You Wanna Go on a Run? *Muffy*

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Buffy left the locker room after basketball. She decided to go on a run after practice.

She walked down the halls and outside into the cool afternoon air.

She saw Marty sitting outside like he was waiting for someone. He was also in athletic gear and had a water bottle.

"Hey Marty,"Buffy said walking over to him.

"Hi Buffy,"Marty said standing up.

"I was about to go jogging. Do you want to come. Unless you're waiting for someone,"Buffy asked.

"No. I was actually waiting for you,"Marty said.

"Okay. Then let's jog,"Buffy said as she starting jogging away from the school with Marty behind her.

Soon they were running side by side through the park.

Buffy saw what was ahead.

"Race you to the bridge,"Buffy said picking up speed.

"You're on,"Marty said running to keep up.

Buffy beat Marty as they stopped on the bridge.

"The last time we did this we came here,"Marty said gesturing to the two of them.

"Yeah,"Buffy said remembering back to when Marty asked her out when they were jogging.

"Hey, Um Marty,"Buffy said.

"Yeah Buffy,"Marty said before taking a drink of his water.

"Can we talk about what happened the last time we were here,"Buffy asked.

"Ummm. I really would prefer if we didn't,"Marty said turning away sheepishly.

"Marty. I want to be more than just friends,"Buffy said quickly.

Marty turned back to face Buffy. He expected he'd find her laughing at him and saying it was a joke but she didn't.

"Really,"Was all Marty was able to say.

"Really,"Buffy said,"I shouldn't have turned you down. I guess you were the first boy who I ever felt really comfortable with and I didn't want to ruin that."

"Well, you were the first girl that I felt really comfortable with,"Marty said.

"Well then,"Buffy said,"Can we try to be more than just friends? And if it doesn't work can we still be friends?"

"Yes,"Marty said offering his hand out for Buffy. She took it smiling at him.

He quickly thrust her behind him and began running.

"You'll never catch me,"He yelled back.

"Oh yes I will,"Buffy challenged racing after Marty.

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