Chapter Thirty Two

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You woke up before Sakura, mainly because of the pain in your shoulder. After further investigation in the bathroom, you discovered that some of your stitches had come undone, letting a small trickle of blood ooze out of your wound.

Seeing as it was still before dawn, you took the liberty of restitching yourself. Luckily, there was some medical supplies in the bathroom cabinet so you didn't need to hunt down a hotel worker.

"Come on (Y/N), you can do this." You tried to give yourself a pep talk, holding a threaded needle up to your shoulder. Didn't this count as self harm? "Don't be a sissy." You mumbled to yourself.

"Three, two one..." After another deep breath, you finally stuck it through your skin, feeling proud but also slightly disturbed at the feeling of pulling thread through your flesh. You punctured your skin again, pulling the needle through to draw your wound closed.

You slapped the counter with a grimace. "Bloody children on a pound cake!"

"Um, are you alright in there? I heard something about pounding children bloody." You heard Sakura call from the other side of the door.

"Oh, I'm fine! Do you need to use the bathroom or something?"

"No, I just heard you groaning in pain in there. Are you sure you're alright? There's blood on your sheets."

You immediately checked your pants but realized it was from your open wound, not the other thing.

"Yeah uh... my wound just reopened while I was sleeping last night. I'm trying to restitch it."

You could've sworn you heard a sound of disgust.

"Um, do you want me to get Kakashi-sensei?" Your student asked.

You shook your head. "No, I'm alright. I've got it handled. Just try to get some more sleep, alright? I'll be out in a few minutes."

"Okay..." The pinkette didn't sound very convinced.

You returned to the task at hand, cutting the thread with a pair of scissors. You had one last stitch to put in. Instead of counting down to your skin's demise, you pushed the needle in, gritting your teeth in pain. Once again, you pushed it through the flesh on the other side of your wound, pulling the skin taut. You grabbed the scissors, cutting and tying the last stitch before collapsing on the bathroom floor.

You had done this before, but the circumstances had been more severe. This meant that the last time you had given yourself stitches was on a mission in the Land of Shadows. Your adrenaline had been pumping and the pain was less severe. You had bigger things on your mind than a few stitches. But being alone with nothing but the pain... it was horrendous.

After bandaging your shoulder and cleaning up the supplies, you stumbled back into the bedroom, sitting down on your bed in a daze.

Sakura sat up in her bed, analyzing you. "Um, you okay? You look like you're in shock."

You shrugged, turning to look at the blood stain on your bed sheets. "I better leave the note for the cleaner, just so they know that no one was murdered."

The pinkette raised a brow at you. "Right... why don't you take it easy, okay? I can't imagine restitching yourself to be a pleasant experience."

You shook your head. "It's really not."

Fifteen minutes went by as you tried to lull back into dreamland, but alas, it was not meant to be.

"Hello in there!!! Wakey wakey time to leave!!!" A screechy voice came from the hallway.

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