Chapter Forty Nine

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You stepped into the secret room of the archives, your Hikarigan revealing what normal eyes wouldn't be able to in the pure darkness.

The whispers quieted to a dull roar, as if waiting for your next move.

You looked around the room, finding it to be full of more bookshelves and dust. But unlike the rest of the archives, this chamber seemed older.

The floor and walls were made of stone, different from the plaster and tiles of the rest of the building.

A desk was placed against the back wall, strewn with yellowed papers and wax candles. You approached the table, analyzing the curling pages and stopped dead.

Each paper held a detailed charcoal illustration of a set of eyes. You picked one up, finding the drawing unnervingly realistic. Each paper held a different pair of eyes, each one as eerily lifelike as the first.

In the bottom corner of each illustration was a set of initials and a date. They all dated back to nearly six decades ago.

You couldn't be certain if these were the eyes of previous Hikarigan users, seeing as they weren't in color. But they're had to be a reason why they were hidden away in this secret room.

You opened the desk's only drawer and found a single leather-bound book within.

The whispering swelled up, coaxing you to pick the book up.

Hesitantly, you reached for it, opening to the first page.

It was a diary- and every entry dated back to the same time period as when the eyes were drawn.

You nearly gasped- each entry also contained details regarding the Hikarigan.

An sea of secrets- exactly what you had been looking for.

The diary contained information regarding abilities you were already aware of, such as night vision and Shi no Hono- flames of darkness.

It also held a more detailed explanation of the manipulation of shadows. Of how they could be used to leech the chakra out of people if used correctly. Interesting.

You also noticed notes on Genjutsu- the Hikarigan's ability to simulate a person's darkest fears subconsciously. According to the diary, it was frequently used during interrogations.

You noticed something else, a recurring claim throughout the journal. The idea that the Hikarigan was capable of something other than shadows and darkness. Whatever that power was, it didn't seem the author of the diary had discovered it yet.

You slipped the journal into your satchel, deciding that you would analyze it deeper at a later time. For now, you had a lot of bookshelves to explore before your meeting with the rebellion leaders started.

"It seems you've found quite the interesting place down here."

You whirled around, dagger in hand to find a cloaked figure standing in the doorway.

"But of course, I would expect nothing less from the Violet Phantom." The man mused.

He seemed relaxed, arms crossed as he leaned against the threshold. He made no move for his weapons- kunai sheathed to his right thigh- even as he noticed the blade you brandished.

"I advise you not to tell the Council about this." You noted the Nightmare insignia on the breast of his uniform and silently cursed yourself.

You had not been so cautious regarding the Council's spies when you came down here.

You had simply assumed that being in such a confined space would make it impossible for the Nightmares to follow you down here without making themselves known.

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