You're Leaving?

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Addie- This is not good.
Addison immediately texted Mackenzie back.
Addie- This isn't good. What do we do???
Mack- We need to tell the guys.
Addie- Meet me at their house. I'm calling Cash.
Mack- Okay.
Addison called Cash and told him her and Mackenzie were coming over because something was wrong. After she hung up the phone, she ran over to the guys' house meeting Mackenzie at the door. They knocked and Cash let them in. He took them to the living room where Maverick and Carter were waiting for them.
Cash- What's going on?
Mackenzie got her phone out and handed it to Cash. The boys crowded around it to read the article.

Earlier today the famous tik tok stars Cash and Maverick Baker were spotted on the highway. But these boys were not the only ones in the car. No, they were accompanied by their cousin, Carter, and two girls. Hmm suspicious right? Turns out that Cash was looking at one of the girls in particular as you can see in the pictures above. This girl is actually the same girl that was spotted with Cash a few weeks ago by a lake in the park. Her name is Addison Stewart. It is also evident that Maverick is giving a high five to the other girl in the backseat. She is Mackenzie Cooper, Addison's best friend. Could Maverick be cheating on his current girlfriend, Cailee Kennedy, with Mackenzie? Are Cash and Addison dating? None of them have spoken about these girls except that they are all best friends, but these pictures sure look like there is something more going on.

The boys finished reading the article and had worried looks on their faces.
Cash- Where did those pictures come from?
Mav- Someone must've snapped them when we were on the way home this morning.
Cash- I can't believe we didn't notice anyone.
Carter- There were so many cars around us. It would be impossible to figure out which one.
Mack- It also could've been someone on the side of the road too. The possibilities are endless.
Cash- Well this is great. We just fixed a problem and now we have another.
Mav- And we will fix this one too.
Carter- How?
Mav- I'm not sure yet.
Carter- That's reassuring.
Maverick glared at him. Mackenzie noticed that Addison hadn't said anything and was looking down at her phone.
Mack- Addie? You okay?
Addie- N-no.
Cash- What's wrong babe?
Cash put his arm around Addison as she showed him her phone. Everyone crowded around them to see the message on Instagram.
Mack- A fan page contacted you?
Addie- Y-yeah.
Carter- How did they even know your name and that it was you?
Mack- Our names were in the article, remember?
Carter- Oh yeah. How did the media know it was you guys anyway?
Mav- The media is a powerful thing my friend. They have their ways.
Mack- They probably tied it back to our pictures on Instagram and everything.
Carter- True.
Cash- Guys this isn't good. I'm reading through the messages from this fan page and all they are doing is sending hate.
Mack- And look. Other pages are joining in and making up more rumors about you guys and even Mav and I.
Carter- This isn't good. They're sending hate to Addie and Mack just because of a picture. They don't even know the whole story!
Mav- That's how the media is.
Mack- What do the messages say?
Cash began to read the messages about the girls.

If Cash really is dating that girl, he needs to call it off. She isn't worth his time or love.

Addison is not pretty enough to date him. He should be with me instead.

I can't believe that Mackenzie girl is making Maverick cheat on Cailee. She isn't that pretty and doesn't deserve someone as good as him.

Why would Maverick do something like this to Cailee? It's probably that Mackenzie girls' fault.

Addison and Mackenzie are just some helpless fans who want attention so they are using the boys for fame. There's no way Cash and Maverick would date ugly, worthless girls like them.

