Chapter Three

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You walked into the bright yellow flower shop, a tinkling bell signifying your entrance.

"Welcome to Yamanaka Flowers! All of our carnations are 40% for the next four days. Could I interest you in buying a bouquet?"

You turned your attention to a girl standing behind the front counter, a pleasant expression as she watched you enter her store.

You noticed how her eyes scanned your outfit for a moment before regaining her composure. Clearly she didn't want to lose any paying customers, even if they seemed a bit shady.

"No thank you, I'm just browsing for now." You responded to her offer politely.

"Of course! Please ask me if you are in need of any assistance." The girl beamed as she spoke.

You returned the smile, walking toward a row of mixed bouquets. You were planning on buying one, just to brighten up your apartment a bit. You didn't want it too extravagant- it had to exude a mood that you would be willing to walk back into everyday after work.

You decided on a small bouquet of violet and white flowers. Even though you couldn't name any of the flower types, you liked the way the bouquet made you feel calm and at peace.

"I'll take these." You placed the bouquet on the front counter, the girl looking up from a book she had been reading.

"Is that all for you today?" She asked and you nodded.

The girl studied the bouquet for a moment, a smile crossing her face. "Do you know what purple violets mean in the language of flowers?" She gestured to the bouquet.

"No, I don't know much about the symbolism behind flowers." You responded.

The girl smirked. "These violets symbolize looking to the future, sometimes meaning the owner is occupied with love."

You nearly roll your eyes. "Sorry, but I'm not much of the romantic type. I just wanted a nice looking set of flowers to brighten up my apartment." You pointed across the street at your balcony.

The girl shrugged indifferently, clearly not convinced that you weren't a hopeless romantic.

"My name is Ino, by the way. Ino Yamanaka. My parents own this shop. I assume you are new in town?" She said.

You nodded. "I am new. My name is (Y/N). It's a pleasure to meet you, Ino."

The girl smiled again, handing you back the bouquet and gesturing for money.

The girl was about the same height as you, probably around twelve to thirteen years old. She had long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail and light blue eyes. She wore a two piece purple outfit, and a band with the Land of Fire's symbol engraved on it.

"So you're a kunoichi?" You asked the girl as she took the money you handed her.

"Yes, I graduated from the Academy recently."

You held onto the bouquet tightly, readjusting your grip on all the bags you carried. "Cool, I'm from the Land of Shadows, here as an intern for one of the Genin squads."

The girl who's name was Ino, raised a brow. "Oh really? That's pretty interesting. Which team will you be with?"

"Team 7 led by Kakashi Hatake."

Ino seemed to frown a bit. "Wow. Have you met the team yet?"

You shook your head, saying you would later that day.

The girl nodded. "I see. Well, I don't mean to act possessive, but..."

She put both of her hands on the counter and stared deeply into your eyes. Or at least where she thought your eyes were.

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