Chapter Fifty Five

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"It's been awhile, Aunt Fuyu."

She stared you down with cold, violet eyes.

You leaned your head against the cinder block wall.

"Have you come to gloat? To tell me that I'm a fool for ever believing you were actually dead? That I was naïve to believe I was finally free from you?"

You were met by silence and a blank stare.

"What? Can't even come up with curses to slander me with?"

"She's not going to answer you."

You glanced up to find another Council member- Fox- standing beside your aunt. She was short and lithe- a build similar to yours. Her mask sneered down at you.

"Why won't she answer?" You asked.

Fox crossed her arms as she looked down at you. "You really think we'd let your psychotic aunt join the Council without making a few... tweaks to her personality?"

You drew to your feet and shuffled to the front of the cell, glaring at Fox. "Isn't it your fault that she went crazy in the first place?"

Fox threw her head back, releasing a cackle. "That's funny!" She went dead silent, her piercing gaze nearly causing you to flinch. "Fuyu was already mad before we started the carving. She was just suppressing it. All she needed was a little push," She gave your aunt a small shove in the shoulder. She didn't even react. "and then she lost it. I can imagine what a fright she must have given your parents."

You reached through the bars, grappling at Fox. But a hand shot out and gripped your wrist, twisting it back. You yelped in pain as your aunt tightened her grasp.

Fox chuckled again before waving a hand. Aunt Fuyu immediately dropped your arm.

You rubbed your wrist while you stared at your aunt.

"What happened to you?" You whispered.

Fuyu didn't even meet your eyes.

"What the hell did you do to her?" You demanded from Fox.

The Council member shrugged. "I'll admit that we broke into her mind the first time. You know, twenty years ago. But this time..." She faced your aunt, reaching up to gently stroke her cheek. "This hollowness you see is simply a consequence of our experimental operation."

You froze. "What operation? What did you do to her?"

Fox faced you again, allowing her hand to drop. "Aren't you wondering why she suddenly possesses the Hikarigan? Despite the fact that she should have awakened it decades ago?"

You felt your stomach drop. "What. Did. You. Do."

The Council member stepped closer to your cell. Wrapping delicate fingers around the bars, she leaned in close. "Can't you recognize your own mother's eyes?"

Time stopped. The world faded away. You slowly lifted your gaze to Fuyu's. Stared into those deep, violet eyes. Twin to your own. Your aunt locked eyes with you and the world crumbled before you, leaving you hollow and blank. And then it all came rushing back.

You shifted your gaze back to Fox you flinched at what she saw. "I swear to whatever God is out there. When I get out of this cell, I will shred you Council members into small pieces." You seized Fox's hands, fingernails digging into her knuckles. "I will cut you apart like you did to my family. I'll make you watch yourself slowly unravel." You leaned in close as Fox struggled to pull away. She flinched as your hot breath caressed her neck. "And I'll do it ever so slowly."

The look on your face must have been something vicious because even Fuyu took a step back from your cell.

You glanced at your aunt. "Fuyu. I know you're still in there. Hiding. It's time to come out."

She blinked slowly. You could've sworn her lip quivered. But then her face went cold and blank and she stepped toward you again, pulling out a kunai. She gestured for you to let go of Fox.

The Council member was shaking violently, still trying to pry herself away.

You smirked in satisfaction at the look of fear in her eyes and dropped her hands.

She cradled them as she eyed you warily.

You looked down at the blood on your fingers, under your nails. You held a hand up for Fox to see. "I think I wear your blood rather nicely. Perhaps I'll keep it on me as a reminder of what I'll do to you when I get out of here."

That seemed to have been the wrong thing to say because Fox snapped her fingers and you felt the air buzz around you. A second later and darkness filled your cell, leaving you to grapple through the shadows.

"That's where you're wrong. There is no escape. Fuyu. You know what to do."

You heard the creak of your cell open and close. You couldn't stop your knees from quaking.

"Just make sure she doesn't die, will you?"

Glowing violet eyes appeared in front of you, beckoning you to look.

"Itami no sakkaku."

You realized what Fuyu was trying to do. "No-" It was too late. You had already looked.

You felt the world around you fall away, any concept of reality utterly shattered. In those moments, right before the pain started, you vowed to yourself that you wouldn't break, no matter what happened. You would come back from this.

You had to.

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