Friends Again

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Mackenzie put down her notepad, grabbed her phone, and went over to the guys' house. She knocked on the door and Carter answered.
Carter- Hey.
Mack- Hey.
Carter let her in and led her to the back porch. They sat down on the porch steps to talk.
Carter- So.
Mack- So.
They were silent for a minute before they both spoke up.
Mack/Carter- I'm sorry.
They looked at each other.
Carter- Mack I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten upset at you for wanting someone else to stay with you. It's your decision and it was bad enough staying in the hospital in general. I understand you just wanted to be comfortable. I'm also sorry for fighting with you. It was not worth it.
Mack- Carter I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have gotten mad that you left. You were just trying to help me out because you care. I'm also sorry for fighting over something stupid when we should've just talked it out.
Carter- I agree. Our friendship isn't worth losing over something stupid like that especially if we just met.
Mack- Yeah my friends mean the world to me and I care about them a ton.
Carter- I care about you too Mack. Friends?
Mackenzie smiled.
Mack- Friends.
They both stood up and hugged. After they separated, they decided to go inside and hang out with the others. They walked in and met Addison and Cash in the living room. Mackenzie and Carter joined them on the couch.
Addie- I thought you were going home.
Mack- I did, but then I came back to talk to Carter.
Addie- Oh okay.
Cash- Did you guys make up?
Carter- Yeah we talked it out and are friends again.
Cash- Good. Hey! Let's all make a tik tok!
Addie- Okay.
Mack- Sure.
Carter- I'll pass.
Cash- Party pooper.
The girls laughed. Cash got up and set his phone up where he and the girls could fit on the screen. They decided to do the trend where one person does a dance move and their last dance move is your first dance move as you move down the line. They made the video and were all dying laughing by the end because of Cash's dancing and the dance moves he made the girls do. They watched the video and all of them including Carter laughed even harder. Cash set his phone up again and the girls joined him for another video where they put a finger down for every Disney show and Nickelodeon show they had watched. The girls laughed as Cash danced crazily at the theme songs to his favorite shows. Cash posted the videos and the kids were still in fits of laugher. Mackenzie, Addison, and Cash joined Carter on the couch again. Mackenzie held her head because she started to get a headache from the dancing and laughing.
Carter- You okay?
Mack- Yeah just a headache. Probably from it being the first day after the fall and all the dancing and laughing.
Carter- I'm sorry. You should rest. Here take a nap on the couch.
Carter stood up along with Addison and Cash.
Cash- I'm going to go watch a movie in my room so you can rest. Addie wanna come?
Addie- Sure.
Cash and Addison went upstairs to Cash's room to watch a movie.
Mack- You guys didn't have to leave. I can go home.
Carter- There's no need for that. Just lay here and sleep. I have to go to the store anyway to get some food for tonight since Aunt Tara is busy. I'll be back in a little while. Cash, Mav, and Addie are all here if you need anything and you have my number.
Mack- Okay. Thank you Carter.
Carter- You're welcome.
Mackenzie laid down and closed her eyes. Carter leaned down and kissed her forehead. Mackenzie smiled which made Carter smile. Carter turned and went outside and drove to the store.
While Mackenzie was asleep downstairs, Cash and Addison watched a movie in his room. It was kind of scary so Cash had his arm around Addison. Every time there was a scary part, Addison would jump and bury her face in Cash's chest. Cash would hug her and whisper to her saying everything was fine. There was a huge jump scare and Addison squeezed Cash in a hug.
Addie- Oh my gosh.
Cash- It's okay baby. It's just a movie. I'm right here.
Cash rubbed Addison's back and didn't let go of her for the rest of the movie. At the end, the screen went black before the credits appeared and Cash shook Addison while shouting "Boo!" Addison screamed and punched Cash in the shoulder.
Addie- Cash! You scared me.
Cash was laughing.
Cash- I'm sorry Addie I had to. It was the perfect moment. Don't be mad.
Addison crossed her arms and glared at him.
Cash- Aww come on. Don't be mad. You know you love me.
Addie- Sure I do.
Cash- What was that? That was sarcasm. I can't believe you said that.
Addie- Well believe it.
Cash- Excuse me?
Addie - You heard me.
Cash got up and started to run towards Addison. Addison screamed and ran out of Cash's room. They ran down the stairs and around the house. Maverick came out of his room to see what all the noise was about. He followed Cash and Addison into the living room to see Mackenzie asleep on the couch. While running around the couch, Cash bumped into it and Mackenzie rolled over, but she was close to the edge so she fell off the couch.
