Taking Time

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Mack- Carter hates me.
Mackenzie put her face back into her hands and started to cry. Maverick put his arms around her and hugged her.
Mav- I don't think he hates you.
Mack- You don't know that.
Mav- Tell me what happened.
Mackenzie moved her hands away from her face and looked at Maverick. She then told him what happened just a few minutes ago.

Mackenzie walked upstairs and followed Cash's directions to Carter's room. She knocked on his door. Carter answered and looked kind of upset.
Carter- Oh hey Mack.
Mack- Hey Carter.
Carter- What's up?
Mack- Umm I was wondering if I could talk to you.
Carter- Sure come in.
Carter moved and let Mackenzie in, closing the door behind her. They sat down on his bed beside each other.
Carter- So what did you want to talk about?
Mack- Why did you leave?
Carter- Leave?
Mack- The hospital last night.
Carter- Oh. I thought you didn't want me there.
Mack- Why did you think that?
Carter- Because you were mumbling about your family and Addie in your sleep and then you said you were uncomfortable.
Mack- I was mumbling about them because they were in my dream.
Carter- Then why did you say you were uncomfortable?
Mackenzie looked down.
Mack- Because I was.
Carter- See?
Carter stood up.
Mack- But that didn't mean I wanted you to leave.
Carter- Well that's the way I took it.
Mack- Why did you even call to switch? I didn't say I wanted you to leave.
Carter- I asked you if you wanted someone else to stay with you and you didn't respond so I took it as you did.
Mack- Well I didn't mean that.
Carter- Okay then tell me. What did you mean by not answering my question?
Mackenzie stood up.
Mack- I didn't know how to tell you that I was uncomfortable because I didn't know you. I thought maybe we could talk and get to know each other or something so it would be better for the both of us, but before I knew it, you were outside calling someone. Then when I woke up, you were gone and Addie was there.
Carter- Yeah because I got the sense you didn't want me there because you were uncomfortable. I was trying to make you as comfortable as possible.
Mack- I get that and I really appreciate it.
Carter- Then why are you acting like this?
Mack- Me? You're acting just as crazy as I am.
Carter- Because you're being unreasonable.
Mack- You're the one who is being unreasonable. You left when I didn't want you to and I woke up to a completely different person.
Carter- Then why didn't you tell me you didn't want me to leave?
Mack- Because I didn't know how and I was put on the spot. And before I could you were already gone.
Carter- Well maybe you need to learn how to express your feelings more and talk.
Mack- Maybe you need to learn to have patience with new people and give them a chance.
Carter- I gave you a chance, but you stayed quiet.
Mack- Because I didn't know what to say.
Carter- Well how bout this. Don't bother talking to me until you figure it out.
Carter turned around and went to his bed to sit down. Mackenzie turned and ran out of his room, slamming the door. Carter looked at the door and then put his head down. "What did I just do? Man, I really messed up," he thought.
End of flashback

