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Making her presence discreet, Aisuya quietly made her way to a fairly decent sized island. One that held the bronze figure of Avatar Aang. Standing proudly before "Republic City" his left hand gripping onto his glider which he held with pride. While the timeless Avatar's gaze beamed upon the vast seas before him. Almost as if he was welcoming all to the shores of "Republic City." Though unlike others who would be enthralled in the bustling city, Aisuya was not. Sorrow drenched her very soul as she climbed atop the tall statue. The young woman wishing to be entirely alone with her thoughts. But deep down she knew she was never truly alone. For the Spirit of Raava was ever present within her. Always giving off that warm glow, one of sanctuary. Almost as if the light Spirit knew of her troubles and wished to aid her. But it did little good.

Aisuya could not hide her anguish, even from the heights she stood upon. Gazing upon the vast city in the distance. It's thousands of lights glistening in the distance before her. And yet Aisuya felt no joy, only emptiness. Tears slithered down the young woman's cheeks, her fragile mind unable to handle such distress. But Aisuya knew here was the only place she would not be disturbed. The only place free from the prying gazes of others. Here she could bare the torrent of emotions that threatened to rip her in two. Here Aisuya could scream and curse the sky above. Pleading with not only herself but to anyone of a higher plane. Someone had to understand her grievance. Someone out there in the vast world. It was then that Aisuya fell to her knees atop the statue. Her tears never ceasing as she sobbed into the night air. "I-I can't do this." Aisuya began, her cyan eyes turned to the brilliant sky before her. Searching for a sign that someone was listening to her plea.

It was then that an intense heat made itself known to Aisuya. This searing hot pain centered upon her back. Gritting her teeth, Aisuya brought her knees to her chest. Continuing to sob into the night air. Ignoring the pain before it soon consumed her, Aisuya's cries turning to that of pain as her deep cyan eyes took the glow of the "Avatar." Causing Aisuya to cease her cries all the while the waves which crashed against the very island she stood upon soon gathered. Twisting and turning before rising to the height of Aisuya. This twister of water then seemed to burst open like a blooming flower. Revealing the glowing visage of Avatar Wan. The First Avatar deeply saddened upon seeing Aisuya in such distress."Love is not an easy path. Hye and I know this more than anyone." Avatar Wan began, slowly stepping from the embrace of the ocean. Making his way over to the fragile Aisuya, who's tears continued to stream down her cheeks.

"But it's rewards are something that I treasure even now. One day you will understand that as well." Wan began as he reached his right hand for the tearful Aisuya. How she trembled before him as if she was a small meek creature. But Aisuya slapped his hand away, her tears never ceasing as she cried. "All love has gotten me is heartache!" She sobbed, her right hand clasping at her chest. Her visage visibly shaken and it only brought more sorrow to Avatar Wan. To see her like this, his precious one. Broken to such a degree. Ready to throw the spirits most precious gift to man. Love.

"I cant do this anymore....she's moved on. Korra replaced me long ago, I know that now." Aisuya weeped, her shoulders low as she cried. Avatar Wan averted his gaze to the ground, a pain in his heart he once believed was missing. Now took residence within him. Heartache. He felt this, Aisuya did and for sure Korra did as well. "It's true she left your side, but now Korra wishes to be with you. It is a confusing point in her life. You know this better than anyone. Aisuya." Avatar Wan informed, his words hitting true as Aisuya very voice quivered. "B-But she—" "The bond you share is both physical and spiritual. She knows how you feel, and I'm sure is striving to fix her wrong." Avatar Wan began as a sudden geyser of water came from the ocean below. And atop of it, skillfully manipulating the water was Korra herself. A distressed expression present upon Korra's face as she landed with a gentle this infront of both Wan and Aisuya.

Avatar Wan smiled towards Korra who nodded a thanks his way before the silhouette of the Avatar faded from sight. Leaving the two women alone together. Aisuya averted her gaze to the ground feeling extremely small at the moment. And Korra saw this, she stepped forward. Her arm reaching out for Aisuya but she quickly swatted her hand away. Shaking her head as the tears continued to stream furiously down her cheeks. "No, stop! Don't touch me!" Aisuya cried, her outburst bringing tears to Korra's own eyes. She had hurt her, shunned Aisuya without meaning to. All the while battling with her own feelings. Her desires that continued to plague her both day and night. Emotions all centered around Aisuya and her inviting tender lips.

But now seeing what she had done to Aisuya, the one person who did anything to help her. Korra knew the thoughts that filled her may never come to be. She had broken the sweet and shy Aisuya, and it was now her turn to do the mending. Biting her bottom lip to force back her tears Korra continued forward. Embracing Aisuya from behind no matter how much she fought against her. For Aisuya cried in protest, pushing Korra away, prying her fingers. Insisting she let her go. But Korra refused, she held Aisuya and listened to her erratic breathing. Her sorrowful cries that she had created. "I'm sorry—im so sorry." Korra croaked into Aisuya's ear, her words stopping any further outburst. Though Aisuya's breathing slowed Abit, she through swollen eyes turned her head to meet the remorseful gaze of Korra. Who slumped to her knees before Aisuya. Gripping onto her waist as she sobbed. "You were with me—even when I forgot you i—" Korra began daring to look Aisuya in the eye as she continued to speak. Her words of truth shuddering through Aisuya.

"I know what I'm feeling, it's always been there. For you Aisuya." Korra began as Aisuya sucked in a shallow breath, her heart pounding loudly in her chest. "I can't ignore my feelings for you, I-I—"Korra began mumbling nervously as her cheeks were now a brilliant scarlet. She stumbled over her words, an adorable trait that stirred something in Aisuya. Her body seemed to almost move in it's own. But it felt right to Aisuya as she knelt down towards Korra tilting her head to meet her gaze. As Aisuya's warm lips eagerly pressed against Korra's. A heat like no other made itself known to the two women. As Korra found herself hungrily deepening the kiss, her tongue conquering the shy Aisuya. While Korra's own fingers gripped onto a fistful of hair, bringing the now moaning Aisuya closer. Their bodies pressed against one another under the full moon above them. Their moans of ecstasy filling the air around the two women. But it didn't matter, all that mattered what that they were together. They were one. In each other's arms. Feeling finally complete. It was a feeling that both Korra and Aisuya would never forget. And would bringing the two of them together.

Our Spirits Intertwine On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara