Broken Spirit

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The loud and constant cheering of the crowd rung in her ears,as a fellow combatant in the bending arena took her place. Taking a shallow breathe the young ebony skinned woman readied herself for the slew of attacks she was sure to go up against. The moment the bell rung signaling the combatants to begin. The attacks began. Before the ebony skinned woman could even retaliate,her body was beaten horribly by large rocks. Being constantly forced upon her by the earth bending combatant. Who continued to smirk at her handiwork. The dark skinned woman glared before willing herself to her feet,stomping on the ground with all her might. And used her hands to force a boulder towards her attacker. The attacker smirked,before effortlessly side stepping the boulder. Surprising the dark skinned woman,before she was pelted by stone shards which cut her skin with their jagged edges. The dark skinned woman released a shrill cry before stumbling to her knees in defeat. Leaving her attacker the victor of the fight,who held her hands up high over her head in victory.

The beaten woman's cyan hued eyes peered upwards towards the blinding light. A single tear slithering down her right cheek before she whispered a name. The name of the person she desperately needed more than anything. The person who gave her strength when she was at her lowest. The person who was the key to being the Avatar."R-Raava." She whispered before losing consciousness,with only the distant cheers of the crowd echoing around her. She had lost. As she had lost Raava. Yet little did she know Arabs had never left her side. Even now the purity that was Raava enveloped the broken woman. Hoping to somehow trigger something. To have her open her eyes and see her once again. " I'm right here Korra. I'm right here." Raava whispered to the sleeping Korra. "Even if you can't see me,I'm here for you always." Raava whispered to her dear friend,vowing to help Korra no matter the cost. And Raava knew exactly how to do this. In fact Raava had already set a plan in motion months ago.

Raava only prayed that this plan would work,and soon she would see if her plan would indeed help. Would it revive the broken confidence of Korra? Or would she merely slip into an even deeper depression? Even now as Raava watched the arena clear out and its owner struggling to wake up Korra. A new face was entering the city. The new face road on top of her companion. A beautiful white and black leopard who would do anything to protect its master and friend no matter the cost. The leopard leaped into the air bounding down the vast and congested streets of the Earth city. Catching the eye of many onlookers. But the beast simply ignored their gazes following its masters orders"Find Korra."Those were all the words the animal needed to hear before following its master's every command, in truth the creature would gladly give its life for its master. It's friend. Its master gripped onto the saddle she rode on with great strength,allowing the dry wind to whip through her long flowing raven hair. Captivating many men who were lucky enough to gaze upon her beauty. The young woman was of water tribe descent.

Wearing their trademark blue and white attire,as most people of her tribe did. The woman wore the traditional light blue and purple kimono like tunic,which seemed to stop just below her mid thigh. She also wore a pare of black tights which allowed her more movement,which was aided by the slight slits on both sides of her tunic. The tunic itself was trimmed in light white fur,while around her waist she wore a simple black belt bearing the water tribe emblem upon it. The water tribe woman held utter determination in her eyes as she scanned the city for her dear friend. Praying she would reach her in time. 'Korra.'The woman thought to herself before the voice of the spirit Raava made itself known to her once more. "Korra is close to her breaking point. You have to save her. Before it's too late." Raava stated as the woman nodded before telling her companion to run faster. She had to find her,and now. It was then the woman began to think. If she were Korra where would she be? It was true the two had been friends many many years ago.

And she was sure some of Korra's hobbies and mannerisms must have changed. But there was one thing the woman was sure hadn't changed. Korra's love of fighting. Despite being the Avatar and the symbol of peace and balance of the world. Her dear friend loved a good fight. If there was a fight nearby you could almost guarantee Korra could be found nearby. Which was exactly what the young woman was thinking. Korra did love to fight,all she had to do was find a place known for bending and she was sure to find her. Bidding her dear companion to cease its running,the woman felt her animal friend slow to a complete stop. Panting loudly due her demands to run faster. Hopping off the saddle,the woman ran her fingers across the thick white fur of her feline friend. Kissing her muzzle gently. " Good job Sesi,good job girl." The woman whispered to the large and now purring feline,causing the woman to smile. Sesi did indeed deserve a break,she could do this on her own from here. Allowing her companion to frolic across the area in search of water. The woman decided to travel on foot. Using her tracking skills to find her friend.

Quietly she roamed the streets of the city before coming across a sign which read"Bending Arena: Participants welcome" Immediately the woman felt compelled to go there. Already she could feel her back tingling,she knew this sensation. Raava was reacting to something. Ever since Raava had taken shelter within her,a large white tattoo had appeared on her back. Marking her as the vessel of Raava. Whenever she was close to Korra it was tingle,sending waves of emotion and power through her veins. She knew she was closer than ever to finding Korra once and for all. The woman ran as fast as her feet could carry her into the large but dingy bending arena. Where large pieces of earth were scattered across the ground. It was then the woman spotted the unconscious body of a woman, she wore earth kingdom attire. All green of course. Yet the moment she laid eyes on the figure,the woman's heart skipped a beat. "K-Korra." She whispered in disbelief,the woman ran to her unconscious friend. Tears evident in her eyes as she stared down at Korra's broken form.

This was not the strong woman she once knew, no this was a shell of her former self. Korra's flawless brown skin was marred with bruises from countless battles. Her eyes were almost completely swollen shut due to abuse,just staring at her caused the woman great pain. With all her might,the woman slung the dead weight of Korra over her shoulder before slowly leaving the arena. She had to help Korra, and she planned to. But for now taking her dear friend to aa safe place to rest was her top priority. Korra

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