Mack- And here I am.
Maverick wiped the tears from Mackenzie's face and gave her a hug. When they pulled apart, he put his arm around her shoulders.
Mav- Carter doesn't hate you. In fact, I think he cares so much about you that it upset him to see you upset at him, causing him to blow up at you. Both of y'all were hurt in some way and you didn't know what to say because of your hurt feelings. I think you both need to take some time to cool down and think about this whole situation and then talk it out.
Mack- But what if he won't talk to me?
Mav- I've known Carter since we were kids. I know that when he wants something fixed, he won't let it go until he fixes it as best he can. He won't stop until he fixes things with you. Yeah he's upset now, but both of you let your emotions take over the conversation. Once you cool down, y'all will be able to figure things out.
Mack- Really?
Mav- Really.
Mack- I don't want to lose our friendship Mav, if we ever even had one.
Mav- Y'all did and you won't lose it. I've only known you a day or so and I can tell that you really care about your friends. So does Carter and I know that both of you won't let this get the best of your friendship.
Mack- I guess you're right. I just hope I didn't hurt him.
Mav- Didn't he hurt you?
Mack- A little yeah.
Mav- Well I'm sure you said some things that hurt him so y'all are even. Once you take time to figure things out y'all will be back to where you were if not closer.
Mack- I hope so. I don't want to lose him. He's a great guy and he has done so much for me. All of you have and your friendships mean the world. I couldn't bare to lose one.
Mav- And you won't once you talk to Carter.
Mack- Okay.
Mackenzie sighed and laid her head on Maverick's shoulder.
Mack- Life is hard.
Mav- I know, but when you're at a low point, there's always a way out. You just have to find it.
Mack- I know. I'll find it.
Mav- That's the spirit.
Mackenzie lifted her head.
Mack- I think I'm gonna head home. I'm gonna take the advantage of no one being home and take some time to think this over. Get some alone time.
Mav- Okay.
Mack- Will you tell Addie that I left and not to worry about me?
Mav- Sure. Are you okay now?
Mack- Yeah. I'm just gonna take a breather so I can talk to Carter soon. Figure some things out.
Mav- Okay good. Good luck with that and if you need me, you know where to find me.
Mack- Thanks Mav.
Mackenzie stood up along with Maverick and gave him a hug.
Mack- I'll see you later.
Mav- See ya Mack.
Maverick walked back inside and to the living room.
Mav- Addie, Mack left and she told me to tell you not to worry about her that she's fine.
Addie- Oh okay. Is she okay?
Mav- I think so.
Addie- Alright thank you.
Mav- Of course.
Maverick left leaving Cash and Addison alone again.
Addie- I'm glad Mav talked to her.
Cash- Yeah he's good with giving advice. How do you think I turned out so great?
Addison laughed.
Addie- Good to know all the credit goes to Mav.
Cash- Well let's not get crazy now. I have had a big impact on my life too.
Addie- Well I would hope so. It's your life.
Cash- Are you getting smart with me?
Addie- Maybe.
Cash- Oh it's on.
Addison screamed and started running around the living room with Cash chasing her. He caught her after a minute and swung her around in his arms. Addison was laughing and so was Cash.
Addie- Cash let me go!
Cash- Not until you apologize and kiss me on the cheek.
Addie- Fine I'm sorry Cash.
Cash loosened his grip and Addison tried to get out of his arms, but he didn't let her.
Addie- Cash I apologized.
Cash- Yes, but.
Cash tuned her around.
Cash- You didn't kiss me on the cheek.
Addie- Oh for goodness sake Cash.
Cash- Do you want to be free?
Cash smirked at her and raised his eyebrow.
Addison leaned in and kissed Cash on the cheek. They both blushed a bit. Cash let her out of his arms.
Cash- Now was that so bad?
Addison looked down trying to hide her face.
Addie- No.
They both smiled at each other and sat back down on the couch.
Mackenzie left the boys' house and went home to her empty house. Carter was looking out of his window and saw Mackenzie leave. He leaned against the wall and thought about everything. He thought about how hurt he was that Mackenzie was upset with him and what went on a few minutes ago. He also thought about how upset she was and the things he said to her. "I don't want her to be mad or upset. I didn't want to hurt her. I want her to be my friend and I want her in my life," he thought. He decided he would talk to her about it the next time he saw her. He couldn't bare to let this go on.
Mackenzie entered her room in her house and plopped down on her bed. She thought about what Maverick said and how she wanted to fix things. She thought about her feelings and how she hated that Carter left, but she began to understand why he did. "I feel so bad for hurting him. I didn't mean to and I don't want him to be mad. I want to fix this," she thought. She decided to talk to him the next time she saw him. She got up and looked outside her window. Her window was right across from someone's bedroom, but she didn't know whose it was. Just then, she saw someone looking back at her and it was Carter. Her window was right across from Carter's. She waved at him and he waved back. Mackenzie grabbed a notepad and wrote a message on it then held it up for Carter to see. Her paper said, "Hey." Carter grabbed a notepad and wrote "Hey," back to her. Mackenzie wrote, "I'm sorry about the fight." Carter wrote, "Me too. Wish it didn't happen." Mackenzie wrote, "Me neither. Wanna talk?" Carter smiled and wrote, "Yes come over." Mackenzie smiled and wrote, "Okay!"

Alrighty! What's gonna happen when Mackenzie goes back over to the guys' house? Stay tuned to see what happens next!!

Hope you guys are enjoying the story! Thank you so much for reading! Love y'all!!💗

In Between जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें