Chapter 43: 'Icecream' they scream

Start from the beginning

Blake: "Which we are already improving." Blake pointed out.

Y/n: "Who can garantee that the Grimm will vanish with Salem? They are the creation of the God of Darkness not Salem, she is just in control at the moment."

Qrow: "You think someone might take her place." Qrow figured out.

Y/n: "Not just that, lets say the Grimm disappear too, what then?"

Ruby: "Huntsmen... they become... obsolete." Rubys voice became sadder while saying that.

Yang: "Surely that can't be too big of a deal now can it?"

Ren: "For over 60 years the people of Remnant where raised to become Huntsmen. The schools and academies, weaponshops, missions. All that will still be there without an actuall reason for them to be. Already trained Huntsmen, people that have done nothing else than killing Grimm for most of their lifes will lose that purpose, their job..." The atmosphere became sad.

Y/n: "Do not look back, for we are not headed that way. Do not look to far forward, for you might miss what is right in front of you." Y/n said. "We can deal with the huntsmen dilemma at a later date but it will be something that needs to be dealt with." Suddenly Y/ns face went pale. "Oh no." Was all he managed to get out before rushing to the closest trash can and emptying his stomach.

Yang: "And there goes the seriousness." Yang joked earning some laughs from the group.

Y/n: "And my breakfast." Y/n added making laughter become louder. Unbeknownst to the group Y/n was not actually puking and only did this to lighten the mood again.

Nora: "So what is next on the to do list Kingy?" Nora asked cheery.

Y/n: "We still need to find the Relic at Beacon and since Jinn is not allowed to tell meee..." The group looked at him confused on why he would randomly stop mid sentence. "Ruby come here please." Ruby did so and Y/n placed his hand on her shoulder. "Jinn." All sound vanished and all movement ceased as the female genie appeared. "Ok Ruby, ask her where the Relic of Choice is hidden."

Ruby: "Why?" Jinn smirked and laughed.

Jinn: "Outstanding move Master." Ruby looked at Y/n confused.

Y/n: "The Brother Gods have placed down some rules, one of which being that Jinn can only give me a small bit of information on the Relics concerning their use and location. This rule however could only apply on me, meaning that if you were to ask she can answer the question fully."

Ruby: "Where is the Relic of Knowledge?" The two were enveloped in blue smoke before they found themselves in the courtyard of Beacon.

Jinn: "The old man, was smart. He knew that one day one of his pawn will fall and reveal the location of the Relic they were tasked with protecting. He thought long and hard about the possible events in the future." The two saw a man wearing a crown walking towards them. The man just walked through them and continued towards his destination. The world around them turned to smoke again before Y/n and Ruby found themselves in a different location. It looked familiar to Y/n yet felt so different. "Ozma realised which of the relics was the most dangerous if it were to fell into Salems hands. The Relic of Destruction, while being able to destroy entire kingdoms can only do so once before needing to be recharged with a sacrifice. The Relic of Creation, can only create a total of 10 things before having to recharge for 50 years. The Relic of Knowledge can only answer three questions every 100 years. But, the Relic of Choice, it was different than the rest, it had no specific number of uses nor did it need recharging. Due to that Ozma decided to hide it where he would always be close to defend it." Y/n finally realized where they were it was his grandparents home. They heard a child crying and looked as a woman, Y/n instantly identified as his grandmother came walking in holding a crying girl, next to her a small boy, around 5 years old walked.

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