Fish in the tall grass

Start from the beginning

"Stupid commander *grumble, grumble*, Anakin annoying little *grumble grumble*, Rex gonna kill me, *grumble grumble*" Harvey grumbled across the floor.

The group watched as Harvey irately rev the handles of the bike before making a beeline towards the hangar doors.

"He's so in clueless it's cute" Anakin mused. Rex gave his General an unamused glance



Nara smiled feeling the wet grass brush across her fingers, the morning due clinging to her palms. The cat like creature looked at her with open eyes and brushed its dewy nose across her fingers. She rubbed her hand lovingly across it fuzzy ears earring a pleasant hum from the cats mouth. It's body wrapped around her body as it curled up at her feet, humming as it seemed to grin up at her mischievously.

"Hmm well aren't you a character". She slid down the onto the soft grass and smoothed out the clumpy hair on its back. A cold breeze blew through the air making her hair gentle wiggle in the breeze as the scent of new moon flower and swizzle root trees filling the air. It was a nice scent compared to the constant burning of gun powder and laser fire. She was grateful for the giant robes that wrapped around her body like a warm hug, she was shocked Harvey didn't take advantage of it.

"You know you shouldn't be out here without permission"

The cat creature hissed at the figure causing her instincts to kick in. Her foot slammed into the shin of the figure as she through herself on top and brought a knife up to the figures throat. The figure helped out in surprise.

"At least take me out for dinner first"

"Harvey! I mean uh General?"

"Morning Tasmanian" he grinned putting his hands up.

She rolled her eyes and rolled off him extending her hand. The cat like creature eyed the Jedi cautiously as it backed away into the safety of her robes.

"I see you've made a friend" he smiled extending his hand out to the cat. It fur bristled nervously as it sniffed the emerald knuckles before him. Nara watched carefully as the cat creature slowly moved forward and brushed its body against Harvey finger making the Jedi laugh at the sensation. A small smile graced her lips catching the eye of the Jedi general who smirked at her. She instantly turned her head towards the cat.

"So why'd you follow me" she asked rubbing behind the cats ears.

"Why'd you run off with my robes" he mused.

Her eyes widened as she scoffed crossing her arms "answer my question"

"Why should I? you never answer mine" he argued crossing his arms mockingly.

"I was cold ok?!" she groaned.

"you could have borrowed any jacket or coat but why mine" he knew he was pushing it but seeing the creeping blush across her face made him amused, and made him giddy.

"It looked cozy and warm" she pouted.

Harvey nearly inhaled on his tongue seeing the child like pout on her face.

"General? What are you laughing at" she was genuinely confused.

Harvey wiped a stray tear away "you just look so tiny in that robe it looks like it could swallow you up"

Nara covered her face with the palm of her hand trying to hide her growing embarrassment.

"Come on FI we're leaving" she grumbled calling the cat it meowed swaying its tail as it followed her down the hillside.

"Wait who's FI" Harvey called.

"The cat FI, it's Mando for Fish" she called back , the cat still prancing behind her.

"That's not ironic" he mumbled chasing after them.

"Still why'd you come out here against orders, Kix told you to stay on the base while you healed from your wounds" he stated.

"I'm fine General, besides I enjoy the fresh air helps me clear my mind" she sighed, quickening her pace.

Harvey looked down at her worried "that's not the the only reason".

She stopped in her tracks and gave him a questioning look.

"You also come to see Fish" he smiled pointing down at the cat who had wrapped its tail around her wrist protectively. She smiled down at the hairy fuzz ball who seemed to grin back up at her.

"I guess your right, I also enjoy FI's company" she smiled.

Their was a moment of comfortable silence between the two as fish weaved his way in between the twos feet making them move closer to each other without realization . It was only when they smack head did the two realize how close they were.

"Kriff" she groaned.

"Fudge" Harvey grumbled rubbing his temple.

Nara starred back at him in surprise making the Jedi frown with worry. "Did you just, I'm sorry General, did you you just swear" she gasped placing her hand on her mouth in shock.

Harry rolled his eyes "Yah yah laugh it up"

"I mean I'm just so shocked thee legendary Jedi General Harvey Dios swore, I mean what has this universe come to" she cried out dramatically.

Harvey shoved her over playfully making her feet trip over fish, Harvey panicked and reached out for her falling down as well. The two rolled down the hill in a tumble of arms and legs as fish frantically ran after them his furry tail going bushy with panic. Once they hit the ground and stopped rolling Nara laid on top of Harvey chest laughing her face off. The Jedi knight looked frazzled with his hair sticking up in all different directions with pieces of grass sticking out.

"Next time make sure the cats not there"


The sound of speeder bikes coming into the main hangar caught Rexs attention. Nara looked to be laughing as Harvey pulled stray pieces of grass out of his hair which looked disheveled. Now that he took a closer look she also seemed disheveled as well. Big brother mood was on as he made his way over. Fives, Fang, and Echo noticed his change of behaviour and followed behind him.

"Well I see you two have had fun" Rex mused.

"Yah but what kind of fun" Fives whispered getting elbowed by Echo.

"Morning captain" Nara grinned.

"Where were you" Rex eyed her than the General".

"Not to worry Rex she didn't become a public nuisance, she went to go meet a friend" Harvey interjected.

"What kind of friend "?


"Excuse me sir"

Harvey chuckled, "I'm sorry fish is one of the local cat like creatures who lives around the base, from my understanding she went to go visit fish isn't that right Nara"

"That would be correct" she nodded.

Rex gave her a questioning look " fish hmm well next time let me know before you leave"

She rolled her eyes "technically I out rank you I don't have to do anything"

He looked at her straight faced "technically your still my responsibility"

"What ever you say dad" she mused.

The group of men behind Rex laughed seeing the growing frustration growing in Rex.

"I can almost hear his blood pressure rising" Echo whispered to fives.

" anyways Sir, we came to inform you that the locals are holding a feast in our honour there is to be a celebration later this evening. You are requested to attend" Fang states crossing his arms behind his back.

" Hmm sound fun" Harvey mused

Authors note:

I will try to get the next chapter out soon. But for now enjoy and if I'd have any suggestions for what happens next at the party let me know.😊

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