Chapter Sixty Seven

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"There have been reports of strange activity in the Hidden Night Village." Asuma gave his report as the tent full of shinobi listened intently. "Our scouts have caught wind that the Council is developing a secret weapon. We're still unsure of what or where it is."

Whispers spread through the room. What did the Council have up its sleeve? Correction: What did Fox have planned in that sadistic head of hers?

"Do you know what type of weapon? Is it something physical or a jutsu of some sort?" Kakashi questioned. He stood at the center of attention, arms crossed and gaze fixated on Asuma.

Team 10's leader shrugged. "Still unsure of that too. So far, this so-called 'weapon' is pure speculation. But I wouldn't put it past the Council to have one."

You nodded in agreement. Of course Fox would be developing some sort of secret weapon. After all, it would be really boring if she didn't pull out another plot twist.

Hehe, see what I did there? I... I broke the fourth wall... again...

"Yes, author. And I see you're not having another existential crisis right now."

Nah... maybe later...

"You really need to get it together."

*laughs nervously* 


"Are... are you done now?"

Yes, sorry. I'll just, let you get back to what you need to do.


Love you.

"I... thanks...?"

Yeah... Okay I'm done now.

Kakashi thanked Asuma who nodded and took a seat next to Kurenai. You weren't blind to the small touch the woman placed on his shoulder and the grateful look he shot her way.

"We are becoming more and more prepared to fight against the Council. But they are getting ready too. If we're not careful, they could spring a trap on us when we're least expecting. It would be in our best interest to learn what this 'weapon' is and take it and them down before they get a step ahead of us." Kakashi explained.

"They're already a step ahead of us."

All eyes were on you.

Kakashi raised a brow in sudden interest. "How can you be sure?"

You pursed your lips. Technically you couldn't provide any solid evidence but after working as a high ranking official in their secret police for a decade, you... well, you could feel it in your bones. "Intuition." You answered darkly. The more you scanned your brain for proof, the more difficult memories resurfaced.

Kakashi saw the shadows behind your eyes and his gaze softened. "(Y/N)-"

"And why should we take your word for it?" A shinobi you didn't recognize asked. He wore the symbol of Grass around his forehead. He eyed you up and down, taking in your baggy clothes and overall disheveled condition. "I mean- who even are you? I haven't seen you here before." He sneered. "You clearly don't know the rules, so let me enlighten you. You don't get to speak unless given permission from the head of the meeting." He gestured to Kakashi. "So before you start spouting random nonsense about a matter you don't even know about, newbie, let the ones who've been here since the beginning do the talking."

Your eye twitched. Not out of rage or irritation, but because this poor peasant didn't even know who he was talking to.

From the looks on the Leaf and Tea shinobi's faces, they knew this poor boy from the Land of Grass had made a fatal mistake.

A Ninja's Path (Kakashi X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora