Going Home

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The next day was Saturday. Maverick was the first one up and he started to pack up his stuff after he got ready for the day. He decided to go and get breakfast for everyone. He walked out of his room quietly because Cash was still sleeping. He saw Carter packing in his room so he went to tel him where he was going.
Mav- Hey I'm going to pick up breakfast for everyone.
Carter- Okay man.
Maverick left Carter's room and went out to the car. He drove to Bojangles to get breakfast.
Carter finished packing and went downstairs to start packing the snacks from the kitchen.
Mackenzie woke up and got ready for the day. She began to pack her stuff and ended up waking Addison up in the process.
Addie- What the?
Mack- Oh sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. I was just packing.
Addie- It's okay. I need to be up anyway.
Addison got out of bed and went to get ready. She returned to the room and began packing. When the girls finished, they went downstairs and joined Carter in the living room.
Carter- Morning girls.
Addie- Morning.
Mack- Good morning.
Mackenzie sat next to Carter hugging him and he gave her a kiss on the cheek. Addison sat next to Mackenzie.
Carter- You girls all packed?
Mack- Yep.
Addie- All ready to go.
Carter- Same. I also packed the food from the kitchen. Maverick is packed too and he went to get us breakfast.
Mack- Cool.
Addie- Has Cash gotten up yet?
Carter- I don't think so. He hasn't been down here if he is up.
Mack- Lonely over there?
Addie- Shut up. I just know how long it takes him to get up and ready.
Mack- Sure.
Addison slapped Mackenzie's arm playfully. Just then, Maverick walked through the door.
Mav- Hey guys. I got breakfast!
Addie- Yes Bojangles!
They followed Maverick to the table and got everything set up to eat.
Mack- Yes you got me sweet tea!
Mav- Course. It's your favorite.
Mack- You know it! Thanks Mav.
Addie- Yeah thanks. I love Bojangles.
Carter- Yeah thanks man.
Mav- You're welcome. Where's Cash?
Carter- I think still sleeping.
Mav- Of course he is.
Addie- I'll go get him.
Addison left the table and went up to Cash's room. She went in and ruffled his hair until he woke up.
Cash- Maverick if you don't stop I will fight you.
Addie- Well better open your eyes before you start throwing punches.
Cash opened his eyes to see his girlfriend.
Cash- Oh sorry Addie. Good morning.
Addie- It's okay. Good morning.
Cash- I'm so glad you were the first person I got to see when I woke up.
Addie- And why is that?
Cash- Because you're way prettier than Mav.
Addison laughed.
Addie- Thanks Cash.
Cash- And because I love you.
Addison blushed and was a bit taken aback.
Addie- You love me?
Cash- Of course I do. I've always loved you since the first day we met.
Addie- Aww Cash. I love you too.
Cash got out of bed and hugged Addison. He kissed her head and pulled away from the hug.
Addie- Mav got us breakfast so come down and eat after you get ready.
Cash- Okay. What did he get us?
Addie- You will have to come down and see.
Cash- Ugh fine.
Cash got his clothes and went to get ready. Addison went back downstairs and joined the others at the table. A few minutes later, Cash came down and saw the food.
Everyone laughed as Cash dug into his breakfast. Once everyone finished eating, they cleaned up and everyone finished packing everything up. Once all bags were packed, they loaded up the Jeep and piled in for the trip home. They waved goodbye to the beach house before Maverick pulled out of the driveway. On the way home, the group jammed to some music and just talked about random stuff. At one point, everyone had their windows down and everyone was screaming the lyrics to "Queen." A grey van passed by that had some girls inside. They were fans of Cash and Maverick and they noticed Cash hanging out with the girls in the back. They also saw Maverick high five Mackenzie at the same time Cash was looking at Addison. They took pictures and sped off past them. The group never noticed the van or the girls because they were having too much fun in the car.
A couple of hours later, they arrived home and Maverick pulled into their driveway. Addison had fallen asleep and was leaning on Cash's shoulder.
Mav- Home sweet hone.
Maverick, Carter, and Mackenzie got out while Cash tried to wake Addison up.
Cash- Addie. Baby wake up. We're home.
Addison stirred and rubbed her eyes. She snuggled closer to Cash and hugged him. Cash laughed and tried to sit her up, but she wouldn't move.
Cash- Okay then.
Cash opened his door and got out of the car. He grabbed Addison and carried her out of the car. Mackenzie looked at him and just shook her head at Addison.
Cash- Is she always like this on trips?
Mack- Yep. Get used to it. We're lucky she got out of bed this morning.
Cash- I'm going to take her to her house then I'll come back and get our stuff.
Mack- Okay.
Cash carried Addison across the yard and up to her front door. He knocked and Samantha opened the door.
Sam- Oh hello Cash. Addison fell asleep I see?
Cash- Yeah she wouldn't wake up when we pulled in so I just decided to bring her here.
Sam- That's very sweet of you. You can lay her on the couch.
Samantha let Cash in and he laid Addison down on the couch.
Cash- I'm going to unload our bags and I'll bring Addie's back in a minute.
Sam- Okay honey.
Cash left Addison's house and went back to the car. He took her bags out of the car and carried them to Addison's house. Samantha took some and they took them up to her room. As they walked back down the stairs, Samantha thanked him.
Sam- Thank you Cash for taking care of her.
Cash- It was my pleasure Mrs. Stewart. I'm gonna head back now. I'll see you later.
Sam- Okay bye Cash.
Cash left and went back to his house. He carried his bags inside and up to his room. Mackenzie had went back to her house already. Cash greeted his mom and went up to his room to unpack just like Carter and Maverick were doing.

