But it seemed like he still had something to say. "Ire, those poor hustlers our lives are better than are fighting for the future they weren't born into. Those people are fighting a dangerous war. They can amount to join us at the table we thought we owned. A man or woman of focus is unstoppable! Damn unstoppable!"

"Our parents want the best for us but also want to protect their future. We should do the same. Get ourselves a future we will stay happy in and not regret for the rest of our lives."

Those words sank into Prince Ire's memory. He stood still. Shocked. Speechless. He had never heard his brother say something as sensible as this. He couldn't utter a word. Instead, he slowly took a seat on Prince Adedamola's bed. His mind blocked from every other thoughts. How? He couldn't explain how he wasn't strong enough to hold that tear that suddenly fell from his eye. With his hand scratching his head, another tear fell from his eye again.

But what's wrong in liking a person and holding back? Prince Ire asked himself.

Nothing. He answered himself again. But it's stupidity when you like a person and not try to become friends, but instead...you are hard on them. Letting pride come in between you two.

Slowly, Prince Ire ended up on Prince Adedamola's rug. He couldn't help but think about it. Relationship had scammed him so many times. Many times he thought he had found someone better only to discover some had lied about their lives. Having their best lives, but from homes you would never believe they came out from. He didn't see anything bad in them becoming successful, but why lied about their parents. Homes. Families. But to tell himself the truth, were they really successful or acting successful? At the end of the day, many of them will become a burden to the extent that to live by themselves will become hard in reality.

Prince Ire picked up his phone and dialed Ara's no. First ring. Second ring. Third ring. He got no response. He decided to wait till the next day.


Ara who had managed to stop crying after discovering the money her mom had been saving for her decided not to pick her calls. But then, when it rang for the third time, she thought it could be her mom, her dad, or her sister trying to reach her to know where she was. She reached for it in her pocket and saw it was Prince Ire calling. As she was about swiping the green circle, the call dropped.

Making her way back home, everywhere was bubbling with songs blasting from the speakers standing outside the barbers' shops and even cassatte sellers. Everywhere was busy with people coming back from work, heading to their various homes. While some were rushing to take a bus, some tried to buy what they could cook or eat.

Ara could barely hear what people were saying because of how loud the songs were.

🎶 This is not a regular song oh mama...
From the depth of my heart ❤️ I wrote this one...
You are my super hero you fight a lot for me...
You gave me everything oh, thank you Mama...
Mama you are the best...🎶

As Ara moved forward, another song reached her while she was about crossing to enter their street. She really missed the busyness of her street. Songs coming from one sho to the other.

🎶 You want to be chopping my money, calling me honey, whining my body, girl you are up to something...
Up to something...

Immediately she crossed the road to their street, her phone rang again. Thinking it was Prince Ire, she quickly brought out her phone only to see it was her friend, Doyin.

She picked up, trying to sound fine. "Doyin how far? Good evening."

"My love." Doyin screamed with happiness. "Samuel just told me he saw you. I've missed you ehnn. What time should I block you tomorrow morning so I can follow you to the palace. Wait...what happened to your voice?"

Ara finally get to smile. "Doyin I really can't talk now. And don't bother coming to block me cause I won't be returning to the palace anymore."

"Ehnn! You say what?" Doyin shouted through the phone like something bad just happened. "Oremi don't do this to me. I already told some people I will be live at Mumusi palace tomorrow. Ahhh! Don't let this happen."

Aramade couldn't help it. She finally laughed. "Doyin, that won't be happening because you will be live in your house tomorrow or you join me at Mom's shop. I'm listening to mom this time around. My stay at the palace is over. I won't be going back."

Guys, what just happened?
😂 Ara must be joking.

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