and these and...
Addie- Cash!
Cash's hands were full of bags of chips and boxes of cookies.
Addie- We don't need all of that. There's no way the five of us can eat all of that food.
Cash- Well whatever we don't eat at the beach we can take home. Duh!
Cash threw in the snacks and continued to walk.
Addie- Cash we cant buy all of this. It's too much. You will have to put some back.
Cash- Ugh fine.
Cash picked up two bags of chips and three boxes of cookies and put them back on the shelf. That left three bags of chips and two boxes of cookies.
Cash- There now let's go.
Addison rolled her eyes and followed Cash through the rest of the store. There was no way she could get him to put it all back so why argue. They finished getting the stuff on Maverick's list and went to check out. They pushed the cart to the Jeep and loaded the bags into the back. Cash took the cart back and drove them back to the beach house. Cash parked the car and went inside to get the others to help with the bags. All five of them grabbed all the bags and brought them inside in one trip. They unpacked all the food and set it on the counter.
Mav- Cash, why did you buy three bags of chips and two whole boxes of cookies? There's no way we can eat all of that.
Carter- Hey now some of us might get hungry.
Cash- Thank you.
Mav- But still. That's a lot of snack food. I gave you a list for a reason. I thought you and Addie would be-.
Maverick was stopped in the middle of his sentence when Cash shoved a cookie in his mouth.
Mav- Mm those are good.
Cash- See? Now there's no problem with having snack food.
Addie- Whatever we don't eat here we will have in the car and at home.
Mav- You're just saying that because you know I gave you a list and you couldn't say no to him.
Addie- Yeah that too.
Mack- They have a point though. It's okay. Let's just put the food away and have some fun.
Cash- Yeah y'all do that. I'm going to play video games.
Carter- Me too!
Cash and Carter ran to the living room leaving the other three to put up all of the food.
Mack- Well they left the responsible ones to do all the work.
Cash ran back to the kitchen.
Cash- We are playing Just Dance and we could use one more person.
Addie- Just Dance? I love that game! I'm playing!
Addison ran to the living room with Cash.
Mav- Correction. Now it's the responsible ones doing all the work.
Mackenzie laughed and started to put the food away with Maverick's help. After they finished, they joined the others in the living room to see the dance battle in play. It was tied until Cash tripped over his own feet causing him to bump into Carter which led to both of them falling to the floor and left Addison with the victory.
Addie- Oh yeah! Dancing queen over here!
Cash- You just got lucky.
Carter- Yeah I would've won if it weren't for Cash.
Cash- Well I would've won if I hadn't of bumped into you!
Carter- Exactly. It's your fault.
Cash- Oh yeah.
Everyone laughed and Cash gave his remote to Mackenzie.
Cash- You're up.
Mack- Me?
Carter- Yeah you go against Addie.
Cash- Girl dance battle!
Addie- It's on!
Mack- Yeah it is!
Addison and Mackenzie picked a song and began to dance. At the end, Addison ended up winning by 10 points.
Addie- Whoo! Champion right here!
Cash- That's my girl!
Cash picked Addison up and put her on his shoulders before parading her around the living room.
Mack- I gotta say. Addie is a really good dancer.
Carter- Y'all both are. That was a good game.
Mav- Yeah it was.
Maverick's phone started to ring.
Mav- It's mom. Hi mom!
Maverick's face suddenly fell.
Mav- What? No you can't be serious.
Maverick got up and went to the other room. Cash and Addison were still walking around the living room chanting like two kids in a parade.
Mack- What do you think that's about?
Carter- No clue. I hope everything's okay.
Mack- Me too.
Maverick came back and he didn't look very happy. He got Cash and Addison's attention making Cash stop walking around the room.
Mav- Cash, the phone is for you.
Maverick had tears in his eyes as he handed Cash the phone. Cash put Addison down and looked at his brother worried.
Cash- Is everything okay?
Mav- Just talk to mom.
Cash took the phone and went outside to take the call. Maverick sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands. Mackenzie sat next to him and gave him a hug. Maverick leaned his head on her shoulder and began to cry. Addison sat next to him and rubbed his shoulder while Carter stood behind him rubbing his back.
Cash reached the back deck and answered the phone.
Cash- Hello?
Tara- Cash honey, it's your mom. I have some sad news.
Cash- What is it mom?
Tara- It's your great grandma.

To Be Continued...

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