Mackenzie got home and took her bags upstairs. She went back down to see her mom and brother.
Mack- Hey guys.
Kim- Hi honey!
Kimberly hugged her daughter and Dylan came running up to them.
Mack- Hey D.
Dylan- Hey Mack.
Dylan gave Mackenzie a hug.
Kim- How was the rest of your trip?
Mack- Amazing. I had a blast.
Kim- I knew you would. Is everyone okay now?
Mack- Yep. Everything is like it should be.
Dylan- Was Carter a good boy?
Mack- Yes Dylan.
Dylan- Good. I didn't feel like beating anyone up today.
Kimberly and Mackenzie laughed. They talked about the trip some more before Mackenzie went up to her room to unpack her bags.

Addison woke up on her couch and was confused.
Addie- What the?
Sam- Hey honey!
Addie- Hey mom. How did I get here?
Sam- Cash brought you. You were sound asleep when you got home and Cash couldn't wake you up so he carried you here then went back and brought your bags here.
Addie- He ddI?
Sam- Yes. He's such a sweet boy.
Addie- Yeah.
Sam- So how was your trip?
Addie- Amazing! We all had such a great time.
Sam- That's good! No problems?
Addie- Well Mack and I did have a fight, but we're fine now?
Sam- Oh? What happened?
Addison proceeded to tell her mom about what happened with her and Mackenzie and how they fixed everything.
Sam- Oh well I'm glad everything is settled.
Addie- Me too. Then we had a blast the last few days.
Sam- That's good. So what happened with you and Cash?
Addie- Really mom? I just got home.
Sam- I know, but I have to know!
Addie- Ugh you're such a child sometimes.
Sam- Whatever now spill.
Addie- Fine. We are dating now mom.
Sam- Oh my gosh! Yes I knew this day would come!
Addie- Oh brother.
Sam- So how did that happen?
Addison told her mom about how her and. Cash talked and how he asked her out and everything. She showed her mom the bracelet she hadn't taken off since.
Sam- That's so beautiful. He really is a good guy.
Addie- I know. I'm so lucky to have him.
Sam- I bet. Well why don't you go unpack and I'll start on dinner?
Addie- Okay mom.
Addison got up and went to her room to unpack. She had just finished putting her stuff away when Mackenzie texted her.

Mackenzie was on her phone after she finished unpacking when she saw a link to an article about Cash and Maverick on Instagram. She clicked on it and saw that it was posted only an hour ago. She noticed a picture of the Jeep and you could see all of them inside it. Cash was looking at Addison and they were laughing and Maverick was giving Mackenzie a high five. Mackenzie's eyes widened as she scrolled down to read the article. Her eyes were even wider when she finished reading. She immediately texted Addison with the link.

Addison looked at the text and saw the link with a message from Mackenzie.
Mack- Read this. Not good.
Addison clicked on the link confused and saw the picture. She was shocked and scrolled down to read the article. Her eyes widened and she grew scared.
Addie- This is not good.

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