Chapter Eighteen

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After leaving the town of Kōcha-mura, your team headed back down the path toward Konoha. Seeing as you had left later in the day, you had to take a detour to find a place to stay for the night. You stopped by a small town with an inn and hot springs.

"Kakashi and I will check into the inn, you guys go on ahead to the hot springs." You called to your students.

"Woohoo! Hot springs!" Naruto jumped up and down in excitement. As the tweens headed toward the warm waters, you and Kakashi went toward the only hotel in town.

"Hello!" A hotel employee greeted you both at the door.

The worker behind the desk looked up as you both approached. "Why aren't you two just a lovely couple! Can I interest you in one of our special themed rooms? Birth control comes complimentary."

You stared at the worker blankly before your face became redder than a tomato. "Uh... no..." You trailed off, slowly losing your voice.

"We're not a couple, sorry. We were actually wondering if you had two rooms available, hopefully with two beds each." Kakashi said calmly.

You glared at him, wondering how he appeared completely unfazed.

The worker smiled. "My apologies, I just assumed! You two definitely would make a cute couple though." She winked mischievously.

You cleared your throat and resorted to staring intensely at a plant in the corner.

"So, do you have two rooms available?" Kakashi asked politely.

The woman looked down at a list, nodding. "Yes! And lucky you, they are directly across from each other. I'll get you all checked in." She scribbled down a few words before looking back up. "You're all set! Your rooms should be ready in about thirty minutes."

You both politely thanked her before leaving the hotel, heading across the street to the hot springs.

"Well, that was interesting..." You said.

"How about we pretend that never happened."

"Yeah, good idea." You responded quickly.

You both entered the hot springs, checking in and heading into your designated locker rooms. You undressed, looking forward to soaking in nice hot water.

As you unzipped your shirt, you realized that you didn't really have a way to cover your face. You sighed in exasperation, coming up with your sad, but only option. You walked toward the door to the hot springs with a robe wrapped around your body and a cloth over your face. You could barely see through the fabric, just enough to not run into a wall.

As you headed toward the door, a colorful sign caught your eye so you lifted the cloth just enough to read it. Your eyes nearly popped out of your head as you read it.

Communal Hot Springs: All are welcome!

You stared at the door, then back at the sign again before screaming. These hot springs weren't separated??? That meant that you would be bathing... naked... with women... and men???

With Kakashi

A pervy voice in your head said.

"Shut up, me." You growled at yourself.

Then another realization hit.

Sakura was in there alone... with no protection.

You started pacing back and forth. What if she got assaulted? What if she got kidnapped? Someone was probably already trying to hit on her...

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