Chapter Twenty Five

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"Sasuke!!! Please don't leave me!!!" Sakura wailed as she clung to the dark haired boy's waist.

He was literally dragging her down the road, the most murderous look in his eyes.

If you, Kakashi, and Naruto hadn't shown up any sooner, Sasuke may have actually killed the pinkette.

"Woah, woah, woah. Unlatch thy grubby meathooks from the boy." You quickly intervened with the situation, prying Sakura off the boy.

As soon as she released her grip on Sasuke, he leapt about ten yards away, puking behind a bush off the side of the road.

"Ew!!!" Naruto exclaimed.

Sakura gasped, Kakashi's eye filling with worry.

"Are you okay, Sasuke?" The silver haired man asked in concern.

Sasuke wiped the side of his mouth, returning to the group. "My bad. A certain someone was clinging to my waist so hard I started getting nauseous. It didn't help that this mysterious someone was also wearing the grossest smelling perfume in the world." He emphasized the last part by gagging.

"But I thought you loved lavender!" Sakura exclaimed.

Sasuke rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "That is definitely not lavender. It's just a silly rumor. Everything you've ever done to try and impress me has been based off rumors. How shallow are you anyways? You're just a freaking psycho."

You and Naruto shared a gasp at Emo Boi's words.

"Sasuke! Seriously?" You reprimanded the boy. He scowled, crossing his arms and avoided eye contact with anyone.

The pinkette blushed bright red in embarrassment. "B-but..." She stammered. Next thing you knew, the girl was racing down the road, tears streaming down her face as she scampered off.

"Sakura! Where are you going?" Naruto called after her. The blondie was about to run after her, but you intervened, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Let me handle this, Naruto. You guys should all go to the training field. We'll catch up with you later." You gave all the boys a reassuring smile before running after Sakura.

Silver flashed in your peripheral and you turned to see Kakashi watching you leave. He gave you a close eyed smile and waved. You grinned back at him, nodding in acknowledgment before turning to face the direction you were going.

Once training was over today, you and Kakashi were definitely gonna have a talk about what happened last night. And you needed to speak to Lady Tsunade about your request for help.

"Sakura! It's me, (Y/N). I just want to talk to you." You called down the street. You walked past the Academy before stopping in your tracks.

Under the big oak in the front of the school, Sakura sat on the tree swing, her head down.

You slowly approached her, leaving a few feet of space between you and the girl. You didn't want to cross her boundaries.

"Leave me alone, (Y/N)-sensei." The girl grumbled. She sniffled, reaching a hand to her face to wipe her nose.

You shook your head. "Is this about what Sasuke said? He was overreacting, he probably didn't really mean-"

"Yes, he did mean it! I saw the look of hate in his eyes. I know that he hates me." She inhaled sharply, trying to hold back a sob. "I'm a mess. I am a psycho. I try so hard to get his affection, that he hates me for it. I deserve this treatment. I've been a terrible person."

You softened your gaze, taking a few steps toward the pinkette. "Sakura..." You began softly. "I know for a fact, that Sasuke doesn't hate you. He's just angry. He said stupid things. I'll make sure he apologizes." A dark aura surrounded you as you cracked your knuckles. "But you need to apologize too. Even though Sasuke's at fault for the things he said, you need to take the blame too. You've been obsessing over him for a long time, it was only a matter of time before he snapped."

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