Perfect Boyfriend *Tyrus*

Start from the beginning

He wanted to tell him how TJ wanted to be the one to hold Cyrus.

That Cyrus should be in TJ's hoodie instead of Mason's jacket.

TJ wanted to tell Cyrus that he was in love with him.

But he couldn't.

"Teej,"Cyrus said reaching out his hand to hold TJ's.

TJ pulled his hand away.

"You should be with Mason Cyrus,"TJ said.

"What,"Cyrus said.

"He makes you happy. You don't have to be here for me,"TJ said.

"I want to be here for you,"Cyrus said,"I want you to tell me everything."

"I can't do that Cyrus,"TJ said.

"Why,"Cyrus asked.

"Because it doesn't end well. Me telling you everything ruins our relationship. It might even ruin your relationship with Mason,"TJ said.

"TJ, that could happen,"Cyrus said.

"It will when I tell you that I'm in love with you,"TJ said,"So please leave Cyrus. Just forget this happened and forget about me. Go back to Mason and be happy."

TJ couldn't even look at Cyrus anymore.

Then he felt a hand intwine with his.

"Nobody can make me as happy as you do,"Cyrus said,"And I am not leaving."

TJ looked up to meet Cyrus' eyes.

"But Mason,"TJ started.

"How else can I show you that Mason isn't the one I'm in love with,"Cyrus said,"I'm in love with you TJ, You!"

TJ didn't believe what he just heard.

"You and Mason seem so happy though. You smile whenever he's around you and you love the way he can be affectionate in public,"TJ said,"He's your boyfriend."

"TJ, Mason asked me out for a couple reasons,"Cyrus said,"The first being we were the only two out people in the school. The second being the fact that he can't introduce his actual boyfriend to his parents yet so he asked me to help."

"But why have you been acting that way at school and everywhere else,"TJ said.

"Because Mason needed to stall for time until his boyfriend could come out to his family and meet Mason's,"Cyrus said,"Mason and I were just going to pretend for a about a week and then he'll explain everything to his parents."

"Why didn't you tell me,"TJ asked.

"I didn't think it was that important. It was only going to be for a week,"Cyrus said,"The whole thing is complicated. But Mason said everything's okay after tomorrow and we can stop pretending."

"So that means you're available,"TJ asks. 

"Yes,"Cyrus said,"Is there something you want to ask me?"

"Will you go out on a date with me,"TJ asked. 

"I would love to,"Cyrus said grabbing TJ's hand. 

TJ smiled. 

TJ walked into school the next day, happily making his way to Cyrus' locker.

Cyrus smiled when he saw TJ coming towards him.

Cyrus immeadiatly hugged him when he got closer.

"Hello to you too,"TJ said.

Cyrus smiled when he pulled away from the hug.

"Have you talked to Mason yet,"TJ asked.

"I texted him and he said everything was fine now. He talked to his parents and his boyfriend is finally out. I was going over to return his jacket to him,"Cyrus said.

"Do you mind if I walk with you,"TJ asked.

"Do I get to hold your hand,"Cyrus asked,"Or are you uncomfortable being out like that?"

TJ just grabbed Cyrus' hand happily.

Cyrus smiled as they walked to Mason's locker.

"Cyrus,"Mason exclaimed when he saw him,"Thank you so much!"

Cyrus hugged Mason before he handed him the jacket.

"I think that belongs to Milo,"Cyrus said.

Mason blushed.

"I can't thank you enough for doing this for me,"Mason said.

Mason then noticed TJ holding Cyrus' hand.

"And I see that you took my advice,"Mason said.

Cyrus blushed now looking down.

"Yeah,"Cyrus said,"I'm glad I did too."

TJ was very confused and Mason noticed.

"I told Cyrus that he should tell you he liked you. I knew you felt the same way back after watching you glare at me for the past week,"Mason said.

TJ smiled looking over at Cyrus.

"I was a little jealous,"TJ said.

"A little, I felt like you were going to tackle me any second,"Mason said.

Cyrus laughed at this.

"Oh, you think that's funny,"TJ said.

Cyrus nodded, smiling.

"Well, I have a jacket to deliver,"Mason said,"Thanks again Cyrus. And you two are adorable."

Mason left.

"Speaking of jackets,"TJ said.

He pulled out his basketball hoodie from his bag and handed it to Cyrus.

"I wanted you to have this,"TJ said.

Cyrus smiled putting the gigantic hoodie on.

"Thanks Teej,"Cyrus said.

"I hope you don't think I'm moving to fast,"TJ said.

"Not at all,"Cyrus said,"But I do expect a first date soon."

"How does tomorrow night work,"TJ asked.

"Great, you can pick me up at 7,"Cyrus said.

TJ smiled wrapping his arms around Cyrus.

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