Making A Switch

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Carter woke up at around 11 pm to see Mackenzie stirring in her sleep. She kept mumbling about her mom, Dylan, and Addison. Mackenzie woke up and looked around.
Mack- Carter?
Carter- Yeah?
Mack- I can't sleep. I'm not comfortable here.
Carter- Do you want someone else here with you?
Mackenzie didn't say anything. She didn't want to hurt Carter's feelings because he offered to stay with her and had done so much for her. She didn't know him as well and would rather have Addison here with her, but she didn't know how to tell him.
Carter- Try and go back to sleep. I'm going to see if I can get someone else up here to stay with you.
Mackenzie nodded. Carter walked out of her room with his phone. Mackenzie saw him on the phone before she closed her eyes and fell back asleep.
Carter called Cash.
Cash- Hello?
Carter- Hey man.
Cash- Hey everything okay?
Carter- Not really. Mack isn't comfortable. I think she feels uncomfortable with me here and she would rather have someone like Addie up here with her.
Cash- Oh I gotcha. Did she tell you that?
Carter- No but she woke up and said she couldn't sleep because she wasn't comfortable here. I asked her if she wanted someone else here, but she didn't say anything so I sensed it. She was mumbling about her mom, Dylan, and Addie before she woke up.
Cash- Yeah that sounds like she wants one of them with her. Her mom has to work tomorrow though and there's no way Dylan can stay with her.
Carter- Is there a way we can get Addie up here?
Cash- I'll text her and ask her. I'm sure she's still up.
Carter- Okay thank you.
Cash- You're welcome. I'll let you know what she says.
Carter- Alright man bye.
Cash- Bye.
Carter hung up and went back into the room. He saw that Mackenzie was asleep, but she was mumbling about her family and Addie again. Carter understood that they didn't know each other very well and this was probably uncomfortable for her, but he was kind of hurt that she didn't want him there. He had grown to like her and wanted to be close friends. He knew she didn't mean anything by it, but it still hurt a bit. "Why am I hurt that she doesn't want me to stay with her? I mean yeah we aren't close, but if I understand it shouldn't hurt. Am I catching feelings? No way," he thought. Carter laid back in the chair waiting to see what Cash would say.
Cash got off the phone and texted Addison about Mackenzie.
Meanwhile, Addison was in the living room talking to her mom about how she felt bad for Mackenzie.
Addie- I mean she barely knows Carter and yeah he's a sweet guy, but I feel bad that she has to stay with him overnight because no one else could. And she didn't know the boys or Mrs. Tara any better so it doesn't make a difference.
Addie's Mom- I know honey. But I'm sure Mack will be fine. It's just one night.
Addie- But mom what if she's not? What if she gets uncomfortable or something? Wouldn't you be uncomfortable staying the night in a hospital room with someone you didn't know?
Addie's Mom- Addie honey I understand. I would feel uncomfortable too, but there was no other choice.
Addie- I could've stayed with her.
Addie's mom- Okay honey. If Mack gets uncomfortable with Carter and wants someone else to stay with her, I will allow you fo go up there.
Just then, Addison got a text.
Cash- Hey it's Cash.
Addie- Hey. How did you get my number?
Cash- I got it from Mack's phone when I called you the other day. I also added in our numbers.
Addie- Well I will have to steal them from her. What's up?
Cash- So Carter called me and said Mack wants someone else to stay with her. Do you think maybe you would be able to stay with her?
Addison turned to her mom.
Addie- Mom Cash texted me and said Mack wants someone else to stay with her. Can I go?
Addie's Mom- How are you going to get up there? Someone has to bring Carter home and I don't know him yet.
Addison texted Cash.
Addie- Yes, but my mom can't take me. Someone will have to bring Carter back and she doesn't know him.
Cash- I'll take you up there and bring Carter home. I was planning on doing that anyway.
Addie- Really?
Cash- Yeah if you and your mom are okay with that.
Addison turned to her mom.
Addie- Cash said he would take me if that was fine with you.
Addie's Mom- That's fine with me. Just be careful. And I'm assuming you'll be riding home with Mack and Tara?
Addie- Yes.
Addie's Mom- Okay that's fine with me. Just be safe.
Addie- I will.
Addison texted Cash.
Addie- My mom said that was fine.
Cash- Okay I will pick you up at your house in five. The house to my left right?
Addie- Yes.
Cash- Okay see you soon.
Addie- Okay.
Addison saved Cash's number and planned to get Mav's and Carter's from Mackenzie later. A few minutes later, Cash pulled up into her driveway. Addison left her house and got in Cash's car.
Addie- Nice car.
Cash- Thanks. Let me call Carter real quick and tell him we are on the way.
Cash called Carter and told him he was coming with Addison to switch out. When Cash got off the phone, he started to drive to the hospital.
Addie- So Mack was uncomfortable?
Cash- Yeah I think so.
Addie- Did she tell Carter that?
Cash- Not exactly. He said she was mumbling about you and her mom and Dylan in her sleep before she woke up. She told him she couldn't sleep and wasn't comfortable there. Carter got the sense she wanted someone else there so he called me and asked about you.
Addie- Oh okay that makes sense.
Cash- Yeah. I understand that though. She doesn't know us that well and I wouldn't want to be in a hospital room with someone I didn't know well either.
Addie- Same and that's what I told my mom right before you texted. I just hope Carter understands.
Cash- I think he does. He's usually good with stuff like this.
Cash continued to drive to the hospital while he and Addison talked. They were having so much fun that the ride seemed short when Cash pulled into the parking lot. They got out and went in to the desk. They explained to the receptionist what was going on and she let them go to Mackenzie's room. Cash knocked on the door and Carter answered.
Carter- Hey guys.
Cash- Hey.
Carter let them in. Mackenzie was asleep on the bed.
Addie- She went back to sleep?
Carter- Yeah she's been asleep since I came back in from calling y'all. She's been mumbling though.
Cash- Well Addie is going to stay with her.
Carter- Okay good. I think she will be more comfortable with you here.
Carter grabbed his phone and went back to Cash at the door.
Addie- Thank you for staying a couple of hours.
Carter- Oh yeah of course. Thank you for switching. I just didn't want her uncomfortable.
Addie- No problem. I understand.
Cash- Well let's head home. Goodnight Addie. Call me if you need anything.
Addie- I will. Goodnight guys.
Carter- Goodnight.
Carter walked out the door and down the hallway. Before Cash left, he gave Addison a hug. When they pulled away, they smiled at each other and Cash left the room to catch up with Carter, closing the door quietly behind him. Addison walked over to the reclining chair after putting her phone on the table. She laid down and got comfortable with the pillow on Mackenzie's bed. Addison noticed that Mackenzie wasn't mumbling anymore and fell asleep within minutes.

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