Cash- And more like those. With the very few positive ones that support it all and say they should be happy if we are happy.
Mack- This isn't fair. That's just rude.
Addison was crying by now and Cash wrapped her in a hug as she cried into his chest.
Mav- Those aren't real fans and we all have to remember that. Most of the time something gets leaked out and people blow it way out of proportion without knowing the truth.
Mack- It still doesn't give them the right to say those things about us.
Carter put a hand on Mackenzie's shoulder as she wiped a tear.
Mav- No it doesn't and we need to fix this now before it gets out of hand.
Carter- So what do we do?
Mav- I'm going to post a video to all of my social media accounts saying the rumors are false about Mack and I. Do you mind if I say that y'all are dating?
Carter- I don't.
Mack- Me neither. Go ahead.
Mav- Okay.
Maverick started his video.
Mav- What's up guys? I just wanted to get on here and tackle all the rumors that are out there about Mackenzie and I dating and cheating on Cailee. Mack and I are just friends. We are not dating. I love my girlfriend Cailee very much and we are happy together. In fact, Mack is dating my cousin Carter so there is no way we are in a relationship other than friendship. Please stop making rumors about this and sending the girls hate. Just wanted to clear that up. Love you guys!
Maverick ended his video and posted it.
Mack- Thanks Mav.
Mav- Of course. Had to get that out there. Now we have to fix Cash and Addie's problem.
Carter- How do we do that?
Mack- Just tell them the truth.
Cash- I'll tell them we are just friends.
Addison looked up at Cash. She had stopped crying by now.
Addie- That's not the truth.
Cash- I know, but it will get them off of our backs.
Addie- Why don't you just say we are dating?
Cash- Because I want to protect you and the fans.
Addie- Protect me?
Cash- Yeah from all the hate. You've already gotten so much from the rumors so there's not telling what will happen if they find out we are together.
Addie- But that's lying and I don't care if I get hate about us dating. I love you and that's all that matters. I have you guys to help me with it.
Cash- I don't want you to have to go through that though! And I don't want to hurt the fans.
Addie- Hurt the fans?
Cash- Yeah. If I say I'm not single, they might get upset or hurt and Mav and I could lose them.
Addie- Wait. So you're saying you don't want to publicly announce our relationship because you want to protect the fans' feelings?
Cash- Yes!
Addie- What about my feelings Cash?
Cash- I'm protecting your feelings too!
Addie- No you're not!
Cash- Yes I am!
Addie- How is keeping our relationship, something that is so important to me and I don't care who knows about it, protecting me?
Cash- Because I don't want you to get hurt!
Addie- Well you're hurting me now saying that you care more about your fans' feelings than mine because you want to hide our relationship!
Cash- I care about you more than my fans Addie!
Addie- Well you aren't acting like it!
Addison broke down in tears again. Mackenzie got up and hugged her as she cried.
Addie- It's like you don't love me enough to tell the world you are with me.
Cash- Addie-.
Mackenzie led Addison outside so she could get some fresh air and calm down. Maverick smacked the back of Cash's head.
Cash- What was that for?
Mav- What were you thinking?
Cash- I'm thinking about why you hit me!
Mav- Because you practically broke your girlfriend's heart by saying you wanted to hide your relationship because of the fans.
Carter- Yeah that sounded really selfish dude.
Cash- I didn't mean for it to be! I just don't want to hurt the fans, or Addie.
Mav- Well right now you are doing both.
Cash- Ugh! What do I do?
Mav- Well you have to decide what's more important to you, your fans or Addie.

Mackenzie led Addison to the stairs and they sat down. Addison cried into Mackenzie's shoulder as Mackenzie rubbed her back.
Addie- I can't believe he would do that.
Mack- I know. It sounded really selfish.
Addie- Exactly. It's like he doesn't love me enough to tell the world about us as if he's ashamed of me.
Mack- Hey, look at me.
Addison looked up at her best friend.
Mack- He doesn't feel ashamed of you. And if he does then that's his loss. But I seriously doubt it. He thinks he's doing the right thing, but it doesn't seem like it. I think you are both just upset about the whole situation and need to talk it out without letting your anger take over.
Addie- But I don't care who knows about us Mack! I love him!
Mack- I know you do and I know Cash loves you too. Maybe he just isn't ready to tell the world yet since it's new.
Addie- Maybe.
Addison calmed down and considered this.
Addie- Now I feel kind of bad.
Mack- Don't. I would've blown up at him like that too based on the way he was acting. I don't know if that's a true reason or not, but it's a possibility. You will just have to talk to him and see.
Addie- Yeah I guess. I just hope we can fix this and kill all of this drama.
Mack- Me too.
Addison hugged Mackenzie and thanked her before they both stood up to walk back inside where they heard the guys talking in the living room.

Carter- Well whatever you do Cash, you need to fix it before the tour starts next week.
Cash- Yeah I know.
Carter- Hey, how did the girls take the news when you told them we were going on tour?
Maverick and Cash froze. They had been so caught up in the trip and preparing for the tour that they never told the girls they were leaving next week.
Carter- You did tell them right?
Mav- Uh.
Cash- We were going to.
Carter- You didn't tell Mack and Addie?
Addie/Mack- Tell us what?

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