Chapter Thirty Three

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There was nothing.

Only silence and darkness. In a way it was peaceful, this eternity of calm and quiet. But then came a feeling. This empty pit in your stomach. This nothingness... it was so lonely. You didn't want to be all alone forever. This darkness had lasted long enough.

So you fought it.

You pushed and pulled and writhed about, trying to escape the impenetrable silence. You screamed, but no sound came out. You begged, but no one came to save you. There was only nothing.

The panic ebbed away, replaced by solemn acceptance. If this was the way it was to be, then so be it. But then came a new feeling, an uneasiness. Was this really going to be forever? Would there always be nothing? You didn't like that. You didn't want that.

You thought, there must be more than just this. There had to be more. You kept thinking, on and on your thoughts flew by. And through it all, you saw a light. Above you, there was a light.

It was faint at first, a dim glow in the distance. But the more curious you became, the closer it seemed to get. This small kernel turned into a great gaping mass of light. It was so close, you could almost reach out and touch it.

You knew that you couldn't stay in this darkness any longer, you had more important things to do. This light, was the way out. And so you reached out and touched it.

So suddenly, there was everything.


"(Y/N)! (Y/N), wake up!"

You groaned in pain as your head throbbed viciously. Your eyes were closed, but light shined brightly through your lids. You coughed, your throat burning and your skin itching. All you could feel was heat and a piercing pain on every inch of your body.

"(Y/N)! Can you hear me?"

You tried to open your eyes, blinking at the brightness. As you regained your vision, you found a man with silver hair and a mask leaning over you, cradling you in his arms.

"Kakashi?" You rasped out. It hurt so much to talk.

He pulled you further into his chest, wrapping you in a tight hug. It was painful, but you couldn't find the strength to move.

"She'll be fine. We need to keep moving." Another voice sounded from your other side.

You turned your head to find a red haired boy with a gourd strapped to his back, staring down at you coldly.

You frowned, what was he doing here? Where were you? What happened?

Kakashi seemed to sense your panic. "It's alright, (Y/N). We're near the edge of the desert. Gaara's he's here to help."

You blinked again, analyzing the red haired boy. Memories began to flood back. He had pierced your shoulder with his sand. Your team had left the Sand Village. You were attacked, you were dragged down into the sand. Then there was nothing.

"How... am I... still alive?" You said slowly. Your throat was burning.

"Gaara killed the ninjas who attacked us and dug you and Naruto out of the sand. Neither of you were breathing, we thought you..." He trailed off, as if recalling bad memories. He shook his head and continued. "Gaara carried our whole team to the end of the desert on his sand. We stopped as soon as Sakura saw your chest start to move up and down."

You cringed, your temple continuing to throb. You needed water. But then you recognized those names. Naruto. Sakura.

"Where are they?!" You shot straight up, looking around frantically. To your left was vast desert, to your right you could make out the outline of forest.

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