Chapter Sixty Two

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The air filled with the tangy scent of fear and blood. All around you, chaos broke out as the crowd began to panic.

Blood sprayed as the Council continued their hunt, picking the rebels out of the crowd and tearing them apart.

You sat their, in the center of the bloodbath on your pedestal, white gown flowing in the breeze.

Death... so much...

All your fault.

"I can't-" Your voice broke and the tears ran free. You clutched your head, trembling as you curled in. "I don't know what to do..."

The screams rang out, infinite and deafening.

You glanced down at the masses.

Fox had several kunai in her hands as she chased a rebel down, stabbing him in the back. Bear picked another rebel up, crushing her in his grip. All the Council members were shaking with blood lust as they ripped the rebels apart.

"Make it stop..." You rocked back and forth. "Stop it."

The screaming continued.

"No..." You swayed to your feet, vision blurred as the tears flowed down your cheeks, stinging your cut.

It's all your fault.

"All my fault..." You said in a daze.

The metallic tang of blood filled the air as people pushed each other over to try and escape the Council.

You had to do something. You had to help the rebels, save them. But what could you do? There was no way you were going to kill all of the Council members. Especially when Fuyu was among them.

Speaking of the she-devil, she was nowhere to be found. You were surprised she wasn't joining in the fray, as an appointed psycho, she would have loved to go on a killing spree.


The killing ceased immediately. Swiftly, every Council member trudged toward Fox whose white mask was splattered red. She glanced up at you and you shivered.

No... Fuyu was a monster, but not the devil. Fox... she was worse than the king of hell himself.

"I think that's enough for now. How many?"

Wolf approached the small Council member, his jagged sword covered with blood as well. "Nineteen."

Fox nodded in approval. "Good, but I do believe we're missing a few. Perhaps they're still hiding in the crowd?"

The masses were huddled across the square, cowering in fear as the Council looked them over.

"Should we find them?" Wolf asked Fox.

The small Council member shook her head before glancing up at you, still curled into yourself at the top of the platform.

"If they don't show themselves, kill anyone who's in your way until you find them." You could hear the smile in her voice.

Your eyes shot up and you stared at her in horror. Not only had she turned the rebels' execution into a hunt, but she was now authorizing the murder of innocent civilians in order to find those who still survived.

And she wanted you to watch.

Not only was this tall platform meant to ensure everyone could see you, but it was so you could see them. You had a birds-eye view of the entire square, a front-row seat to the murder of your people.

Your people.

"If the surviving rebels do not come forward in ten seconds, we will have to force our way to them." The small Council member brandished a small knife in each hand for emphasis.

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