Chapter Thirty Nine

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He was a Nightmare.

And the only reason a Nightmare would be outside the village was if they were tracking someone down. In other words... this man was sent by the Council to take you back to the Land of Shadows. They must of caught wind of your betrayal. Your confession of their evils to the Hokage.

You swore in your mind and backed away, cautious of the man. He could strike at any moment.

He seemed to notice your uneasiness. "It's alright, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm just... passing through..." His expression turned dark before it dissipated. "But I won't do anything to you. The Council didn't send me. I'm-"

You took that moment to move, running back into the restaurant to grab Naruto. You didn't care what he was going to say, you wouldn't hear of it. Nightmares could never be trusted. No matter what they said. The Council controlled all of the Nightmares. Whoever that man- Sho- was, he couldn't be trusted.

Blondie seemed confused as you burst into the restaurant racing toward him. He tried to ask a question but you cut him off, yanking him out of his seat by the arm and toward the kitchen. Restaurants always had back doors.

You pulled the boy along with you, dodging waiters and surprised cooks. They yelled in protest, shocked to find two strangers running through their kitchen. You found the back door, opening it before bursting out.

Just as you exited the building, the Nightmare named Sho rounded the side of the building, huffing out a breath. He assessed the situation, trying to figure out what to do.

Once again, you gave him no time. You bolted into the tree line that surrounded the entire village, Naruto following close behind.

You could hear shouts from behind you but ignored them. Every instinct in your body told you to run from the red and black insignia sewn into Sho's shirt.

You raced through the forest, jumping over fallen logs and pushing away branches. You decided to make a wide circle around the village, hopefully ending up somewhere near Mr. Igaku's house. You prayed you could lose the Nightmare on the way.

Finally, you broke through the tree line, back into the village. Just as you had expected, you were near the street leading to Mr. Igaku's house. You gestured for Naruto to follow you quickly, back into the old man's house.

As soon as you opened and closed the door behind you, you bolted it shut, racing around the house to close all the curtains.

Kakashi came into the main room from the kitchen, confusion written all over his face. "What's going on?"

Mr. Igaku came stumbling down the stairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "What's happening? Can't an old man nap in his own house?"

Naruto spoke in between gasps for breath. "There was a man.... and... (Y/N)-sensei spoke to him... and she made us run... so he was... probably bad."

Kakashi frowned. "What man?"

You walked toward your cot, picking up the notepad right where you had left it.

Someone from my country is here. A Nightmare, if you remember what that is.

The silver haired man's expression turned serious. "You mean the secret police of your country? Why was one of them here? Were they looking for you?"

It seemed like it. He recognized me. It would only make sense that the Council sent him to bring me back.

Naruto stared at your notepad in confusion, Sasuke joining him.

The dark haired boy shook his head. "Nightmares? Council? What the heck are you talking about?"

You pursed your lips. Perhaps it was time to tell them. Of course, Kakashi would have to do it since you couldn't speak.

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