After Party

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After the concert, the fans began to leave. Addison and Mackenzie were getting their stuff together when Addison got a text from Cash.
Cash- Come backstage to my dressing room. The guard knows you're coming and he will lead you here.
Addie- Okay otw!
Cash- Cool can't wait ;)
Addison smiled and looked up to see Mackenzie looking at her.
Addie- Cash said to go backstage to see them.
Mack- What about the guard?
Addie- He knows we are coming and he will take us there.
Mack- Okay.
The girls began to walk to the hallway that led backstage.
Mack- So now you will find out that Cash dedicated the song to you.
Addie- How?
Mack- Because he will probably ask if you were surprised and liked it.
Addie- Maybe.
The girls reached the guard and he smiled at them.
Guard- Mack and Addie?
Mack- Yes sir.
Guard- Please follow me. The boys are expecting you.
The guard led the girls down a hallway and to a door that had Cash and Maverick's name on the sign.
Guard- Here you are ladies. Have a nice night.
Addie/Mack- Thank you. You too.
Addison knocked on the door and Maverick answered.
Mav- Hey guys! Come on in!
Maverick hugged each of the girls and let them in. Cash came running up to them and hugged Addison. He picked her up and spun her around while hugging her.
Addie- Hi Cash.
Cash put her down and hugged her normally. You would've thought they were dating and Cash had been on tour for  months without seeing her.
Cash- Hey.
Mack- Nice to see you too Cash.
Cash- Aww is someone jealous?
Mack- No you just didn't speak to me.
Cash- Oh sorry.
Cash gave Mackenzie a hug.
Cash- Hey Mack.
Mack- Hey Cash. You're sweaty.
Mackenzie pushed Cash back a bit.
Cash- That is just proof that I work hard.
Mav- Stinky proof.
Addie- And I'm sure you smell better Mav.
Mav- I always smell better.
Cash- Now that is a flat out lie.
Mav- Is not!
Cash- Is too! What about that time...
Mack- Okay! We aren't here to watch you guys fight.
Addie- Yeah we came to see you guys and tell you what an amazing job you done.
Mack- On Cash's request.
Cash- Well come sit.
Cash led them to the couch in their dressing room. Cash put his arm around Addison as Mackenzie and Maverick sat next to them.
Cash- I can't believe you guys came tonight.
Mav- And without telling us.
Mack- Well we wanted to surprise you guys.
Addie- We bought the tickets a long time before we met y'all and we just kept it a secret.
Mack- And here we are and it was totally worth it.
Addie- Yeah your faces were priceless.
Cash- Well it was a great surprise.
Mav- Yeah we are so happy y'all came.
Cash- Yeah we had been wanting to invite you guys to a concert, but we never found time to work out details of where y'all would be and all that.
Mack- Well it was fun acting like a fan tonight.
Addie- Yeah getting to scream and dance around while singing like the other girls. What a night.
Mav- Yeah y'all looked like y'all were having fun.
Mack- We were.
Cash- Wait, you said acting like a fan. Does that mean you were only acting like a fan and you really aren't one?
Maverick gasped and held his chest.
Addie- What no! We really are fans.
Mack- It's just when we see you or watch y'all practice or something we don't scream and dance like we did at the concert.
Addie- So by acting like a fan we meant it felt good to let loose and go crazy tonight.
Mav- Haha I know I was just kidding.
Cash- I'm still not convinced.
Cash crossed his arms and lifted his head towards the ceiling.
Addie-  Cash what will prove to you that we are real fans?
Cash- Come to the park with us as a celebration for the concert.
Mack- It's kinda late Cash.
Cash- Pleeeaaaaassse?
Cash got on his knees and grabbed one of Addison's hands and one of Mackenzie's hands while pouting with his bottom lip.
Addie- Oh fine. I can't say no to that face.
Mack- Of course you can't.
Addison gave her the "Better shut up" look.
Cash- Yay! To the park!
Cash ran out the door leaving the other three behind.
Addie- And how does he think he is going to get there?
Cash came back into the room.
Cash- Umm Mav, drive us?
Mav- Yes Cash.
Cash- Okay. Come on Addie.
Cash grabbed Addison's hand and they left the room.
Mack- Typical Cash.
Mav- You have no idea.
Maverick and Mackenzie left the dressing room and followed Cash and Addison to Maverick's car. They all got in with Maverick driving, Mackenzie in the passenger seat, and Addison in the back with Cash. Maverick drove to the park and parked the car. Everyone got out and Cash immediately started running to the swings.
Cash- Swings!
Addie- He is such a child at heart.
Mav- He is a child period.
Mack- Addie is the same way.
Addie- I am not. Ooo! There's another swing! And a house at the top of the slide!
Addison ran towards the house and climbed up.
Mack- See?
Mav- Those two are a lot alike.
Mack- I know. They're perfect for each other.
Mav- It would be nice if we knew if they had feelings for each other. I would so set them up.
Mack- Same! I mean they act like it, but they could just be that close and not have feelings.
Mav- Yeah. We will have to wait and see.
Mack- Come on. Let's join them.
Maverick and Mackenzie ran to the playground. Addison had slid down the slide and was pushing Cash on the swing.
Mav- Cash some gentleman you are! Making the girl push you on the swing. Have I taught you nothing?
Cash- She doesn't mind!
Mav- Whatever.
Mackenzie was laughing along with Addison. Cash got up out of the swing.
Cash- Here Addison. I'll push you.
Addie- Cash it's okay. You don't have to.
Cash- No I insist. Apparently that's what a gentleman does so here.
Addie- No it's fine. I think you're a gentleman already. You were having fun on the swing so get back on.
Cash- I'm done swinging now and I will have fun pushing you while you have fun swinging. Now sit.
Addie- Yes Mr. Baker.
Cash laughed and Addison sat down in the swing. Cash began to push her and Mackenzie and Maverick took the remaining two swings next to them. They were all talking for a bit while swinging when Cash wanted to take a walk.
Cash- Addie, come with me.
Addie- Okay. Where are we going?
Cash- On a walk.
Cash grabbed her hand and they began to walk towards a lake across the park.
Mack- What do you think those two are up to?
Mav- There's no telling with Cash. They'll be fine though. Cash won't let anything happen to her.
Mack- Yeah Addie trusts him more than really any guy she's known.
Mav- Wow really?
Mack- Yeah. She feels safe with him.
Mav- Well that's good. Cash is very sensitive and he wouldn't do anything to hurt his friends. Neither would I.
Mack- That's how Addie and I are. Our friends mean the world to us.
Mav- Same here. So you liked the concert tonight?
Mack- Yeah I had a blast. You guys were amazing on stage. Singing and all.
Mav- Thank you. Means a lot coming from a fan. If it weren't for our fans., we wouldn't be where we are, so when we please them with our performance, it warms our hearts to hear them say it.
Mack- Aww that's so sweet. Well it warms the hearts of the fans to know how much you care about us whether you personally know us or not.
Mav- Same for Cash and I. What did Addie think about the song dedication?
Mack- She wasn't convinced it was for her.
Mav- Really? Cash dedicated "Queen" to her because it's her favorite song and he said friend at home.
Mack- I know and that's what I tried to tell her. She felt like it could've been someone else back where y'all used to live or something.
Mav- Oh well it wasn't. Cash did it for her. I'm surprised him singing to her and holding her hand during the show didn't give it away.
Mack- She thought that was just a coincidence.
Mav- Man she was really against the idea huh?
Mack- Yeah, but I think it's because she didn't want to get her hopes up. She wouldn't mind at all if it was for her, she would love it in fact, but she didn't want to think it was her if she didn't know for sure it was.
Mav- Well she better love it because it was for her.
Mack- I know. I hope she realizes it.
Mav- I think Cash will tell her. He was planning on asking her about it anyway to see if she liked the surprise he came up with after we saw your surprise.
Mackenzie laughed along with Maverick as they talked while waiting for Cash and Addison to come back from their walk.
Cash and Addison were walking hand in hand while talking.
Addie- Cash, where are we going?
Cash- Just walking around. Something wrong with that?
Addie- No not at all.
Cash- Okay cool.
Cash led Addison to the lake and they sat down in the grass.
Cash- So you had a good time tonight?
Addie- Of course I did! Your concerts are always awesome.
Cash- How do you know? You've only been to one.
Addie- Videos, other fans, and one show paves the way for all of them.
Cash- Oh it does huh?
Addie- Yep. Y'all are just that amazing.
Cash- So are our fans. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't be where we are. They mean a lot to us.
Addie- You mean a lot to the fans.
Cash- And that's what's so crazy! We mean more to them than we will ever know and they mean more to us than they will ever know. It's like we mean the same amount to each other without knowing it!
Addison looked at him confused.
Cash- Or we just mean a lot to each other. Same difference.
Addie- Umm yeah that makes more sense.
They laughed.
Addie- But yeah for real though. You and Mav mean a lot to your fans. Not just to Mack and I, but to all of them. And all for different reasons.
Cash- Yeah I know. It's crazy. But that's what makes this job the best job ever. Getting to do what we love for people who love us along with changing more lives than our own. It's mind blowing.
Addie- I bet.
Cash- And I wouldn't change it for anything. It's the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Addie- Wow Cash. I didn't know you could be that serious.
Cash- Hey I can be serious sometimes. It's just not as fun as being silly so I choose silly most of the time.
Addison giggled.
Addie- I can tell.
Cash- You know what I just realized?
Addie- What's that?
Cash- If Mav and I never became famous, then we wouldn't have to keep our address a secret. Then it wouldn't have been a big deal if it got leaked and we wouldn't have had to move. Then we wouldn't have met you and Mack because we wouldn't have moved in between you both.
Addie- You're right. I mean there's a chance that our paths may have crossed somehow.
Cash- But it's not likely.
Addie- No probably not. Wow.
Cash- Yeah and that's one reason why I wouldn't change the way my life is. I wouldn't have met you and I can't imagine my life without you in it.
Addie- Aww Cash. You have a big impact on my life too. I'm so glad we met.
Cash- Me too and became best friends.
Addie- For sure.
Cash- You know, when I dedicated "Queen" to a best friend back home, I was talking about you.
Addie- You were?
Cash- Yeah.
Addie- Mack was convinced that you were dedicating it to me, but I wasn't sure because I thought it could've been a girl at your old home or something that we didn't know about.
Cash- Yeah, but it wasn't. I thought singing to you and holding your hand would've given it away.
Addie- It kind of did, but I thought it was just a coincidence that you did that.
Cash- Well it wasn't. I dedicated it to you because you're my best friend, you're special, and it's your favorite.
Addie- Cash that's so sweet. I loved it.
Cash- I'm glad because I came up with it on the spot. I did it because you were there, but I didn't know you were going to be there so it's like I made a surprise out of a surprise.
Addie- Yeah you did.
They laughed.
Addie- Well I loved it. Thank you Cash.
Addison hugged Cash.
Cash- You're welcome.
They hugged for a minute before separating and looking at the water. The moon was shining on the lake making it sparkle.
Addie- That is so pretty. The moonlight shining down on the lake making it sparkle.
Cash- Yeah it is.
Cash looked at Addison.
Cash- But you know, it's not nearly as beautiful as the girl next to me.
Addison blushed and looked down before looking at Cash. She smiled at him.
Addie- Thank you Cash.
Addison looked into Cash's eyes and saw a sparkle in them that she had never noticed before. It was like the sparkling of the lake.
Addie- You have a sparkle in your eyes. Kind of like the moon sparkling on the lake. It's pretty.
Cash- You think my eyes are pretty?
Addison blushed and looked back at the lake. She whispered her reply.
Addie- Yes.
Cash used his finger to turn Addison's face back to facing him.
Cash- I didn't say stop looking into them. Then I couldn't see your beautiful eyes.
Addie- Cash, my eyes are brown. What's so beautiful about brown eyes?
Cash- Because they're your eyes.
Addison blushed and smiled at Cash which made him blush and smile back. They stared into each other's eyes. Cash grabbed Addison's hand as they kept staring in silence. Before they knew it, they both started to lean in. Then boom!
They kissed.

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