Mack- Ow.
Mav- Cash!
Maverick went over and helped Mackenzie up off the floor.
Mav- You made Mack fall off the couch.
Cash- Sorry.
Addie- Me too. And sorry Cash. I do love you.
Cash- I know.
Cash flipped his hair.
Mack- Cocky much?
Mav- You have no idea.
Cash- I love you too Addie.
Addison smiled and all four of them sat on the couch. Mackenzie's head was better after she rested for a bit. Carter came home with the food and joined the others in the living room after helping Tara put the food away. The kids talked for a while while Tara made supper.
Tara- Addie, Mack, would you two like to stay for supper?
Addie- Let me ask my mom.
Mack- Same.
Mackenzie and Addison both texted their moms and both of them said they could stay.
Mack- My mom said I could stay.
Addie- Me too.
Tara- Okay great!
Tara continued to cook while the kids hung out. A few minutes later, the food was ready.
Tara- Food is ready!
The kids went into the dining room and sat down in this order: Tara, Maverick, Carter, Mackenzie, Addison, Cash, and the seat between Cash and Tara was for James. Tara had made spaghetti. The group prayed and began to eat.
Mack- Thank you for inviting us to stay.
Addie- Yes thank you Mrs. Tara.
Tara- Of course darlings. It's a pleasure to have y'all over.
Just then, James entered the dining room and joined the others at the table. He had just gotten home from work.
Tara- Hi honey. How was work?
James- It was fine. How was your day?
Tara- It was good. Oh Mackenzie, Addison, this is my husband, James. James, this is Mackenzie and Addison. They live next door to us. Mack lives on the right and Addie lives on the left.
James- Oh it's nice to meet you girls.
Mack- You too Mr. James.
Addie- Nice to meet you too.
James- The guys haven't tortured you yet have they?
Mack- Oh no.
Addie- Not at all. They've been great friends.
James- Good. Just let me know if they ever give you any trouble. I'll handle it.
The girls laughed.
Cash- Come on dad. Do you think we would do anything to our dear friends? They have been so nice to us and they are fans of us. How could we be mean? Plus we are nice boys.
Cash put his arm around Addison while saying this.
James- I know Cash. I have faith in you boys. I was just letting them know that I will look after them and lighten the mood a bit. Don't get offended over there.
Cash- I'm not!
James- Okay. Is Addie your girlfriend?
Cash- What? No. Why do you think that?
James- Because you have your arm around her.
Cash moved his arm.
Cash- Oh well no, we are just friends. The arm was force of habit.
James- Force of habit huh? That means that's not the first time you've had your arm around her.
Addison's face was red and so was Cash's.
Cash- Dad really?
James- Hey I was just asking.
Cash- Okay. Well we are just friends.
James- Okay.
Addison and Cash looked at each other and looked down at their plates.
James- So Mack, are you Carter's girlfriend?
Mackenzie's face turned red.
Mack- No I'm not.
James- Just friends?
Mack- Yes sir.
James- That's how it all starts. Just friends and then all the times hanging out and then boom. Boyfriend and girlfriend. I've been there before you know. I know how it is.
Mackenzie looked down and tried to hide her face. Carter's face was turning red.
Carter- Uncle James!
James- What? I'm just messing with you guys.
Carter- We are all just friends. Nothing more.
James- Okay okay.
Tara- Honey leave the children be. They all just met yesterday.
James- Okay. I'm sorry girls if I embarrassed you and boys I'm sorry for embarrassing you. I was just trying to have a little fun.
Cash- It's okay dad.
The group continued to eat and talk some more. After eating, everyone cleaned up the dishes and the table. They all joined together in the living room for a few minutes before the girls had to go home.
James- It was great meeting you girls.
Mack- You too.
Addie- Same to you!
Tara- Bye girls! Have a good night!
Mack- You too! Thank you for supper!
Addie- Thank you for letting us stay and eat. Goodnight.
Cash- Goodnight guys.
Mack- Goodnight.
Addie- Goodnight.
Mav- Bye.
Carter- See ya.
Addie- Bye.
Mack- Bye.
Cash gave Addison a hug before she left and Carter did the same to Mackenzie. The girls left and Cash shut the door behind them.
James- So just friends huh?
Carter- Uncle James.
Cash- Dad.
James- Okay okay.
The girls walked their separate ways to their homes. They went in and greeted their family. After showering, Mackenzie got in bed to see a text from Addison.
Addie- That was interesting.
Mack- You're telling me.
Addison put her phone down after telling Mackenzie goodnight and texting Cash back goodnight. She fell asleep thinking about Cash. She thought about the eventful day and how much fun she had had with him. She couldn't wait to spend more time with him and the others, but especially him.

Alright so everyone is happy again! What do y'all think about James? Do you think he will continue to pick on them? Stay tuned to find out what happens next!

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