Chapter Sixty

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Three Council members. Fox, shaking her head in disappointment. Lion, muscled arms crossed in front of his bulky body. And... Panther, eyes glowing in fury.

Hebi tightened her grip on you, whip digging into your skin. You shifted uncomfortably.

Fuyu- Panther- stepped forward, her mask a solid barrier between you both. You couldn't see her facial expression, but you felt pure rage and hatred.

She reached down, grabbing your arm and pulling you to a standing position.

"Hey, auntie." You gave her a flashing grin and her grip tightened.

So she was still crazy- you had needed to see if she had retreated into the hollow husk like before, or if she retained her psychotic personality.

"Did you really think you could get away from us?" Fox tsked. "Even you can't escape. Especially in your current state." She gestured to you in disgust.

She was right, you were rather... crusty.

Well, she was probably referring to your lack of food, sleep, and water but... you also felt incredibly crusty.

Grime smeared your face, your hair was a rat's nest, and your clothes were a filthy mess. You lifted your lip in disgust at your own decrepit state of being.

"Well, it's been awhile since I last bathed. I... haven't had the opportunity." You smiled at Fox coldly.

The Council member nodded in agreement, paying a glance at the bulky man beside her.

Lion- not one for talking. He was a massive brute, standing at nearly seven feet tall with biceps the size of your torso. You could tell he wasn't very bright, he seemed to be just as mute as Panther. Well... at least as mute as how she pretended to be.

This made you wonder... how many Council members were really puppets to Fox? And/or, how many were faking like your aunt?

"Lion, be a dear and detain our lovely Phantom. Wouldn't want you getting away again, would we?" Fox asked.

"No, definitely wouldn't want that to happen." You muttered as Lion approached you.

He glanced behind you, clearing his throat. The whip tied loosened and fell away, returning to its owner.

Before you could even think about making a run for it, Lion picked you up, throwing you over a shoulder with ease.

"Watch it! I'm a person- not a sack of potatoes." You growled at the Council member but he paid you no mind. He turned to face Fox again. Which unfortunately resulted in you facing the opposite direction, aka Hebi.

You were prepared to see a smug expression on her face- ready to hear a few sly slurs that had something to do with eating and sex. She stared past you, probably at the other Council members. Her muscles were tense, hand gripping the whip on her belt tightly. Her yellow eyes looked like they were filled with apprehension and... fear?

Your eyes locked and you could have sworn there was pity behind them. She mouthed something to you and then Lion walked away, carrying you around the corner.

It was only until you had left Hebi behind that you realized what she said.

Good luck.

As if whatever was in store for you was worse than being eaten alive (sexually) by her.

Absolutely fantastic.


You had expected Lion to carry you to the square to face public execution with the other rebels. You hadn't expected to make a pit stop at the showers.

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