Chapter Four

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"Erm... no." Kakashi rejected his blonde pupil's idea.

You scrunched your face up, a reaction you always had when you found yourself in an awkward situation. You had no idea why, but your face just seemed to like turning ugly when you were caught in a weird situation.

"Actually, my name is (Y/F/N). I am the intern for... Kakashi-sensei." You weren't sure how to address him, but the silver-haired man didn't seem fazed.

"That's right, she's going to be my intern for the next six months." Kakashi went on.

The boy groaned, glancing at you suspiciously for a moment. "What's with the getup? You emo or somethin'?"

You snorted. "I ask myself the same thing everyday."

"Anyways, how about we introduce (Y/N) to the others as well." Kakashi ignored the way the blonde boy eyed you, walking past both of you toward a small bridge where two figures stood.

As you approached, it appeared to be a girl and a boy, the girl looking completely smitten with her male companion.

You rolled your eyes. Why did so many girls have the urge to throw themselves at their crushes?

"Sakura, Sasuke! Come meet the intern." Kakashi called them over. The pair turned to look at you as you approached.

"Hello." You greeted them quietly.

You noticed how they both gave you a second glance before responding.

The girl greeted you back first. "Hello! It's nice to meet you! My name is Sakura Haruno." She smiled at you kindly.

The girl had long pink hair and light green eyes, reminding you of a sunlit cherry blossom tree- her namesake.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha." The boy said quickly. He sounded uninterested, like he didn't care that you were there. He had spiky, black hair and dark eyes, skin paler than the moon.

He did look handsome, but definitely not your type. Especially because he was like, twelve. But he was probably the boy Ino had warned you to not fall for.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki! You better watch your back, cuz I'm gonna be the next Hokage!" The blonde boy gave you a big grin and thumbs up, reminding you of Might Guy.

You looked at the three kids, all were your students now. They each had their own personality, own set of skills, and own morals and outlooks on life. Three different seeds you had to help grow.

You beamed at them, hope filling your chest. "It's an honor to meet you all! Please bear with me while I become adjusted to being a teacher. I know you will all do great things one day." You bowed to them slightly.

Sakura seemed a bit flustered, Sasuke gave a cold smile in return, and Naruto returned an even wider grin.

You had a feeling that all three of them would go far in life- maybe Naruto might even become Hokage.

You looked up at Kakashi to see an expression on his face (in one frickin eye) that resembled yours.

A look of hope and pride, a spark of love for the trio of tweens.

You knew the next six months of your life were gonna be a crazy rollercoaster of adventure.

You couldn't wait.


"So what can you do?" Naruto asked as all five members of Team 7 (including you now) walked down the wooded path toward your training area.

"What do you mean?" You asked the blonde boy.

He had sky blue eyes and three whisker-like markings on each cheek.

A Ninja's Path (Kakashi X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora