Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Tell me everything."

You watched your mother cautiously. She seemed shocked and then saddened that you stepped out of her embrace.

As you analyzed her coldly, she wrapped her arms around herself as if protecting herself from a sudden chill.

She looked up at you with those deep violet eyes. The same as yours.

"I suppose I should start at the beginning."

She shifted from foot to foot, considering how to start.

"I am Sana Murasakino. The last pureblooded descendant of the Murasakino clan. You are (Y/F/N), half blooded descendant of the Murasakino clan. My daughter."

She clasped her hands behind her back, her tone growing serious.

"As you know, we carry with us a rare Kekkei Genkai. Even within our small clan, only about twenty percent were gifted with the eyes. After the Murasakino massacre, only a few families survived. My father, Fuyu and me made up one of those families."

Your mother began to pace, shoes some how resonating off the floor.

"After the massacre, we went into hiding. Eventually, we began a nomadic life, moving from town to town, country to country. The Land of Shadows was the first place to welcome us with open arms. The Council gave us a home, some land, and offered to train my sister and I to become 'police'.

"So we did everything we were told. How could we know their true intentions? They hid it well from us. Fuyu and I joined the Nightmares when I was seventeen and she was fifteen. While working for them, I met your father. He somehow protected me from the truth, the horrible truth of a Nightmare's job. Eventually, we fell and love and got married. After my father- your grandfather- passed away, your father and I decided to start a family in his house. That is where you grew up."

You frowned. "But as a Nightmare, didn't you have to do terrible things? You worked for them, wouldn't you know if you were doing something bad?"

Your mother shook her head. "Like I said before, the Council is good at hiding things from people. They had me placed on security duty for the first six months I worked for them- I never saw the true face of the organization I was working for- until it was too late." She took a deep breath as if preparing for what she had to say.

"Six months after I joined the Nightmares, I gave my oath, swearing loyalty to the Council and all that they stand for. About a week after my pledge, I was sent on my first mission- to kill three citizens who were reported for unauthorized activity. Before the mission I was told by my higher officer that if I failed to complete the mission, my family would be exiled from the country."

Your eyes widened in surprise. "So the Council tricked you into joining the Nightmares?"

Your mother nodded. "Although my father did a good job hiding our true identities as Murasakinos, the Council found out. As soon as they discovered our powerful lineage, they made their move- turning Fuyu and I into their puppets."

You shivered at the last word she said.

"You're my little puppet now."

"What happened to Aunt Fuyu?"

Your mother frowned. "What do you mean?"

You pursed your lips. "Soon after you and dad died, Aunt Fuyu took me in. But she was... unhinged. She did terrible things to me. From the memory you showed me, Aunt Fuyu seemed normal. What changed her into a... monster?"

You could see pain behind your mother's eyes. "My sister..." She sighed, running a hand through her dark hair.

"I suppose I should tell you about the night your father and I... passed away..." She watched you closely for the slightest hint that it would be too much for her to go on.

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